
Woman Runs From Being Raped, Takes Extraordinary Actions For Protection, Gets Charged with Felonies, Cops Destroy Evidence Because They Think She's Lying, Obvious Evidence. Judge Dismisses Case. There Is Another Case With Similarities, Fear of Being Killed By USMS...Shawn Christy

Well looky here, a precident. This story is related to two subjects I have been writing about for many years, raped women in Alaska being ignored by law enforcement and Shawn Christy, especially the run for his life last summer. 

Unfortunately I was not able to find the case without a name. I tried to court docket, but it appears the case happened yesterday, only dockets for today and tomorrow are posted. Also, can't find a way to search for a case by judge, date, etc. on courtview.

An Anchorage woman broke into a house bloody, half-dressed, screaming that she’d been raped. She was charged with six felonies.

Gosh that sounds so much like how I would expect a raped woman to be treated in Alaska. She was traumatized, so in all their wisdom the police and prosecutors decided to inflict her with more trauma. They incarcerated her for four months. I am familiar with their putting people who are the victims of crimes into prisons already because they did that to me. Yea, sounds about right. And yes female cops and prosecutors will do this too.

A woman was raped, escaped from the car with no pants on bleeding from the crotch area, that might be their first clue. In the house found a knife and car keys and stole a pair of shorts. Of course she was terrified, in the early stages of acute trauma, trying to protect herself, trying to cover up her body. Rather than investigate the rape prosecutors went after the victim charging her with 6 felonies, of course they did. A judge just dismissed the whole thing in part due to the prosecution destroying evidence. Well now, isn't that interesting and thank you Judge Kevin Saxby for your decision based on destruction of evidence.

In a rare move, an Anchorage judge Wednesday dismissed felony charges against a young woman charged with breaking into a Spenard family’s home, acting erratically and trying to steal a car.
Anchorage Superior Court Judge Kevin Saxby found that two crucial pieces of evidence that bolstered the woman’s defense that she was escaping from a sexual assault were destroyed by police or not turned over to her attorneys until the second day of trial.

She was trying to drive away with the car when the police arrived. 
“In combination, the two violations, especially the willful destruction of evidence, I can’t do anything short of a dismissal,” Saxby said.

APD officer Melissa Coates threw away the bloody shorts, left the blood underwear on her and due to the victim's odd behavior when questioned said they could not make someone into a victim. But we know they can make someone into a defendant, that part is very clear. Here is how they make someone into the victim of a crime, investigate and process the evidence. That cop's excuse for throwing away the shorts was she felt there was not enough evidence of a rape, how can there be evidence if you destroy it? WTH?!

The woman gave them a fake name,  could be she's Alaska Native and knew that even though she was a victim they were going to charge her with crimes. Wonder where she is from originally?

This story is of course in part about how law enforcement in Alaska treats women who say they have been raped. She had no pants on, ran from a car yelling help, a witness said the car seemed to be pursing her. Gaslighting cops, we have them here in Boise Idaho too. The police did not keep the shorts or the underwear as evidence. Amazing.

Gosh this story has some similarities to another one. When people are terrified they are about to be killed they do extraordinary things which in other circumstances they would never do, such as break into a home (or perhaps a business due to starving) and steal a car to escape someone they know will harm them. The legal arguments are very similar to Shawn Christy's story. The US Marshals were threat signaling all over the place, people were threatening to kill Shawn secondary to USMS press releases and MSM interviews, even posting pictures of weapons on the internet they said they would use and where on his body they would shoot him with a gun. As far as we know, they were never charged with crimes. I was certain last summer the USMS planned to kill Shawn Christy and so were his parents. What choice did this un-named woman or Shawn Christy have?

No one agrees with breaking into homes, businesses or stealing cars. When being pursued by those who have destroyed evidence in your case while they threat signal about you, have set you up to be assaulted, falsely charged you with a crime, destroyed evidence by altering it, created a tsunami of fear and hate against you with lies what choice is there but to take desperate actions to survive? These are called mitigating circumstances. 


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