
Trump Impeachment Hearing Day Three, Shawn Christy Federal Trial Day Two, I'm just Saying, 'Shawn Christy's Wild Journey' Finally Aired

US Deputy Marshal Robert Clark is in this so I may vomit, he was the threat signal projector, main Shawn Christy spreader of slander during the run.

Psychological abuse, of all the large number of cats the Christys have Shawn's cat was killed. That was done intentionally to anger him, to traumatize him again when he had been traumatized over and over. They do these things to provoke normal anger, normal reactions from people so they can lie their asses off about what is going on, manipulate the public into thinking the target is a bad person. This may have actually been attempted murder on the part of the government to trigger Shawn into doing something they could use against him as an excuse to kill him.

This really upsets me because in Alaska when they had me wrongfully imprisoned based on lies using some criminals in the court system my cat was starved and tortured. They released me the victim of crimes who was wrongfully imprisoned to homelessness trying to save my cat who was very ill at an animal shelter. There is no punishment harsh enough for the psychopaths who plan and carry out these operations against people who have no idea what is going on to terrorize them, NONE.

Not only did Craig tell law enforcement Shawn was on his way to Dakota Meyer's home, but we even posted evidence for them on Shawn Christy Political Prisoner.  This post below has the evidence. Dakota Meyer was not at the house after taunting Shawn to go there...weaponized psychology...no law enforcement was not there...USPS vehicle on the property, keys easy to find...weaponized psychology.

The Story Gets Weirder. Shawn Christy May be Close to Dakota Meyer or This May Be An Intel School Play, Where is the Evidence? Dakota Meyer Decided to Leave Craig Christy Harassing Comments

In this video when the woman says Shawn stole the postal vehicle from Timothy Gilliam, Dakota Meyer's brother that is not true. Gilliam is not a postal employee, he works for Senator Mitch McConnell. No one will tell the Christys just where that postal vehicle came from. Clearly that USPS jeep was placed there for Shawn, probably because it had GPS on it, same with the school minivan Shawn allegedly took, it should have GPS as well. Can people see what is going on? It was a set up operation and they knew where Shawn was the whole time, tracking him, some appearing to him.

When Deputy US Marshal Robert Clark says Shawn does not need human contact this is also a part of their slander. Targets are intentionally isolated, people who have little support are easier to set up, lie about and manipulate. Isolation is one of the main tactics of their operations. The problem for them is Shawn's parents stuck by his side. He was the main LEO who put out threat signaling to frighten the public about Shawn, that is unforgivable along with the lie that Shawn doesn't need human contact. They have isolated me using several tactics, I will never forgive my heinous country for doing that part of the crimes they committed against me.

The post below is from when they canceled this special when Shawn's trial date was changed. It is interesting to note the coincidence of 'Sarah Palin's Wild Ride' and 'Shawn Christy's Wild Journey.'

UPDATE X2: FOX 56 in PA is Doing a Hit Piece on Shawn Christy. It was Scheduled for Nov 11th the Day Before His Original Federal Case Was to Begin. It Now Begins Nov 18th. The Christys Will Do a Live Stream At 9 PM Nov 11th Before the Hit Piece. It's Called 'Shawn Christy's Wild Journey.' Interesting, Remember 'Sarah Palin's Wild Ride.'

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