The charges were dropped because they are going federal, well no wonder they were so rude when i called the DA's office for information. What a circus. Karen also says the transportation order was signed in the 4th by the judge to take him to the trial.
What the hell are they up to?
The Luzerne County District Attorney’s Office says the charges against Shawn Christy have been dropped because the case went federal.
Prosecutors use large numbers of charges against defendants as a weapon to force them to take pleas. Shawn refused pleas so it did not work. He requested the discovery and considering much of the charges were based on survival crimes related to his being set up over and over in an engineered three month run there is evidence they do not want the public to see. This was psychological warfare, against Shawn Christy, his parents, Craig and Karen and supporters like myself. There was also psychological warfare against the public to fill them with fear based on a massive smear campaign against Shawn that had gone on for over a decade.
There are three articles written so far about this in the news media which is odd because when something positive happens they generally do not report it at all. They hype up anything negative focusing on how Shawn got pissed off due to injustice instead.
In this article they say Shawn Christy is waiting for sentencing on the federal charges. They fail to mention there will have to be a hearing on his motion for acquittal first.
Shawn Christy is amazing, he stood his ground for trails refusing a plea deal thus forcing them to realize they would have to reveal evidence they do not want disclosed to the public. Notice no reason for dismissing the charges is given.
I contacted District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis' office to ask if a statement about the rationale for dropping the charges would be issued. I was treated very rudely, terminal hold. I doubt they will have the courage to tell the truth.
Shawn Christy Files Motion for Acquittal in Federal Case Where He Was Prevented From Presenting Evidence of a Decade Long Harassment and Smear Campaign to Destroy Him Related to the Charges
Here is my comment to the article.
There are two other articles which I can't read due to fire walls.
When the charges were dropped from Carbon County there was harassment here in Boise from the local domestic terrorists, the Boise Police Department.
All the Charges Against Shawn Christy in Carbon County PA Were Dropped. For Three Days the Boise Police Department Harassed Me, Really bad 12/28/19, Now I Know Why, The Dropping of the Charges Would Be Due to FBI/USMS Set Ups and Corruption. Oh Yea.
Here is the full video.
This video below happened on January 28th, a month after the video above from December 28th, another "coincidence." I suspect that was due to the decision to drop the charges against Shawn in Luzerne County PA. I live in a minivan and park in a particular place at night. First day of harassment a cop parked to the right of me in a parking lot, second day one parked to the left of me in a parking lot, then three of them parked here the third day. This has also been done over a long period of time in another place I parked with them facing me for menacing. The City of Boise loves to harass, harm and arrest for BS the un-housed people in Boise.
That night after the BPD did their harassment a noise campaign was waged by the local Army of Weaponized Morons, another "coincidence." In one of the videos I noticed a walker, the hospital type sitting by one of the cop cars. It was used to make noise that night and busted up with the parts thrown in the street close to where I was parked. In the morning there were massive first responders at the post office close by lights-a-flashing in the dark. That was likely caused by contractor assholery or BPD fakery, don't know nothing was in the news about it. I have not made a video of this yet, but here is one of the video segments. Often any event about Shawn or Sarah Palin has harassment associated with it.
Cop car just went by as I posted this. Such "coincidences." Had some interesting searches on this blog yesterday and wondered what was going on, now I know. Today there was a search I believe is Sarah Palin's old attack lawyer, John Timessen and whoever it is seems to be obsessed. He used his office phone before, then this computer started showing up. Lawyers are often involved in organizing harassment against enemies of their clients.
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