This post is an example of why it is so important to help each other in cases of injustice. We don't have the money for lawyers which makes fighting an insurmountable corrupt justice system impossible and we get destroyed in the process.
I was writing another post and then my brain went on a sidebar, I think, in connections which can get me off the track for hours. Last night Craig Christy posted about how it is strange businesses and Dakota Meyer's home did not have security alarms, very odd. I remembered security contractors often monitor the cameras of businesses and that Hazelton Oil's alarm was said to have been off the night Shawn came in and was said to have stolen a truck. Certainly a school bus company and a deaf school would have some kind of security.Then while thinking about the oddities regarding the security systems, ding, a sidebar: is Dakota Meyer's brother really a mailman as people speculated?
Government vehicles are often used for gangstalking, especially the USPS vans. I once had four postal vans on all four sides at an intersection and a van would wait outside my storage place everyday, start the engine and leave as I went out the exit. These are called enter/exit operations. Was this Jeep simply borrowed from USPS or was it an old retired one? Why the hell was it there?
On LinkedIn Timothy Gilliam claims to be a Field Representative of Senator Mitch McConnell, that's very interesting. He has also worked for Americans for Prosperity, also very interesting. That has nothing to do with mail delivery.
So then I thought maybe it's a different Timothy Gilliam. Here is Gilliam on the left and Dakota Meyer on the right. They certainly look like brothers even though they have different last names. I don't have much doubt now.
Well now.
Here is more from Gilliam's LinkedIn page.
Americans for Prosperity is associated with David and Charles Koch, their primary political advocacy group, it's the Tea Party, anti-Obama Care organizer and lower taxes for the super wealthy screw the regular people group.
Timothy Gilliam has run for a minor office.I find no Timothy Gilliam on FB.
Mitch McConnell and more.
Mitch McConnell is on some interesting committees, some related to military and intelligence.
From GovTrack.
I do not find any information linking Timothy Gilliam to Dakota Meyer in my research except the news reports about the break in to Dakota Meyer's home where Shawn Christy is alleged to have stolen food and we have a video showing him getting into a right side driver Jeep. Attempts to keep the McConnell and Americans for Prosperity connections unknown may be the reason for the strange reports, first it was Dakota Meyer's home and then his brother's, Timothy Gilliam's home. Interesting indeed.
Gilliam is the field rep. for McConnell's Bowling Green office, how does he live in Columbia? The commute is little more than an hour which is not an unusual commute. That is if he really does live in Meyer's house in Columbia.
Below is where I was getting hits on my blog around the area of Columbia that made us wonder if it was Shawn, who was it really? Those blog hits around an area where something is going on remind me of the time years ago Karen Christy told me she was getting odd hits on her blog very often like someone was expecting her to write something. I checked and found the same thing. We collected information and gave it to someone who was supposed to be helping the victim of a crime that happened, then she disappeared after accusations, poof. There were many things wrong with that Palin connected story too, just like now.
This one shows a couple hits from the above map in relation to Columbia and Bowling Green.
Whew! What a Day, Evidence Finally Presented, A Kentucky Trooper Everyone Loves, Reporter Asks Questions, Shayne D. Balliet of Hazelton One News Is Making a Documentary, Dakota Meyer Has a Panic Attack
BTW, Newsweek is also doing a story.
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