This video was from a phone call between Shawn Christy and Erin Davis on February 6th 2020. This was the day before they announced the burglary case involving his uncle's home was dropped so they could send the case to the federal level.
They are probably implementing another strategy of corruption to prevent Shawn from calling witnesses, presenting evidence and getting justice. Truth and justice are not the goal of prosecutors, the FBI or the USMS and most certainly AG "Fixer" Barr. Justice is reserved for those who can buy it except when people of high character somehow accidentally become LEOs or prosecutors. It happens every now and then.
Shawn Christy Files Motion for Acquittal in Federal Case Where He Was Prevented From Presenting Evidence of a Decade Long Harassment and Smear Campaign to Destroy Him Related to the Charges
These are my notes from the video above.
Shawn is hard to understand and then there is always
Medical Department:
Refuses to do BOP ordered MRI
There is a letter pending that shows the FBI knows Shawn is not getting proper medical care, this has been an ongoing problem. Targeted Individuals have had their rights taken. They take rights in a way that covers it up for the public. All kinds of things are done in the background to carry this out, smear campaigns, not following policy, diverted phone calls, harassment in many different ways.
There is always harassment used. I have the Boise Police harass me along with others when something is going on. In the prison they have corrections officers do the harassment. They can also get other inmates to do it by paying them, giving them help with charges or helping them with something else. Targets are labeled as terrorists to take their rights, then the government acts as terroists against us. After all these years I believe it is done to increase stress, certainly in Shawn's case it will not stop him from carrying on, the same is true with me. Stress releases hormones that cloud thinking, cause sleep disturbances, etc. This can make the target more suseptible to viruses, being sick makes preparing the cases more difficult for Shawn.
In this video on February 6th 2020 Shawn had not been told the case in Luzerne County was being dropped to go federal, they let him keep working on it. I assume so they could get insight into his strategy.
Shawn says his uncle claimed he stole guns from the house.
After Erin Davis mentions US vs Davis and Sessions vs Dimya Shawn describes how he does not have access to appropriate legal material preventing him from being able to fully use the court system that our Constitution guarantees every citizen.
Shawn discusses how it is probably impossible to fix our broken system. Shawn was harassed for about a decade, that is done to frustrate and anger the target in order to provoke actions that can be used to have them put in a psych hospital or prison or kill them and use them for spectacles to throw fear and paranoia into the public. I know what they do because it has been happening to me longer than that including the Boise Police Department acting as terrorists agains me.
We now know Shawn is not going to be moved for that trial.
Shawn Bensley appeared making all kinds of claims like so many of the other con artists with sociopathic characteristics on the payroll as confidential informants. He had a group of supporters who never showed up, was getting Shawn a lawyer who never showed up and on and on. One shithead after another had shown up to try and get info from Shawn, cause dissentiona, chaos and false publicity. It has been very disturbing for me to watch so many people who are opportunistic sociopathic types being used by the government to harm people on every level. I have personal experience with this kind of evil. How does truth a justice come from the LEOs and prosectors gathering so much evil together?
Shawn states Bensley was not on his visiting records, that means he was not a visitor but working for the government most likely to help him with some charges and/or for pay.
Two US Deputy Marshals were at Shawn's uncle's house a "week prior" and left a high point magazine the uncle said, "...didn't belong there." It has been very clear all along that they were trying to get Shawn involved in a gun fire scenario by using public propaganda in the news media, violently tearing up his home and killing his cat, etc. Planting He hopes his uncle will testify about the things that were not supposed to be there which was an obvious attempt to set him up. How much money have the tax payers spent for a decade of the USMS/FBI trying to set Shawn Christy up? There is so much set up evidence in this run that has been divided up into several counties and the federal government which does not allow for the whole story to be told at one time. Most certainly the whole story which has gone on for a decade was not allowed to be told in the federal case.
Shawn cautions people not to publicly discuss weapons and plans in case of a coup or invasion. I'm not a big gun person, not against them, but having one certainly requires common sense. I think arming oneself against a country with missles, bombs, directed energy weapons, hellicopters, and a hell of a lot more is kind of useless. Certainly wearing an automatic weapon into a restaurant or Capitol Building is not responsible gun use. Threatening people with guns verbally is never OK. If you don't present yourself as a threat with a gun and are responsible with them, they will not focus on you, unless they have another reason to do so, there are so many. Everyone would take up arms if the country was threatened. That was discussed a lot when I was a kid and how even children would be expected to do so. The problem is right now there are so many internal enemies and we are so divided people have to step back and realize this has been done intentionally, so use common sense.
It may eventually come to war, but at this point in time peaceful actions have not even begun to be used. People need to stream out into the streets and start marching. People also need to stop electing psychopaths like our last few presidents, Republican and Democrat. Instead pick the one who is in not just your interest, but those who are struggling in this country, think about people who need health care, are harshly or wrongfully imprisoned, the homeless, the poorly paid, those targeted by the government. Pick a president who wants people to have economic equality, equal justice and also does not believe in war against innocent people in other countries so corporations can make a profit. Don't pick someone who is filled with hate for others empowering hateful idiots to do awful things to people. Don't let elections in your area be corrupt. Go to city council meetings and discuss police abuse, how low income people are treated and the lack of affordable housing. Erin Davis mentions the list the militia in Virginia are being put on. I don't agree with what some of them did. I am left wing and not a gun person, not in a milita, but have apparently been put on some faux terrorist type of list. Lots of people are being targeted who don't even have guns. This is all insane. OK, rant
Glad Shawn who gets limited information can see what Donald Trump is.
