
Greg Russell, Retired Cop Who Organized Gangstalking at Laurawood Arms USDA RD Apts Hired by Nome Alaska For Harassment Training Including "Hostile Work Environment," You Can't Make This Crap Up (Part 5)

Once again I will state I thought I had Aspergers back then but now know that people with high IQs have traits of autism and are often ethical whistleblower types. 


I was working on a post about the rapes that have continued with little intervention in the Norton Sound Region for decades and how the Native Women are organizing to work on that issue. They are changing and have changed the leadership of the Nome Police and city management. While doing that research I found out something that triggered my PTSD. On November 4th 2018 I called the Nome Police Department and talked to their new investigator, Michael Heintzelman. I know...investigating in Nome, who knew it could actually happen. Remember how hard it was to get them to investigate all the missing Native people? I explained the story, he is new and probably will be won over by the other side who will be lying their asses off and that is what is wrong in Alaska.

It isn't just that the information triggered me, but also it is an anniversary date of the melt down I had in Nome Alaska on November 5th 2005 from severe workplace bullying, gangstalking, an unregulated IHS facility with huge issues of corruption and incompetence, watching large numbers of raped women come to the hospital, some from more remote villages and the cops would not arrest many of the perpetrators, having the SART person on call not show up, having the police dump intoxicants on me in the ER who sometimes assaulted me, often being in charge of the ER, the clinic and the drunks in the hall, being at odds with the police for this and receiving their harassment. 

When they arrested me for putting drugs in my pockets in a dissociative state due to being suicidal which was part of my already formulate suicide plan which also included a 14 guage catheter in a radial artery as I knew what would work my supervisor told the police I was not allowed to be admitted to the hospital while a psychologist stood there saying I should be, it is in the police report. You can't make up evil like that, it only exists in horror movies. 

Did they think harassing me on that anniversary date would keep me from writing? No, by history I tend to spill my guts when triggered.

The harassment program continues, black men LARP, enter/exit, shining lights in my car at night, walking around the car. I am homeless because the police in Boise Idaho gaslighted me over a long period of time and yes there was harassment, but they allowed massive harassment where I was living. I wore a body camera for months and have only just begun publishing the story. It is all connected over the years. I am a serial whistleblower, was it the drug dealing cops in New Mexico or my Medicaid fraud employer that began this, perhaps both or was it Nome or was it Greg F-ing Russell or is it related to the Palins protecting Sarah from sexting 17 year old Shawn Christy? Does this go back to the psychopathic CEO at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tacoma Washington? That is quite a story. Who put me on the JTTF/NSA/list and which one is it, journalism, media influencer, truth teller, we know the United States treats real journalists as terrorists now. What is the deal? 

In Nome it could have been FEMA/HHS/IHS related. I was told decades ago by a supervisor at a hospital I was on a trouble maker list. I asked her if it was related to St. Joes, she shook her head yes, I was not much of a trouble maker then unless patient care was compromised, but St. Joes was in the process of running off the really intelligent, well educated nurses who as one doctor described us, A-#1. That is what happened to nursing care in the United States, that CEO had been in Yakima when I was there causing a strike and the nuns fired his ass for tell people in the community nurses were not worth what they were paid. One thing about the harassment programs, most of us do not know why we are being stalked, harassed, sabotaged, have our health harmed, are intentionally isolated and on and on. We as a community have looked at who we are, highly intelligent, very ethical, moral people and 60% of us are women, the independent, intelligent types. 

There were issues with the police in Nome back then and from what I have been reading that continued. When the police chief from when I was living there applied for the same job in Soldotna I wrote a letter to city hall, it was very emotionally challenging for me so I did not do a very good job because I could not even read it again for editing. This guy is a friend of Greg Russell so I knew that would mean more harassment from he and his.


The retired cop who I generally describe as a retired psychopathic cop who was the handler of the gangstalking done at a USDA RD senior and disabled property who went after me for years and then the maintenance man and then a manager has been hired by John Handeland, interim city manager in Nome due to massive incompetence and corruption there has been a huge shake up there. Greg Russell who did many cruel things at Laurawood Arms was a gangstalking bully and that included workplace bullying so here he is teaching the city of Nome how to not do such things. I could have a hypocrisy stroke. That is so Alaska of them. It is the insanity of Alaska.

