
Sarah Palin Wins 2nd Circuit Appeal to Move Ahead With Defamation Lawsuit Against NYT. Last Night There Were Explosions by My Car. Palin Hypocrisy and Retaliatory Viciousness.

The 2nd circuit vacated a lower court decision which will allow Sarah Palin to go forward with a defamation lawsuit against the NYT. Sarah Palin uses lawyers to destroy people, run organized harassment and set people up. Then she manipulates the system to have them charged with crimes for the usual expected reactions to it. The Palins have a history of intentionally going after people for the purpose of harming them, vicious retaliation.

The decision was about due process and procedural issues, not the merit of the case. What really galled me was the part about Sarah Palin wanting to use emails as evidence. It took two years for her to produce her official and unofficial email account contents secondary to FOIA requests, the reason was the removal of emails from the email dumps and the use of what must have been NSA software to hack the reciprocals out of people's personal accounts. Why does the most hypocritical woman on the planet get to use emails as evidence after having denied others to do so? Yes, I have a blog post for that. 



The Redacted/Deleted Palin Emails Don’t Smell Fishy, They Smell Like a Rotting Corpse


Public Records Request Shows Palin/Parnell Crimes, Hacking My Email and Deleting Them From the Governor's Account


From The You Can't Make This Shit Up It's Alaska File. 


This is why the Palins have been so quiet and why there were explosions by my car last night right at midnight. It is also very likely why the massive gangstalking which injured me, gave me food poisoning etc. has gone on over the last few weeks. Psychopaths. Oh Sar-ey you shouldn't have let this happen during the week of the anniversary date of your administration participating in having me wrongfully arrested/imprisoned, and having me tortured by your former boyfriend Joe Schmidt in the prisons, my cat starved and tortured and my property stolen or destroyed by the operatives on the ground and the malfeasant officers of the corrupt court system in Alaska. Nope. Psychopaths. 

How's that shutting me up about the horrible health care, the rapes and the police not arresting the men in bush Alaska thing goin' for ya'?

The Screwy Scammer of Scottsdale Is Already Full of Shit, What's a Little More?

Sarah has a long history of viciously going after other people to harm them. She especially hates young men.

David Kernell the Young Man Who Guessed Sarah Palin's Email Security Questions Died at the Age of 30

OK, I Guess I Counted Wrong, There Are Three Death Panels of Sarah Palin


There were issues with her own son that began before the military unlike what she claims.  


Track Palin, Three Domestic Violence Assaults, Last Sentence...12 months...Releasd After 1 Month in a Half Way House, Two Tier Justice for Three Assaults Using the Veteran Crime Excuse


This is of course why they had Shawn Christy illogically sent for a psych eval for competency when clearly he is competent. They don't want any discovery about the sexting to be introduced before this decision. It is why all the cases have been pushed back. Of course they are going to continue to push back dragging each case out as long as possible.  

Shawn Christy’s Psych Eval Was Done on July 3rd 2009, the Day Sarah Palin Resigned. HELLO ! Sexting With a 17 Year Old !

 This was a little after midnight, this day's 12 AM, August 6th. 

I've had several things happen related to Sarah Palin. Such as the explosions by my car last night, a LARP at a grocery store, massive harassment from the Boise Police Department and others over the 4th of July holiday (3rd-5th). I had already had a small car accident, that was very strange. Then as I was stepping into a cross walk a car which had stopped already began to come towards me, I went to move back quickly and fell which resulted in several injuries. Cars have been run at me many times including by Boise Police. Then as my ankle was nearly healed I got food poisoning. There are several restaurants in Boise Idaho where I have gotten sick and three of the times it was not food poisoning, something was put into the food. The health department should be very concerned about this, but of course they work for the city of Boise, so nada. The night of July 4th I had people shining lights into my car and yelling things at me. There are a lot of not very nice people here, that includes at city hall and Boise Police Department. The mayor calls this phenomenon, 'Boise Nice."

Denali Gangstalking LARP, Just Before Shawn Christy Ran, The Day After I Tried to Talk to Mayor Bieter in Boise About the Gangstalking


 So many coincidences for myself and the Christys.  

Those who are in the know will recognize they knew something was going to happen with Shawn and that is why they did this directed conversation street theater at a grocery store. That was last year on May 23rd, ten days before the anniversary of Sarah Palin resigning from the office of governor of Alaska. This year I was heavily harassed around the anniversary date of Sarah Palin's resignation, injured and made ill. These are crimes which should be investigated but the local police are involved or have been told lies so that will not happen. I just make a public records request and as per usual was told there would be a delay. That is likely due to them wanting to edit the videos from police body cameras which included inappropriate material. BPD has a history of that. I have sent an email with a spoiliation request, no response. 

This happened on July 30th, a man accusing me of being a pedophile.


From another post.





Very interesting due to the sexting with a 17 year old accusation against Sarah Palin. DOJ on my blog same day, early AM, gosh it's like they knew some crap was going to happened that day. Golly gee whiz.


Sarah this here is clearly slander and defamation. Most certainly malice can be proven. It is pure fiction, perhaps based on community policing rumors, some shady contractor lying, perhaps your lawyers, etc.

