
This Was Election Rigging Using Many Tactics Chosen for Plausible Deniability. But Their Contemptuousness For The Rights of Voters and Hate of Democracy Made Them Obvious.

Krystal Ball at the Hill has turned out to be awesome.She reminds me of Bill Moyers in her wordsmithing.

The attempts to subvert the Constitution by throwing the votes at the Iowa caucus to Pete Buttigieg or giving Bernie Sander's votes to other candidates are criminal. These are not new tactics. As a person who is a target of massive gangstalking from more than one source I clued in right away.

The cover just like gangstalking tactics are done using everyday normal things. With gangstalking it is fire trucks, police cars, someone walking by, noise, construction etc. They use the existing infrastructure wherever the target is to run the psychological warfare operation on them. The target learns to say to themselves what is the probability that several VW bugs would go through this intersection every time I do, or two police cars side by side, or every time I park someone comes up and illegally parks by me to send a text message, or goony acting people are doing photography all around me, or all of the cars in the front of the parking lot are red when leaving a store, or my mail just happens to have been opened and all taped with the tape all cut the same length. The reason we have to think this way is they use normal everyday things, cops do drive by but if every time I approach or walk through a certain intersection two cop cars go by or cut a car about a foot from me as I walk through an intersection or run a car at me, these are all done on purpose and not random coincidences.

The Iowa Caucus was not just disorganized or incompetent, much of the process was rigged for stealing votes. They used the complex caucus system while adding an app for chaos as cover, the infrastructure of the caucus was weaponized to steal an election. 

They used the election infrastructure to manipulate the votes. The Iowa caucus has made very obvious what many suspected during 2016. We knew they stole the election from Bernie. We also know the Democrats believe they can subvert the will of the members of their party from a past court case and the actions they rook in Alaska to replace a candidate for governor after the primary election.

The Republicans steal elections with voter suppression tactics and redistricting to cluster the votes in a district, gerrymandering. They also use threats and harassment to get their members to follow along with the plan, no one is allowed to deviate their opinion from the party line or there will be retaliation.

Both the Democrats and Republicans are subverting the will of the voters. We do not live in a Democracy. Donald Trump as heinous and disgusting as he is did not create this system, he is the product of it.

When I lived in Alaska going through things that were unbeleivable to me the experiences helped me learn some important things. All over the state politicians, directors, commissioners etc. all kept saying they were incompetent. I realized that was partially true, but also BS used as cover for corruption. There was a lot of scrutiny of Sarah Palin's administration, lots of lies, lots of corruption. The process of watching what went on lead me to the conclusion that the reason we have people who lack the proper education, training, or personality to be in certain positions is they are not put in place to actually do what it says in their job description, they are there to protect the politician who appointed them and do corrupt things for them. It appears in some cases they are chosen to at least partially destroy the agency they are running. They do this while lying they are doing a great job or helping people, like Ben Carson at HUD is doing right now. At the time I thought that was only happening in certain places, but now of course realize it is a widespread problem in the United States, everything is corrupt and the incompetents chosen for their sociopathic characteristics are placed in their jobs with strategic intent.

A few of the tactics used to throw the caucus to Buttigieg.

-rounding numbers up and down.
-putting votes in the column for the wrong candidate, if it happens a lot, it's not an accident.
-organizing an army of trolls to call the Iowa caucus number to flood the phones so those running the precincts could not call in after the app failed. This sounds like MAGA activity to me.
-only reporting part of the results to skew them towards Buttigieg and steal the surge from Bernie. This is a type of smear campaign.
-impossible viable to non-viable status.
-DNC reporting results at odds with what the county reported.
-creating chaos as cover for corrupt illegal actions.
-Buttigieg gave $42,000 to the company, Shadow Inc. that made the non-functioning app.
-leaked wrong partial results
-put out 62% of caucus count excluding the precincts that had high Bernie voters.
-And Iowa Dems have been asked to recount and re-figure the election by the DNC, something they should have already automatically done.
-Buttigieg lying that he won before data had begun to flow.
-having news media report Buttigieg had won the caucus even though they knew only part of the results were known.
There were a lot more problems, people found a lot of errors and reported them. It seems the internet has helped to keep this caucus honest.

Krystal Ball again, "Spreads cynacism like a coronavirus of the civic soul." She speaks up for the working people.

Now Tom Perez is asking Iowa Democrats to recanvas their votes. Why in the hell did they not just do that already considering the charley foxtrot that has gone on?

 Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez is calling on Iowa Democratic officials to immediately recanvass Monday's caucus vote after days of uncertainty and growing concerns about "inconsistencies" found in the data. "Enough is enough," Perez said in a tweet. "In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass." A recanvass is essentially a double-checking of the vote. Iowa officials would have to hand -audit the caucus worksheets and reporting forms to ensure that they were correctly calculated and reported. 

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