
Shawn's Latest Call to American Political Prisoner, Informant, Another Lost Video, Health Care Issues, Discovery Issues, Sentencing Date April 22nd.

This discussion is related to the video at the bottom of this post. It is a short one and easier to hear than most. 

The Lackawanna Prison is continuing to do a BOP ordered MRI and refusing to provide other medical care to Shawn Christy. This has gone on since he was arrested in September of 2018. Shawn states he just sent a letter home explaining the FBI knows what is going on but are doing nothing. That is SOP in the United States, they allow medical care to be denied to prisoners. If we had Medicare for All they would not be able to use budget constraints or allow contractors to continue to torture inmates with health problems. Shawn is a targeted individual. Our rights are denied us and they block medical care. This is one of the reasons they want targets in prisons, it is easy to deny rights and tell lies when there are no witnesses. Everything should be done to remove the ability for these crimes against humanity to continue. Shawn's sentencing date for the federal charges is April 22nd.

He can't get transcripts of a hearing, why do inmates who are going through court cases even have to ask, those should be easily available to them as should a good law library with the ability for them to search cases.

Shawn reports an employee of the prison is undercover FBI, Mary Stein. I can find her mentioned as having crochet classes at the prison and being a Prison Administrative Officer, but nothing else. I have no proof of this but Shawn is generally right.

Shawn describes getting a letter that he believes was a set up related sovereign/militia language I have recently been signed up to some militia website and multiple times unsubscribed only to receive more emails from them. Some government contractor is playing games. I am not involved with militias at all, my politics lean the other direction, but some which are organizing to protect their communities in case of an emergency situation I am not opposed to. In emergencies gangs of sociopaths form, then go around stealing, raping and causing problems. People in communities may need help during a massive earthquake etc. Some groups form in rural areas because they know it will be a long time before any help arrives. Considering the state of this country and my memories of the Katrina aftermath in Louisiana help may never come. Recently they couldn't even manage basic quarantine of a virus.

A sociopath named Shawn Bensley showed up saying he was going to help Shawn, bring lots of people to his hearings, get him a good lawyer, etc. There has been one asshole after another sent in to sabotage and set up Shawn and his family. That has happened on my end as well thousands of miles away. This Shawn Bensley has a history of problems and is likely compromised and coerced into helping to get info from Shawn to help his son who has problems. But who knows what the payoff is for him. Shawn requested the video of visits from Shawn Bensley, but they claim to not have the video, you know just with like so many other scenarios where they were working to set Shawn up or FBI/USMS or informants would look bad if their actions were shown to the public in video format. 

Here are some screen shots of past posts about Shawn Bensley from Shawn Christy Political Prisoner on FB.

He was trying to make contact with Craig Christy but Craig knew better. So many sociopathics are used by the FBI and USMS to set people up. There have been so many in Shawn Christy's case they demonstrate how desperate they are. These are the same kind of people used to gangstalk people, opportunistics with no morals.

This one has most of the information.

As a targeted person I know they send in the clowns when anything is going on, assclowns. They generally aren't too bright and have sociopathic characteristics. Law enforcement can compromise them or give them something they want due to them being opportunists. They don't mind hurting someone to get money or something they want. I am not engaged in any criminal activity and yet. these scumbags show up to harass, disrupt, discredit and traumatize me. If I was engaged in criminal activity that would not be an investigation, it's psychological torture. My world isn't a very big place due to their tactics, but certainly Shawn being in a prison makes him easy to get to for harassment, threats and gathering information in a way that subverts due process and his rights to confidentiality related to his court cases. They treat pro se defendants like they have no rights.

Shawn has tried to locate his car which was left in I think Montana when he went on his first run. Yes there were two runs and they knew where he was the whole time with both of them. I recently found out that during the first run they left him food and other things. For some reason they wanted him to stay where he was. Why else would they assist him with supplies.

The author of the book they mention I don't agree with because he promotes a theocracy. Everyone has a right to be free of religion and to believe in the religion of their choice or none at all. Separation of church and state,  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." The founders felt this was important enough it was included in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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