
Many In Alaska Starting Well Over a Decade Ago Tried to Tell the Country What Sarah Palin Was, Many of Us Have Been Harmed All That Time. Steve Bannon Tried to Make Her President, He Then Chose Donald Trump, PBS/Frontline Documentary on the Role Sarah Palin Played in Normalizing Psychopathy Resulting in Donald Trump as President

Yes I know people won't like what I have to say. I will continue to state the truth as I have for so long.

Frontline's documentary on the psychopath from Wasilla will be aired on Monday and Tuesday. It will be available on the PBS App at 6 p.m. E.S.T./5 p.m. C.S.T. The PBS stations will air it Mon., Jan. 13 and Tues, Jan. 14 at 9 p.m. E.S.T./8 p.m. C.S.T.

 “A Serial Liar”: How Sarah Palin Ushered in the “Post-Truth” Political Era in Which Trump Has Thrived


A serial liar is the nicer way to say pathological liar, I however prefer to add all the other traits to the mix and just say psychopath.  


People in Alaska took a great deal of effort to explain this to the country starting over a decade ago, many long before I did so. I call this the Palin Blog Wars, but how could bloggers in Alaska have known just how important the information about Sarah Palin was to the safety of the people of the United States. Geoffrey Dunn and Joe McGinniss wrote books about her. McGinniss documented the bullying and dangers to others Todd and Sarah Palin posed.

Why do truths seem to take at least a decade to rear their heads? Some of us have paid a huge price for that. there were other truths such as horrible conditions at a hospital I worked at and horrible treatment of Native people in Nome Alaska that were also ignored. This all included my writing about, calling the governor's office, calling legislators, contacting the state ombudsman, etc. over a long period of time and getting no response other than being set up, lied about, smeared and gangstalked. I believe a false FISA warrant has my name on it. 


Sarah Palin helped to create the "Post Truth environment," we find ourselves in today, Steve Schmidt. 


"She was and there is no polite way to say it, but a serial liar. She would say things that were simply not true or things that were picked up from the internet and this obliteration of fact from fiction, of truth from lie has become now endemic in American politics. But it started then."


There was much more done on Facebook, they created fake pages to drop propaganda about the family especially to those of us who knew better. Then if we tried to comment back the page was deleted, poof. Just as Shawn Christy's three month run was about to begin in 2018 I saw messenger being manipulated and Palin troll propaganda accounts open and disappear. I had forgotten how many there were. I have screen shots of a couple documented. 




"She was almost a pre-Trump in the way that she sort of had this matter of fact, sort of folksy, she wasn't too high brow, ah and so real Americans, you know regular folks could relate to he." Megyn Kelly.

The reason Todd and Sarah Palin stayed together were political. When they built the house an apartment was added on, that would be for Todd. I would guess that Todd saw this documentary as taking Sarah down once and for all, so he grabbed the opportunity to exit stage left from hell by divorcing her.

Is this also the reason for the set up attempt to have Shawn Christy murdered by FBI/USMS? He survived due to his three month run for fear of his life being taken. The originating false charges were a set up op, evidence was altered and disappeared. Then throughout his hearings he had much corruption to deal with, his witnesses for one hearing were even allowed to not appear with no contempt charges. Charges had to be dropped in Carbon County Pennsylvania due to once again video evidence disappearing. 

Deputy US Marshal Rochelle Liedike was spotted in several of the engineered scenarios Shawn was manipulated into and was said to be on that video along with others. Word is Rochelle Liedike is a relative of Sarah Palin's. Palin also has friends in the FBI. Why is it Ohio and Pennsylvania have Alaska USMS working a case in their states? 

Dakota Meyer taunted Shawn on line then was used to demonize him in the courtroom. Interesting the night they lured him to Dakota's home no one was there even though LEOs had been informed he was probably there and even given some documentation. Then no charges were filed in that case because there are some oddities such as a postal vehicle being left for Shawn to drive off in and Dakota Meyer's brother Timothy Gilliam working for Mitch McConnell. Gilliam the one who actually does live at the house was not there either. 

Timothy Gilliam, Dakota Meyer's Brother is a Field Rep. for Mitch McConnell in Bowling Green KY and Worked For Americans For Prosperity (Koch Brothers), Now Isn't That Interesting?


PBS made a video about Steve Bannon making a video to try promote Sarah Palin for president. He was disappointed when she did not run. Next he chose Donald Trump. Then we had massive propaganda streams and Cambridge Analytica and a hell of a lot more. Now we have massive gangstalking from the Army of Weaponized Morons, America's brownshirts which include government agencies and local police. The gangstalking against me began in Alaska, just like where it originated from against Shawn Christy who had a story to tell that would discredit Steve Bannon's project to destroy America.

Steve Bannon, from Wikipedia:

Stephen Kevin Bannon (born November 27, 1953) is an American media executive, political strategist, former investment banker, and the former executive chairman of Breitbart News. He served as White House Chief Strategist in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump during the first seven months of Trump's term. He serves on the board of Cambridge Analytica, the data-analytics firm involved in the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s. After his military service, he worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker, and left as vice president. In 1993, he became acting director of the research project Biosphere 2. In the 1990s, he became an executive producer in Hollywood, and produced 18 films between 1991 and 2016. In 2007, he co-founded Breitbart News, a far-right website which he described in 2016 as "the platform for the alt-right".
In August 2016, Bannon was named the chief executive officer of Trump's 2016 presidential bid Following Trump's victory, Bannon was appointed Chief Strategist in the Trump administration. He left this position on August 18, 2017 and rejoined Breitbart. In January 2018, Bannon was disavowed by Trump for critical comments reported in the book Fire and Fury and left Breitbart.

The highlights are mine. Steve Bannon was in Navy Intelligence and he worked on the staff of the chief of naval operations at the Pentagon. The intelligence agencies are highly staffed with radical right wingers on the sociopathic continuum. The agencies make up propaganda, that's lies about their enemies or fake enemies so they need those who are pathological to do that for them. Since the country is operating on propaganda it seems the psychopaths have taken over everything. 

...he blames his remarks on his time as a naval intelligence officer during the Cold War, when he was stationed on a destroyer hunting Soviet submarines.

I have a lot more to say about all of this because... 

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