The federal government has a data base for tracking the homeless to help them gather information on targets for their street theater, vehicle harassment, etc. The police have direct access to the homeless so psychological torture from the police is used, they show up at soup kitchens, parks, homeless shelters, the police just park wherever I do and menace me, harass me at laundromats, then don't do their jobs when crimes are reported against a target. They block housing which at this point in time is easy due to the intentional creation of high rents and little to no affordable housing, unless they want to place us in a particular apartment already set up for gangstalking and directed energy torture.
They also block health care, have the target misdiagnosed, use low income clinic staff to do this. They select those who misdiagnose or practice medical bullying on targets just like street gangstalkers, those with sociopathic characteristics, opportunists, those who enjoy hurting others, those who believe the lies they spread in the communities about targets. Having a low IQ is another selection criteria as high IQs are tied to a bigger sense of justice. They harass and set up the target allowing all kinds of crimes against them hoping there will be a reaction they can use to incarcerate or place the person in a psych ward. This is part of the discrediting and other tactics.
It is very probable that a FISA warran has been issued against me based on lies. The FISA Courts were to be used for terrorists. They have not caught one terrorist, they are actually a part of a terrorist network for the oligarchy. They go after real journalists, whistleblowers, activists, dissidents, potential politicians, those who prefer a different economic system than unfettered capitalism, those who they would be unable to stop from being on the side of the people instead of the oligarchy and people who know things they are afraid might be revealed to the public which includes soldiers who were present when horrors were happening.
These two flow charts are from Targeted Justice. I don't agree with them on some things, but they have lots of brilliant people working together who have figured out much of the system used to destroy the lives of targeted individuals for some powerful person including mayors and other politicians), corporations, government agencies, CIA, FBI etc.
They still believe Donald Trump is going to help them like so many others in this country, but he's going to say he will and then do the opposite. He cares about himself. Has he publicly spoken up about the FISA Court being used to falsely put innocent people on some watch list for psychological torture or the military and agencies being involved? No, he doesn't care about us. None of them do, except Bernie. I support Bernie Sanders, but due to the lies and compartmentalization I doubt he would believe us either despite massive evidence. I support him for all the other issues. Eventually some whistleblower will blow the lid off the story. We already have the training manual, but the public in general don't do research and the main stream media is too Mockingbird controlled to write this story.
I'm going to have a lot more to say about this flow chart.
The training manual for NATO Gangstalking was included in the Book, 'Bright Light on Black Shadows' written by Dr. Rani Kilde. It was obviously written by people from the UK. In the past I figured it was JTRIG which is like our NSA, but people have figured out it is for NATO. That explains a lot about the countries where it occurs. Dr. Kilde died not long after this book was published. She was the the Chief Medical Officer for Northern Finland. I don't agree with her on some things, but she was way ahead of her time. In this book she is reprinting the training manual and discussing it.
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