
Harassment of Myself a Homeless 65 Year Old Retired Nurse Living in a Minivan is Off the Scales. City of Boise Continues Abuse of Homeless, Helps Businesses Do the Same, Boise Police Dept Told Me To Park in Another Town

For years I have been harassed in Boise by a large number of moronic assholes and some of them are on the Boise Police Department, some were on the fire department, ACHD, worked for the library system, the parks department, and on and on. Boise Idaho is very corrupt. There is a large population of sociopaths, morons and bullying bastards in Boise Idaho. There are people in jobs that require experience and education that have no idea what they are doing. It is not unusual to have to help people make change. Even going to a drive through restaurant can be a chance for people to abuse me by intentionally not putting lids on drinks so they spill on me or consistently giving me something other than what I order. There are also III%ers who get in front of me in drive through a lot. Maybe the franchises could go to a real business person. Where I bought my car there have been huge problems with sabotage, lies and abuse. They tried to commit fraud against me. That was very traumatizing. They have riped me off. All of that is probably legal in Idaho. I don't even consider Idaho to be a part of the United States, it's some kind of terrorist state. When I fill out forms here that have a line wanting to know what country I live in my response is Assholistan. 



I was gangstalked out of an apartment, no agency did their jobs, especially the police department, oh they finally showed up after there was a murder. Thanks a lot. That was the Civic Plaza Apartments where I was gangstalked the whole time I was there, the place was filled with bed bugs, there were constant weaponized fire alarms, odd goings on and a management company who did not do their job. Apparently these are the conditions people are expected to live in here in Boise Idaho. The staff were actually afraid to go into the buildings and so was I. Below is just one of the videos about what went on there. 


Thanks Boise for lying about caring about the homeless and low income people. Thanks for the unsafe abusive shelters. Thanks for the police department that is not a police department. Thanks for the police and firemen who harassed me for years. Thanks for the jerk who came down from human resources at city hall to stalk me when I was just trying to give a copy of the parking ticket appeal to the city attorney's office. Thanks for saying city hall was opened when it was really not. Thanks for never returning a phone call. Thanks for making me do all this bullshit with my compromised immune system during a pandemic. Thanks for Maureen Brewer (Continuum of Care, but Boise gave it a cute name) hiding for years. Thanks for running a city filled with hateful people, liars, stalkers, harassers and letting them all run over decent people because they are allowed to harm others due to a lack of laws and those in leadership roles not give one fucking shit. Oh yes and thanks to all the crazy legislators in Idaho who believe crazy things and don't care about people at all unless it comes to helping them not wear masks during a pandemic because your ignorance is the same as the education of health care professionals. 

Lawyers have told me to call the police even if they are not going to do anything about the harassment, I do. There are no laws against harassment in Idaho, except for minorities. Tonight I called to report yet another car that parked on my ass twice tonight. There are people who have more than one vehicle who fill up all the spots, there are cars that have appeared recently to just park and take up spaces those who are sleeping in vehicles need. This is intentional blocking. The car was on my ass earlier and when I got video and took down window coverings to leave they left. Then they came back around 10 PM, parked on my ass, then they began slamming doors and removing crap from a second vehicle piling it in the street and on the sidewalk behind the one on my ass. I believe the woman is the same who had a guy in a zombie car dangerously tow her derelict motor home onto my ass about a month ago and then she was allowed to park way past time limits for weeks. Chaos is how people operate in Boise, but lack of any common courtesy and behavior that people in other places would not believe is standard here. The first time I rearranged stuff to move, they left so I settled back down. Then they came back and the spots on the other road were taken. So now I am on a busy, noise filled street. I asked for a safe place to park and the city of Boise and a business intentionally decreased parking spots based on lies in one case and city hall corruption. During the pandemic we should have been spread out but you just care about businesses and probably wish we would all die. Your actions speak much louder than your bullshit words.

The cop told me if people don't like me here I should go park in Nampa, he did. I think he was on the verge of telling me I should go back to California, I came from Alaska and these people tell me that all the time because they are so hateful. These are the most hateful motherfuckers I have ever seen in my life and I have lived in many places. How dare he tell me to go to Nampa, Oh, how about Caldwell, maybe a 65 year old woman would be better off in a high crime area. Then I said, well maybe I could park in Meridian where they hate homeless people and the police could come and harass me and a lot more. I asked the cop who he was and he said, "police officer." I said I wanted his name several times before he gave it to me stating, "Jones." I suspect that may be a false name. This is the BPD after all. I then talked to the sergeant, at least he said he was.