At the end Shawn discusses crimes committed by FBI and USMS needing to be exposed. If there are any whistleblowers out there, please contact me on this blog and I will help you make contact with the Christys or go to Shawn Christy Political Prisoner and leave them a comment.
The cases Erin Davis mentioned are all about 18 U.S.C. § 16(b) being declared unconstitutionally vague. It is about harsher penalties for using a gun in a violent crime. Most don't disagree with that but being vague like they write laws intentionally they can use this law to target, manipulate and secondary to racism give people long sentences when their crimes were not even violent. This law as we all know can be used against a person that has had a gun planted by a cop or someone trying to set them up.
18 U.S. Code § 924. Penalties

US vs Davis
The reference to the same decision in Sessions vs Dimya.
As many of us know the words above the entrance to the Supreme Court of the United States are a lie, 'EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW,' does not happen for poor people and especially minorities and those who are being targeted by the government or corporations.
Here is the video from February 7th 2020 after Shawn found out the case he was working on was going federal. I believe the decision to do this had been made several days ago when the Boise Police Department began parking by my car to menace me and other gangstalking increased.
Here are my notes from this video.
I had a hell of time understanding what Shawn said on this video, it never fails there is background noise from both sides of the call, none of which either side can do anything about. I put it through noise reduction and turned up the volume for Shawn's side, Rudy and Erin may be too loud. I got rid of the recordings from the usury phone corporation on both ends too.
Shawn's standby council can't find Rochelle Liedike. That is hilarious.
Update Added. Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike, Did She Tell A Lie About Me to Shawn Christy's Former Federal Public Defender Staff or Did the PDs Do This? Both Agencies are Under the DOJ, Was It a Team Effort?
The judge was withholding some of Shawn's motions. No surprise, they are now plotting a new strategy to work around evidence and protect FBI, DOJ, USMS, police and contactors who have done wrong things to psychologically torture people for the powerful, oligarchs and corporations, in order to destroy them so they end up in psych facilities, prisons or commit suicide. Going federal delays the process, notice how they waited until the last minute letting Shawn prepare his case to announce the change to federal.
Shawn says he will be in Lackawanna County prison another month or two before the federal sentencing.
At about 3 minutes in Shawn discusses what people can do to help. I can hear him say, write letters and make phone calls, but not specifically where even after noise reduction. He says after it is the best thing we could do.
Then Shawn starts talking about John Roberts flying on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Jeffrey Epstein worked for intelligence agencies. The CIA uses children for compromise operations, to control powerful people. There are also Mossad connections. There is documentation. Jeffrey Epstein was hired by AG Barr's father to teach at a school, but he had no college degree. William Barr is a fixer from way back with CIA ties.
Shawn says he will be in Lackawanna County prison another month or two before the federal sentencing.
At about 3 minutes in Shawn discusses what people can do to help. I can hear him say, write letters and make phone calls, but not specifically where even after noise reduction. He says after it is the best thing we could do.
Then Shawn starts talking about John Roberts flying on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Jeffrey Epstein worked for intelligence agencies. The CIA uses children for compromise operations, to control powerful people. There are also Mossad connections. There is documentation. Jeffrey Epstein was hired by AG Barr's father to teach at a school, but he had no college degree. William Barr is a fixer from way back with CIA ties.
I can't really hear all of this segment, but I do hear, Shawn say, John Timessen and the Christys do have a photo of Timessen hanging out with John Roberts.
There is also a picture of Tiemessen and Roberts together but can't find it.
Shawn discusses a US Deputy Marshal that keeps turning up and that his parents have identified one of the gangstalkers from 2013-14 when people were driving all around their home and taking pictures. Back then I did not know what gangstalkers were, now I am surrounded by this army of weaponized morons myself. They do the same crap to everyone they are stalking and harassing.
Then Dakota Meyer comes up, yes he is a government contractor. They get paid to do psychological warfare against good people. Only sociopathic quislings would do such a thing.
Then discussion about criminal justice reform. They don't understand the DOJ is not really who calls the shots. Some of the leadership at the FBI get two paychecks, the other is from the CIA. Also DOJ is controlled by the oligarchy.
Yes lots of people are being targeted, but it is worse than just the FBI, the NSA, fusion centers, Infragard, the DOD, intelligence agencies and the whole government infrastructure are used. There are former NSA and CIA who are being targeted.
Then they discuss surveillance. This is what everyone is discussing no matter where their politics are on the spectrum. The whole country is sick with worry. Those of us who have been targeted knew something was seriously wrong over a decade ago. I am not even sure when my targeting started.
I have had the book 'Permanent Record' by Edward Snowden Rudy Davis talks about waiting for me a while in my library. Glad to be reminded of it. So many books, so little time. Rudy, lots of people care about all of this and risk their safety to speak up. Julian Assange has been tortured for I think eight years now for revealing information such as what Snowden gave Wikileaks.
How do people explain to their children that it is dangerous to tell the truth? When I was a child lying got kids into trouble, now it's considered a virtue.
Yes political dissidents are targeted, I should know. People working for positive change is a problem for them.
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