This whole month has been insane, guess someone is pouring money into Boise to gangstalk me. I know G4S has been involved in this and most certainly the city of Boise is. Is G4S the subcontracting sociopathic corp or is DM Tactical? Which is the primary? And while we are on the subject of heinous entities in Kentucky, has Mitch McConnell said where the USPS vehicle used to manipulate Shawn Christy into taking it that was placed at Dakota Meyer's home came from. Was Moscow Mitch's rep, Timothy Gilliam, brother of Dakota Meyer involved in that? Did any of them explain why no LEOs were at the house or anyone else even though they had been on a manhunt doing threat signaling and had been told Shawn was going there? Just asking for a friend. 


The Story Gets Weirder. Shawn Christy May be Close to Dakota Meyer or This May Be An Intel School Play, Where is the Evidence? Dakota Meyer Decided to Leave Craig Christy Harassing Comments


Here is why the operation got really heavy on the 3rd of July, it was the day Shawn Christy's psych evaluation came back in 2009 and the same day Sarah Palin resigned. Recently there was another psych eval done and Shawn was declared competent and intelligent, just as I said. This was a stalling tactic due to this pending decision at the 2nd Circuit and everyone involved in that needs to lose their job. That recent psych eval was due on July 26th, the anniversary of Sarah Palin's last day in office. These "coincidences" happen all the time. It is part of the psychological operation.

Shawn Christy’s Psych Eval Was Done on July 3rd 2009, the Day Sarah Palin Resigned. HELLO ! Sexting With a 17 Year Old !


Karen Christy's Blog Post 'The Last Five Years' Written Five Years After Sarah Palin's Strange Resignation, Same Day Shawn Christy's Psych Eval for the SS Came Back A-OK


Reposting Karen Christy's Post Describing Why Shawn Christy Was Angry in 2013, Sexting is the Key


This is the graphic of cross hairs on SARAHPAC and now we have seen the examples of the racist rhetoric from Donald Trump related to several terrorist incidents. I do not believe all of those incidents are planned, plotted and carried out by the perpetrators alone, but the overall atmosphere in the country is contributing to this violence.  The FBI and other agencies have assisted many of those who are carrying out these terrorist acts, but they have to be psychologically primed to believe what they are doing is right. Just like gangstalkers they pick those who have a hard time telling the difference between right and wrong. Due to the propaganda streams in this country, the confusion of the population for a politician to promote any kind of violence or aggressive behavior towards anyone is highly irresponsible. Lots of young people are afraid, angry and can't get a grasp on reality due to the conditions created by the oligarchy and deep state and the huge number of fools who have been elected to office.

Sarah Palin has a long history of playing the victim, lying to make herself look so and then having her lawyers attack people for using their First Amendment rights.

For about a decade Sarah Palin has lied that Shawn Christy stalked her and so did her cloned daughter Bristol. It never happened, it was all BS to get attention, publicity, look like a victim. Sarah are you aware that this constitutes Slander and libel? Also, if you put it in a court document that is perjury. You know like Steve Hume perjured himself in the Nome court to help the state of Alaska and probably other agencies like the State Department set me up, he did it on the phone in Seattle just to be safe from prosecution. Word is corrupt DA John Earthman in Nome angrily filed the paperwork to drop that charge. Set up fail. Both Steve and Robin Hume committed several crimes against me and were never prosecuted because then that would have lead to the take down of several Alaska officials and several lawyers on both sides being disbarred, oh and of course the participation at the federal level. Right Sarah?

Bristol Palin Lies, Shawn Christy Has Never Stalked Her, or the Quitter That Birthed Her. MTV, WTH?


Pissy Brissy Continues To Tell Lies Disproven Years Ago For Profit. MTV Are You Able To Do Any Research, Do You Enjoy Civil Litigation?


Donald Trump chose Sarah Palin to campaign with him. That is when I knew what he was. That is when I also knew he was tied to the deep state unlike the propaganda being spewed everywhere. Look at the people who have surrounded him for decades as well. She wanted an appointment, she nearly got it, but Todd got into some issues and so did Track. Trump then distanced himself from her. Letting the Palins get more power so they can harm more people is a frightening idea.

Here is an example of Sarah Palin pretending to be on the road with Trump. Psychopath word salad. You can see why Donald Trump wanted her, she says nothing to those who are unable to receive something. 
"He is the master of the dill." "To keep the main thing the main thing and he knows the main thing,"

 Trump and Palin are of the same ilk.

Racist Grifter Sarah Palin

This is all very hypocritical considering Shawn Christy was pursued by her, her shyster lawyers and her federal connections for a decade. He was set up, then denied discovery after having been slandered by Sarah Palin for so long. The Christy family has never lied to me, but Sarah Palin operates in super lie mode at all times. They wanted to take Shawn out and have him killed by the USMS. Supporters of Shawn began to publicize what was going on to prevent that from happening. If we had not done that he would have died from FBI and USMS guns. They have denied him health care, caused all kinds of discrediting and disruptions, caused all kinds of court delays including the BS evaluation for competency. We thwarted Sarah Palin's plans to get rid of Shawn Christy so she could go forward and redeem herself by manipulation of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.

There is discovery to be admitted in Shawn's cases Sarah, especially the documentation of the sexting with 17 year old that came from that Sarah Palin account.

Unlike with the SCOTUS anyone can file an Amicus Curiae Brief with the 2nd circuit, just saying.

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