Officer "Jones" then proceeds to tell me it is illegal to sleep in a car in Boise if the shelters have openings. This is my home, I am not camping. I checked, the Interfaith Sanctuary is full, Jesus' Concentration Camp for Unsheltered Women has openings. I went there once, they violate the Constitution and lie about it to the public as they have forced religion. They also lock women in a building for two hours in the evening like prisoners. I am not going to be abused by the small minded insane people of Boise. They have random constant chores, force women to come during the day to idiotic classes. When I asked what they hell they were wasting my time on idiocy for they said they just wanted to keep us busy. I was busy doing actual real things, taking a test to see what kind of dog I am is is not helpful, it is stupidity. I am not a Christian, I do not like emotional abuse, some of the staff are very slow minded and some are very abusive, they threw women out left and right. That is not a real shelter and it wasn't one anyway, but instead really a halfway house for the court system. 

I was given a notice to leave, I guess Jesus didn't love me after all. A non-profit came to test for HIV, do teaching and some testing. They asked why STDs are getting worse among women. I said because religious organizations were working to keep schools from teaching young people how to protect themselves from STDs and pregnancies. Within two hours they gave me a notice to leave the next day. The next evening I went to the Interfaith Sanctuary and stood for two hours with ME/cfs and POTS. One of the staff took another person in front of me for a bed two days in a row to be cruel to me. This is how Boise works. I assume one of the reasons they want people in the shelters is they love torture, that is what goes on so they would have to think it is normal and the right thing to do. Shelters are also very dangerous to physical and mental health. The city doesn't give a damn, they just want the homeless compartmentalized for their overlords, the oligarchy. 




The cruelty from the shelters is off the scale. People who are homeless are already traumatized, then the sociopaths and the staff love to psychologically torture people and do what they can to destroy them. There is little sleep due to the behavior problems and those who are sociopathic, drunk and high are the favorites of the staff and allowed to keep everyone else awake at the Interfaith Sanctuary. There was very little supervision so the sociopaths and bullies ruled the place. Still that was better than Jesus Jail. There is not one moment of peace as they yell, talk constantly loudly all at the same time, use colognes, nail polish causing severe allergies. Women are always put in the worst place in the warehouse shelters and at Interfaith it is across from the laundry room with the noise and toxic bleach fumes.




This week there was a lot of gangstalking. It seems to be related to a public records request finally being filled, but not really filled. I will be evaluating that soon here. It appears I will have to file a court case on that and FFS I already am working on the appeal of an appeal of an appeal about a fucking unjust parking ticket issued to me after parking enforcement told me they were not enforcing time limits during the early part of the pandemic. There is a recording of the call. Then the Boise Police Department gave me a ticket. Officer Nixon during the hearing stated businesses were asking them to give homeless people tickets. The Ada County Courts have lost my evidence twice so far, accidentally on purpose. The appeal judge tried to dismiss my case. The recording of the cattle call BS hearing with lack of due process was found on the original judge's desk. The county court is either very corrupt or a complete charley foxtrot, probably both. It is clear city hall is as well.


These people here are both too stupid to understand enough science to wear a mask, too egocentric to wear a mask to help other people and such bullies they just go right on ahead and violate the rules of businesses and the city/county/state mandates. Then nothing is done, they just let them do as they damn well please endangering others. COVID 19 is skyrocketing because the stupid and the selfishness are strong in Idaho. Going to a grocery store in Boise is like running the gauntlet. The staff are often just as bad as the customers. I actually had staff in a grocery store tell me masks make people sick and that plexiglass only works to block viruses on one side. Of course the staff in many stores are afraid of the terrorists here who cause all kinds of problems. 

They intentionally did not build any affordable housing here until their recent projects. The current mayor was on the damn city council for 8 years, what the hell did she do?  They ran my ass around with a section 8 voucher trying to find an apartment that did not exist until the voucher expired. They lie to the public like they are getting people into housing. No not unless you fit their category at any particular point in time. It really pissed me off they lied to me about finding housing because I kept getting sick trying to do something that was impossible so these fakers can try to look good. There were massive lies about putting people into housing.

I almost died the first winter at the Interfaith Sanctuary with the men who were allowed to put their hands on me, the women who were allowed to put their things on my bunk and hang their jackets and clothing on my bed. I went round and round about that with Dan Ault as well as them not promoting hand washing. I even found a source for free hand washing signs, they did not want them. Anything that made sense was not allowed. I am not going to a shelter because I have enough health problems, my life has already been shortened by being in them, by living at the Civic Plaza Apartments, the psychological torture including gangstalking, being forced to breathe second hand cigarette smoke, the stalking and harassment from police and other first responders. I assume if you want me in a shelter you are trying to kill me, because that is what shelters do, shorten lives and cause horrible health problems. They are night concentration camps, night prisons designed to keep society from having to fulfill their responsibility to the poor, homeless, disabled and elderly. 

All of you can go straight to hell. I will stay here until I get through with the civil matters in your corrupt court system. The lawsuit could take years. Then I will go back to the United States. You are not going to get away with what you have done to me here in Assholistan. 





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