@5.37 Shawn discusses Rochelle Liedike. He says she lied that she was never on his case. It's is hard to understand but it sounds like he is saying that in some discovery from the FBI there is evidence she contacted him under the name Diana Gonzales and offered him sexual favors for information. I knew about that, but did not know he had this evidence. She's going to get a subpoena. That is why they are blocking whatever they can in his case, widespread corruption and lying.
I dropped some research in this post because I am damn tired of people lying about me in the background to get others to help them harm me. All the people who are slandering and libeling me need to be in prison. Clearly this is done to harm the target and they even tell lies to cause misdiagnoses and medical bullying, everything they can get to is sabotaged. The video that disproves the lie is further down the page. I am also tired of people believing anything they are told without asking for documentation. Bullying, harassing, spreading rumors, doing odd things to people, helping to break into their homes and other crimes are not an investigation, any LEOs who tell people it is are lying. Nope, it is harassment, disruption and discrediting. They are going after good people. A large number of LEOs in this country are committing crimes and violating the Constitution.
I was waiting for the FOIA request sent to the USMS to find out if they were willing to admit the government is doing organized harassment/disrupt/discredit on me before posting this information about Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike. The research and FOIA requests of a massive amount of others affected similarly as myself have shown it is clear the government will not tell the truth, just continue to gaslight. So far no response at all from my FOIA request other than they go on my blog to do research and perhaps facilitate the increase in gangstalking or organized harassment that happened this summer. Boise Idaho gets more heinous as time goes on.
I decided to go forward with posting this information and make a video of a phone conversation with a deputy US Marshal due to false information from a memo in paperwork Shawn, Jessica Hoon Eckert and the Christys received from the Middle District of the Federal Public Defender Agency. At this point I do not know if the lie was from Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike, the fed public defenders/DOJ or if the investigator, John Brunza screwed up or lied. Considering the things that have gone on it could be either or both. One thing is clear, there is documentation that someone is not telling the truth and both the USMS and the federal public defenders have a history of lying, covering up and corruption. I contacted the Middle District/PA PD office Friday, August 30th, was lied to that Heidi Freese Shawn's PD was not in that day, then she called later, left a msg including that she was in. My phone was off as I was in a quiet area when she called, if I knew that was a possibility I would have been in a different spot, but was told a lie. Then I called back but they were gone. Yesterday there was a hearing in the morning, so tried to call later twice, no success. Guess I need to ask the DOJ OIG for some answers.
Shawn Christy has reported that he saw Rochelle Liedike and a female FBI agent all over the place during his 3 month run the summer of 2018. It was clear that run was being orchestrated, the odd vehicles, keys easy to find, the coincidences and the businesses with their security systems off. The USMS did constant threat signaling about Shawn and yet they did not use technology used for tracking to find him. Things the FBI and USMS never do (but they do) happened like knowing Shawn was going to show up at Dakota Meyer's home, then stay away (or observe from a distance), no one was there, very strange, not even Meyers or his brother who works for Mitch McConnell, Timothy Gilliam. There was the odd USPS vehicle left there for Shawn.They also did not seem to be able to track him at all in the woods or in vehicles. Who thinks that school mini van and the postal vehicle did not have GPS in them? They did not want to find him, they wanted him dead. Who was orchestrating the run, was it the two women Shawn saw often, USMS and FBI both under the DOJ? What agency is the whole team really working for?
It's a long story, but I finally after several years left that apartment and went to Anchorage Alaska to be homeless. Just like in Idaho the homeless shelters in Alaska are a cluster, traumatizing and unsafe.
Both the USMS and the Secret Service are located in the Federal Building on 7th St. in Anchorage and the FBI is close by on 6th. Even though these are federal agencies they were most likely the ones who were doing the surveillance on my blog from Anchorage.
This happened at the Kaladi Brothers, a coffee shop across from city hall in Anchorage Alaska. The manager started getting really nasty right after all of this started. She went around taking videos with a tablet and glaring at people, especially me. I told them about that at city hall, no one cares just like all the abuses of the homeless.
I have described before how I was followed and harassed leading up to the Arctic Conference and during it. This caused me to go find a place to stay away from the downtown area until it was over. I went to the Qupqugiaq Inn which had Japanese pods which were more affordable than a regular room. The place is kind of funky. Right after arriving a little guy showed up and sat in the chair at the end of the table close to the bottom of the picture for hours. I realized he was there to do surveillance on me. There was no reason for that so it was very strange.
