
Judge Judy Wants to Fight to the Death to Stop Bernie Sanders, Come at Me Bitchwoman.

Let me point out that my opinions are my own and do not represent the Bernie Sanders campaign. I fully support that campaign however. I have been through hell due to small minded people like Judy Sheindlin and will say whatever I want. 

Apparently a former reality show fake judge running fake cases said this. The people participating in the cases had their fines etc. paid by the producers of the show and the cases were picked on the basis of entertainment, it was fakery.

"America doesn’t need a revolution. … It’s the most perfect country in the world and those people that are trying to change it and revolutionize it, don’t have a chance, because I’ll fight them to the death.” Judge Judy

Come at me bitchwoman. 

America has needed a revolution for a long time. We prefer to implement the revolution before people have to rise up and use violence. We prefer a revolution of voting for the interests of ourselves, our families, especially for those who are in horrible situations due to the heinous policies of this country. We also prefer a revolution to keep the United States "by the people and for the people." Those lies in the pledge of allegiance? We prefer that they were actually truths that there is "liberty and justice for all." Unfortunately there is massive injustice for those who have no money or power. We prefer people have health care while they work, if they become disabled and when they retire. If someone becomes ill that is a big enough burden to carry, they should not lose their home, become bankrupt, have their credit ruined or become homeless. Oh and let's stop the racism and hatred of immigrants while we are at it.

Then there is the organized harassment, the Phoenix Program in America, Gangstalking, organized harassment, community policing and militarized police departments such as the Boise Police who are militarized and acting as homeland terrorists against poor people, especially the homeless. In my case, being a targeted individual they have been allowed to terrorize me for years, including while I am doing laundry. That needs to stop and people need to go to prison for crimes against humanity.

Stop peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining with this support of Bloomberg Juuuudee, no way in hell that representative of the oligarchy is going to win the 2020 presidential election. Did you not figure that out during the last debate? We will however be able to identify some sociopaths by locating who Bloomberg pays off for favors.

"It’s the most perfect country in the world..."

Well aren't things just perfect when you have millions of dollars, but not so perfect if you are poor, getting paid low wages, have been wrongfully or harshly incarcerated,  can't pay for college, your kids are going to crappy public schools, can't find a place to live due to high rents, can't afford healthy food, don't have health care, are being harassed by the domestic terrorists they call police, have been drug targeted by drug dealers, the CIA, doctors, Big Pharma, the FDA, have to work 3 jobs, are a victim of racism, were born with health issues due to a harmful drug being promoted for pregnant women for profit, are being gangstalked, living on the streets, living in one of the deplorable homeless shelters in this country or living in a car like me. Things aren't so great if you had your career and health destroyed by people who didn't like you telling the truth about some things.

It's all egocentric. These people don't think about the hordes of suffering people. They just want the status quo so they can rake in more money while the 99% keep doing worse and worse. Guess it makes them feel special but bullies abound.  Blaming others for the assbackwards economy of the United States is one of the things Judith Sheindlin does often.

She is not a "truth machine" and it is not like "when Oprah endorsed Obama.” No, it's more like when two oligarchs were afraid they might have to pay taxes so they teamed up to try and keep Bernie Sanders from becoming president. That's so selfish. 

Judge Judith Sheindlin was 54 years old when her namesake TV show premiered on September 16, 1996. Two years later the diminutive (5’1”) adjudicator was trouncing the powerhouse Oprah Winfrey Show in the Nielsen ratings. Today, she is one of the highest paid TV celebrities, earning $47 million per year—which she will continue to do through 2020, thanks to a new extended contract.

This woman who likes to insult poor people by talking about the "welfare state", accountability and has no psychological or sociological understanding of the effects of poverty or trauma makes $47 million per year, but doesn't think others deserve a piece of the pie. Disgusting. 

Before that she had made $45 million since 2012.

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