Below is the federal prosecutions brief in Shawn's case that started on the 18th. I had all the documents posted and some writing done and it disappeared. There is no way it could have been accidentally lost or deleted because the website automatically saves it and I worked on it quite a while. Someone deleted it. Welcome to America where the First Amendment has been suspended for those who tell the truth and if you persist in telling the truth you will be harassed and harmed endlessly including by the police. They are really bad in Boise Idaho.
Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike worked security for President Trump. She was involved in Shawn's case in Alaska and Shawn reported seeing her around the areas where he was charged with alleged crimes. Rochelle Liedike lied about me in an interview with public defenders which was part of the ongoing smear campaign against me. She also called me after I called the Alaska office to ask procedural questions which is odd. I was in my vehicle for both of those calls and people showed up immediately to park next to me. I recognize her from Alaska, she's a creepy sneaky little troll.
Update Added. Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike, Did She Tell A Lie About Me to Shawn Christy's Former Federal Public Defender Staff or Did the PDs Do This? Both Agencies are Under the DOJ, Was It a Team Effort?
Add Sarah Palin lying about Shawn for over a decade and then Bristol recently taking up the story her mother told as if it was her own story. Add the harassment from John Tiemessen Sarah Palin's old attack lawyer who went after bloggers, the operations to harass the Christys into saying things by making them very angry. This is all orchestrated harassment designed by some really sick people to cause distress and anger in an attempt to get the Christys and especially Shawn to take some action that can be used to discredit and incarcerate them.
There is a hell of a lot more to the story, but just this part is enough to understand this was a take down/set up operation. I believe the Palins were involved in several of these schemes as contractors against many people.
When Shawn issued the angry words on Facebook aimed at Trump it was due to him being a friend of Sarah Palin and the belief that Trump was helping her to further the vendetta against Shawn Christy to cover up her sexting with a 17 year old. I believe there is more to it, that the Palins may have been hired as contractors to entrap the Christys and the sexting was a honey pot operation against a 17 year old kid. Was that NSA/FBI/USMS doing an operation of psychological warfare on Shawn Christy in an attempt to goad him into becoming a shooter to create a public spectacle for the agenda of the oligarchy and CIA/DIA? I said for years that is what they were trying to do. Pretty disgusting.
The generation that raised mine generally expressed a threat when they were really pissed off, but no one thought they were actually going to shoot someone. They issued threats of violence to us kids, I'm going to beat you to within an inch of your life or blister your ass, etc. We never believed they would, we just thought they were pissed at us, they were. That is what was going on with Shawn, an idle threat. Not just that he was angry at Trump who was Sarah Palin's friend, but also he had just been set up by his public defender who had lied to him by leaving a voice mail he did not need to attend a hearing so a warrant could be issued to arrest him. That is what triggered the three month run. The DA who was also in the same comment had issued a false warrant against him, knowingly.
Here is the voice mail of lies to set Shawn up from public pretender Paul Domalakes.
Shawn had experienced this corruption, slander and abuse for about a decade at that point. Then on top of that he was a targeted person, everything he tried to do to forward his life was sabotaged. I know about that as I am also a target.
It was normal for Shawn to be angry about these things that had been done to harm him.That's how they operate, using normal reactions to trauma against their targets. Imagine it starting at the age of 17 with sexting from Sarah Palin.
Deputy Marshal Rochelle Liedike working for Donald Trump years ago.
There are thousands of threats that have been issued against Trump. Here is just one list.
Were these people charged with crimes? Had they been harassed for a decade since they were 17 years old? Were they set up by several corrupt officers of the court, the DOJ's LEOS, FBI and USMS and government contractors to be run around running for their lives? They probably all just got visits from the Secret Service.
I worked on a psych unit in Washington state where those who threatened politicians were evaluated. An FBI agent came to check on someone we were evaluating and told me if a patient was discharged to call him right away because he had threatened President Reagan. I said, "I know, that's why I'm thinking about letting him go." The FBI agent smiled and laughed, of course I was smiling and am a smart ass. No one thought I meant what I said or I would have at least been fired. Nope, instead everyone laughed which the reason I said that as there was a lot of animus against Reagan, so people could blow off steam by laughing. There is animus against every president, did the prosecution go after the rest who have had animus against a president, that would be all of us.
What I learned on that unit and in other units such as the Competency Evaluation and Treatment Unit was most people are just angry or talking shit when they make those statements. They feel powerless at that moment and the pissed off statement makes them feel a little more powerful. They do not actually want to hurt anyone, they just feel stomped on or that their country is being harmed. These are idle threats.
Sarah Palin put cross hairs on politicians in a district then lied about what they were, then one of them was shot. She used cross hairs with Dakota Meyer, a government contractor who likes to issue threats especially against Shawn Christy. Of course then he has a panic attack. Aren't they lovely people?
Then to talk about Shawn having animus against Trump is ridiculous considering nearly everyone with 2 or 3 functioning brain cells does at this point as all his appointees keep being incarcerated due to their corruption and lies. I don't agree with the Democrats or Republicans and they are corrupt as hell. The Democrats stole the primary from Bernie Sanders, but at this point who the hell can't see what Trump is. He has used massive streams of propaganda working with intelligence and probably more with military intelligence to manipulate the population. It's been crazy making for many people and a lot of sociopathics were involved who are being taken down by social media.
They were trying to use Shawn to create a spectacle. They hoped he would shoot someone, but they planned clearly to shoot him.
Many people have issued threats to Trump and were not charged with crimes. Why is that? Why are only certain people charged? Who doesn't have animus, only those who are blinded by propaganda.
No one has more animus than Donald Trump. He has had his psychopaths do smear campaigns on people just trying to do their jobs, spread hate about the homeless and immigrants. He's a bully and a bastard. He sends out tweets of hate, filled with bullying day and night. He also lies constantly.
The rest of the charges mentioned are crimes of survival, all done under duress. Shawn should be found innocent of all of those charges. When someone is driven to take actions to protect themselves from being killed by government agencies which in this case would be the FBI and USMS which had been harassing Shawn for about a decade those actions are normal and expected reactions to that serious threat against his life.
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