At the Loussac Library in Anchorage Alaska there was some construction going on. I have since learned construction is used as cover for many parts of gangstalking and used for harassment. Noise campaigns, chemical campaigns, weaponized fire alarms are used any place they can manage them and maintenance/construction equipment. That happened over and over right after I arrived at the Loussac library during the Arctic Conference. I did not understand government organized harassment then or that this country is ruled by psychopaths. I had a heavy backpack and rolling suitcase with me all the time. That library begins on the second floor of the building it is in, so I had to navigate out of the library during their weaponized fire alarms using the stairs with the backpack and suitcase nearly every time I went there. This is happening to people all over the country. I can't understand why people would participate in such a waste of resources or think it is OK to bully and harass people, but they participate in large numbers, our leadership are not good stewards of tax payer money. The quality of the people in this country has deteriorated to the point of being quite dangerous and clearly the worst of us are in charge.
Rochelle Liedike is associated with several last names which could just indicate several marriages. I wonder if she had a connection to Clune Construction on the east coast.
Any relation to Clune Construction in Virginia?
We all wondered where that SarahPac money went. Remember how she claimed a lot of it was used to pay her relatives?
Shawn just had a psych eval, no psychosis, he has a high IQ and his mother describes an eidetic memory. Usually these kinds of traits are linked genetically to very good eye sight. His parents also report he does not lie.
The FBI was infiltrated by the CIA which put people from intelligence agencies and military intel into it, USMS and FBI are controlled by the CIA controlled DOJ, so much so our current A.G. William Barr is CIA and his father, Donald Barr was OSS (CIA precursor) who hired Jeffrey Epstein to work at a school he ran. Epstein worked for both CIA and Mossad. There is a hell of a lot more to that story. On top of all of this my own experiences of being tracked, harassed and set up cause me to believe Shawn due to similar experiences and my research about what has happened to others. The main exception in the stories of others are the orchestrated runs Shawn went on. I said years ago they were trying to make Shawn into a shooter, it did not work, instead you got a pro se litigator. My gangstalking did not start at the age of 17 like his did but they use the same tactics on all targets, everything is standardized, everywhere, all targets know details of what he and has family have been through. Imagine what it would be like to be a target of the government since age 17, your life sabotaged in every way, lies told about you, set ups and strange goings on. How many would have done as well as Shawn has?
The top part is a repeat of a larger version of half of this. I posted the whole thing to disclose it was all in Craig's post.
I was at a library in Boise Idaho when I read that post above sitting right next to the Time Magazines, found that article and documented it. That picture of Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike is really there in the article.
Donald Trump on the left and his former lawyer who is now in prison, Michael Cohen on the right in Portsmouth, N.H., in April 2011. Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike is reflected like a ghost in the window. Shawn Christy spotted Liedike in the background in the picture, amazing, probably no one else would have noticed. Of course he has seen her all over while on his run.
Guess Michael Cohen was Trump's Roy Cohn substitute. Psychopath Roy Cohn who engineered McCathy-ism was Trump's mentor. Cohen lost his law license and so did Cohn just before he died. They are all from the same organized crime, sell guns, drugs, weapons and uranium oligarchy controlled intelligence group. The same people associated with Jeffrey Epstein.There is way more to the story than underage sex trafficking which was used to compromise and control people in positions of power.
See how her mouth is crooked in the window reflection photo? It seems to be a concentrating expression. The below photo helps verify that reflection is Rochelle Liedike on Donald Trump's security team in 2011.
On August 27th the below memo was revealed to me from Jessica Hoon Eckert and the Christys. It states an investigator, John Brunza did an interview of Rochelle Liedike and states something she was supposed to have said. In the last paragraph is written, "Deputy Liedike reported that in late September 2018, a person named Celia Harrison contacted her to ask whether Deputy Liedike had been communicating with Shawn on Facebook using a fake name. Deputy Liedike said she never communicated with Shawn in an undercover capacity." This statement is false aka complete horse shit, the video below proves that. I called the Alaska USMS to ask questions about how they operate, policy, procedure questions. The reason I did this is both FBI and USMS in Alaska have gone to Pennsylvania related to an operation against Shawn Christy that has gone on for about a decade since he was 17 years old. They started in Alaska doing investigations and set ups on Shawn, then ended up in McAdoo PA or even transferred to PA. The first story was a female FBI agent from AK who came to the library in McAdoo PA and sat next to teenage Shawn disappearing his emails. His father Craig Christy went to the library to watch and reports seeing exactly the strange scenario his son Shawn reported.
