The last three days were enough to kill anyone, Craig Christy is in bad shape having lots of seizures. At this point I'm starting to drool, my brain is melting, it's 109 in Boise today and I have blown a capillary in my eye. The gangstalking construction campaigns and constant painting etc. along with the cigarette and pot smoking where I live all contain chemicals which contribute to bleeding and it went on intentionally for months. I haven't been gangstalked yet today because I'm hiding from the heat, but fully expect when I walk out of my apartment later there will be another person who immediately leaves theirs and I'll say, "Enter/exit," like I do upon seeing those pathetic creatures.
From Ronan Farrow's excellent article in the New Yorker about the security contractor, Black Cube, staffed by former Mossad agents stalking and spying on Rose McGowan, '"As she was targeted, she felt a growing sense of paranoia. “It was like the movie ‘Gaslight,’ ” she told me. “Everyone lied to me all the time.” For the past year, she said, “I’ve lived inside a mirrored fun house.”'
I've lived in a house of mirrors for over a decade and Shawn Christy and his parents have done the same for almost a decade. These contractors are run through law firms so the attorney-client privilege can be be used to keep it secret or can be funded by the government.
I did not post all of my theories last night to protect Shawn's parents. I am very happy to see today there is a video of him stealing a car. I was thinking this crazy scenario may have been orchestrated because Shawn had been killed by the corrupt people who set him up for a false assault charge in McAdoo PA or they were holding him prisoner. What else can be assumed when law enforcement stops posting their Lahovskied pictures of crappy surveillance video and no pictures of the so called stolen vehicles? Those theories were fueled by the US Marshals and FBI not providing the public with information, behaving in a brutal and menacing way and the news media just operating off of press releases, no pictures of vehicles or Shawn after a couple were issued. The gangstalking I endure also keeps me from trusting anything law enforcement says or others as they surround us with liars. I had police and others running cars at me, other forms of harassment and threats in Boise along with what went on with cops in Alaska and drug dealing cops in New Mexico, what a country. No evidence, no proof of much of their claims was presented. So, very, very happy today to see Shawn is alive. Let's keep him that way. They think he is heading for Pennsylvania, but that just might be what he wants them to think.
I stayed up really late last night doing searches trying to make some sense of this story. I found nothing new. Then when I wake up this morning wham a bunch of new information. I was not caffeinated making it difficult to absorb. Everyone following the story, doing research or writing is very sleep deprived and some of us are falling apart, especially Shawn's parents.
The report from Kentucky was very confusing yesterday, first it was that Shawn broke into Dakota Meyer's home and stole food and then a Jeep, then there was a report it was Dakota Meyer's brother's home. From what I can tell it appears the brother is living in Meyer's house, so both reports are true. The vehicle appears to be a mail Jeep. What is it with the odd vehicles?
This video below is on a YouTube page named USMS Hunter with only one other video, but about Shawn. It has a full picture from the Wexford PA convenience store and a video of him getting into the jeep which was supposedly at Dakota Meyer's/brother's house. Why in hell law enforcement did not release some information sooner is a very good question. Since we know he was at the convenience store and they released a screen shot there was nothing to keep secret to help an investigation.
When I first saw this video I thought he was getting in on the passenger side of the Jeep and someone must be giving him a ride, but it's a right entry mail jeep. I was really caffeine deprived, LOL.
They say he used a sledge hammer to break a window and went to get food in the kitchen, then took the keys to the Jeep. How did they get surveillance video from the house? This may have been made by Dakota Meyer and his buddies.
There is no proof of date with this screen shot posted into this video and why was this not released before?
Layer after layer of trauma is a huge part of this story. PTSD causes a fight or flight reaction when people are triggered, Shawn was severely threatened over and over. There were the bully Trump supporters, the hearing they wanted to have with falsified evidence and then the raid on his parent's home after his father was the one who reported Shawn's threats, then law enforcement riding around with automatic weapons in the back of trucks. What choice did they give him? After years of injustice he knew the system would screw him again. The psychologists at the FBI and US Marshals would have known this would cause Shawn to choose flight. Then they did not really search for him when he was still close to home. It appears they wanted him to run and then let him so they could make a big case against him. The break ins for food and the stolen cars are about survival. The house was full of guns, Shawn only took food and stole the car.
Shawn's trauma started in 2009, then layer after layer occurs as they engineer new trauma. I know what it does to people because I have the same situation, you can't ever heal from it and then wham here comes more trauma and it is done intentionally. In my case I am prevented from getting counseling by sabotage.
Our country is doing this with the FBI, Fusion Centers, state police intelligence centers, security contractors and other law enforcement agencies to a very large number of people. As the empire dies the psychopaths take over, the profiteers show up to get what they can, dysfunction allows them in the door. There are over 10,000 security contractors trying to find any targets they can to make a profit so if a corporation or person with power wants revenge and they can get that person on a watch list or get a federal magistrate to issue a FISA type warrant against them there is huge profit. My trauma is ongoing, just like Shawn's, there is no protection. The target is on their own, law enforcement does nothing about the crimes committed against us and in fact many of them participate in it. They have people gaslight us and refuse to allow us to file police reports, if we tell them about harassment or other crimes they say we are mentally ill. The mentally ill people are those who perpetrate these crimes, they are on the sociopathy/psychopathy continuum.
People can only see the crimes, the threats, the car thefts and the break ins, in Shawn's story because they don't know the history of what Shawn has been through. Those of us familiar with the corruption out of Alaska's system of injustice know they use the courts like a nuclear weapon in the lives of those who know something the powerful people in Alaska want kept secret. We asked for a commission to review cases from the Department of Law which is what they call the Attorney General's office, I call it the Department of Lawlessness. But the Christys also have to deal with corruption out of Pennsylvania and then there is the federal corruption.
Then we had a news conference from Colombia Kentucky. What was shocking about it is the trooper, Nick Hale, the pubic affairs officer did not try to hype the story, sound threatening or embellish what had happened. He simply calmly told the story. I can't embed this one either, you'll have to follow the link. We were all impressed by this trooper and wish he was working in our areas. Then there was news media there asking some questions and getting answers, not just reading off a press release why it was almost like we live in the mythical country of the United States said to have a Constitution and Bill of Rights instead of a police and surveillance state with federal agencies which set people up with made crimes.
Here is the link to WKWT's FB page. You can click her to get the video, it's just a screen shot.
It is also odd there were no feds there watching for Shawn considering they had been warned he may show up there and they were said to be in the area with their gear hopefully not like in Pennsylvania doing what my mother from Mississippi would have called, showing their asses.
It is very odd no one was watching the house, threats were issued to taunt Shawn the day before but then nothing. Yep, something not right with that.
Shayne D. Balliett of Hazelton One News has been interviewing the Christys about Shawn's life story and injustices that have occurred since 2009. We watched a preview of the first segment today, it is fabulous. He has done an amazing job and already convinced someone who had a negative view of Shawn of the truth. Here is a screen shot of a preview but I can't embed it here on blogger so you'll have to use the link to watch this preview he gave us after our whining we wanted to share it. I LOVE that he chose the name, "Shawn Christy Political Prisoner," the name of Karen Christy's blog she wrote about Shawn starting in 2011 under the name 'Shawn's Mom.' They were coerced by a judge to take it down. Link is in the title above the screen shot.
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