Called the USMS in Alaska and was transferred, then spoke to a deputy named Shawn/Sean who did not give me useful info. When I called him a car pulled up next to me. I have that happen often, it's disruption, harassment. I was drinking coffee in a parking lot close to my storage probably very early in the morning at a Fred Meyers. A call came not long after that call ended, missed or ignored, don't remember. I may have been eating something. I called back and was surprised to find out it was Rochelle Liedike and in the recording you can kind of hear the surprise in my voice. Very odd that she called. I believe she knew exactly who I was and considering my phone is monitored for even things I say to myself to facilitate them knowing where I am going so they can set up harassment ops. Likely the Fusion Center in Utah was on some alert to notify her and perhaps others when I do certain things. I often have disruption happen if I make phone calls to government agencies and harassment calls.
That's it, that is all she said to the investigator that I called to ask if she was using a fake persona on FB to talk to Shawn, really? I don't have to ask if agencies have LEOs doing that, it is most certainly clear they do. In fact we have dropped information on the FB group, "Shawn Christy Political Prisoner' we wanted them to know. What questions were asked of Liedike? She should have had more to say than this. Why would the federal public defenders document just that response? Is this how a CIA Iran-Contra fixer A.G. who is running the DOJ operates the federal public defender agency?
No idea if the federal PDs screwed up what she said or Rochelle Liedike lied. The phone call was 26 minutes and most certainly Deputy Liedike would have remembered my accusation that she is 'The Fake Homeless Lady at the Library.' Apparently she claims to never go anywhere, not Pennsylvania, not Ohio, not even to the Loussac Library in Anchorage Alaska. But we know in 2011 she was in New Hampshire with Donald Trump.
The only other explanation for that reflection picture of Liedike is Time Magazine which has heavy documentation of a long history propagandizing the public as a Mockingbird outlet of the CIA, was assisting them in the psyop against Shawn Christy by planting a doctored picture in the article.
With organized harassment they use mimics often along with other sick games to freak out the target and to attempt to make them appear mentally ill when they tell the stories. Were all those sightings Rochelle Liedike or psyop mimics from a distance? My intuitive brain says it was likely her working with the FBI to orchestrate the three month run, you know just what we all know the FBI does. USMS and FBI are under the umbrella of the DOJ and clearly have been working together against Shawn and his family for a decade.
I contacted the Middle District of the Federal Public Defenders in Pennsylvania Friday August 30th and again September 3rd to get their side of the story and to clarify their process, etc. After pointing out the false info in their document I emailed them the video below of the conversation I had with Rochelle Liedike. The receptionist told me Shawn's former public defender Heidi Freese was not in on Friday August 30th, then Freese called later leaving me a message that she was in, they were gone by the time I called back. I called twice to her office on the 3rd in order to clarify if the document was in error due to the public defenders or Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike. I got no returned phone call which is the standard way I am treated by all government entities in the psychopathocracy we live in.
Yesterday Shawn had a hearing in which he requested to fire Heidi Freese and her team to become pro se, both requests were granted by judge Mariani due to the conduct of that agency.
People who are not targeted do not know the FBI has called the Cointelpro which was supposed to have stopped in the 1970s, disrupt and discredit. The main way they discredit people is to spread false information, in person, by phone calls, emails, texting, etc. I have had many so called police do this to me verbally and in writing, these lies infect everything in the life of the target and some are done to anger people so they will do horrible things to us. Rochell Liedike was likely trying to make me sound like a nut. She could have done that by telling them I thought she was a fake homeless lady at a library and then telling them she had never been anywhere, not even to the library. By not doing so she admits it was true.
Shawn Christy and I did not have the same delusions and hallucinations. I wrote about that fake homeless lady at the Loussac library years before I had heard of Rochelle Liedike. The mannerisms are the same, the body build, the face, the hair, the way she talks. Wish I had a body camera then but who could imagine our government could do such horrible things to people.
Here is the document with the lies.
Let me be very clear and repeat myself for the third time. I did not contact Rochelle Liedke, she contacted me and I returned the call. I had called the Alaska USMS to ask some questions about procedures, talked to a guy named Shawn or Sean before she then called me which is very odd. Federal agencies don't call people with questions back, they sure as hell do not call ME back. I was close to my storage in the parking lot of a store when I called, with the first phone call someone pulled in next to me, then when I called Rochelle Liedike back a second car came and parked by me. The parking lot did not have very many cars in it due to being early, so the surveillance was obvious.
Word is Rochelle Liedike also worked security for Sarah Palin, but I have no documentation. Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are good friends, Liedike did security for Trump, 1+1=2. Which contractor does Rochelle Liedike work for? Dakota Meyer has one, Rochelle seems to have been in Virginia for a while where the larger contractors are located. Also many LEOs have their own LLCs for government contracting work. That is what Greg Russell in Soldotna Alaska does to torture people for political reasons. It's the Phoenix Program in America.
Here is the whole 26 minute conversation from the rings to the hang up.
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