Greg Russell workplaced bullied employees after he and his wife resigned to protect the wife's son who was not doing his job. I have never heard of retro-workplace bullying before. The grandmother of the wife lived on the property so they used her to gain access which prevented extricating their asses. The state, owners, USDA RD and management company and others did not do their jobs which is SOP. 

Nome police officers to begin wearing body cameras

Handeland has contacted the Alaska Municipal League concerning training for staff on Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment. An AML police consultant, Greg Russell, will lead the training. Attendance will be mandatory for all employees, according to Handeland. Handeland and Estes will work with Russell on added training and assistance in policy-review development.This week, a police chief visiting in Alaska with another agency will provide a mandatory training: How to assess and improve operations of a small law enforcement agencies.
It's a sick, sick decision. There are many witnesses to the stories I have told about Greg Russell and his organizing of elderly women with dementia and some with personality disorders to mob people on that property. Very disturbing. It was he first harassment I received that was organized into standard gangstalking procedures, Greg Russell was the handler who clearly has no conscience using disabled, elderly, some with dementia and some with intellectual impairment. Those are the kinds of people they use for the boots on the ground harassment everywhere, the Army of Weaponized Morons. Gangstalking is the slang term, not the real name of this, it is organized harassment based on Stazi tactics which have been used by agencies of other countries, generally totalitarian which is what we are becoming, our CIA has done this for decades. It is often done by the government but can be done by corporations, wealthy people or cause groups, it is very expensive as many people and resources are used. Those cause groups are often hired as government contractors to stalk and harass people or sabotage them in their jobs. Retired law enforcement and military with sociopathic characteristics often create LLCs and seek government contracts to harm innocent citizens.
Greg Russell told other residents, contractors, the owners, the management company and people in the community lies about me. One of them repeated the lie in front of me and I told her I had already explained that never happened. There was a rehab of the property which was not allowed on my apartment secondary to Greg and Jennie Russell targeting me and spreading lies, then when I left I was charged a large amount of money by the idiots at the management company because the 25 year old stove in my apt was not new like the others, yes, they all got new appliances and I got abuse and lies.  Greg Russell and his family which always included Jennie's mother, son and grandmother organized against a good maintenance man, a nice guy too for telling his employer the son and step son was not doing his job which of course was part of his own job. The reason he told them that is it was very true. That son had a burglary conviction and was manipulated by Greg and Jennie into the job of apartment manager when they left to retain control to harass me. Then when the pot smoking son was gone and the management company hired a new manager they mobbed her. They would get a room at the senior center and bring their gangstalkers to read speeches written by Greg and Jennie stating things that were not true. I sat there going, "This is a mobbing" and "The Russells did the same exact thing." I was not told about the second one but someone told me it happened. The new manager was mobbed to the point she could barely go outside by the crazy old broads the Russells had told lies to.

USDA Elderly and Disabled Housing Abuse (Part 1), Crazy Bullying 


USDA Elderly and Disabled Housing Abuse (Part 2), Corrupt AK USDA Rural Housing




I have yet to tell the whole story and since Greg Russell is still running around trying to wear the mask of a good guy I will have to finish the job. That includes how the mother of a supervisor at the DOC which I was also writing about was moved in next door to me to do noise campaigns, then she moved her grandchildren in, how they burned out the boiler and I had no hot water for months having to heat water on the stove to bathe or do dishes, how someone snuck into her apt in the middle of the night, how she went to the store leaving the small children alone to do all kinds of crazy things, how the sons would come by and glare at me through the window along with that one broad probably married to one of them. It was a senior and disabled complex, not family housing, but suddenly that changed with no announcement so they could harass me. Then they moved her to another apartment and the last maintenance man who participated in the harassment against me began to do chemical, noise and other harassment campaigns against me for weeks. These are one bedroom apts., even a trashed apartment would take no longer than two weeks to rehab. Maybe I should include how there was a woman with sever e dementia in the building who could not remember to turn off the water and her stove was rigged so she could not use it, I contacted Adult Protective Services who sent me a snarky letter and did nothing to help the woman or how the Russells used the Long Term Ombudsmans office in a corrupt way to fulfill their agenda. I could go on all day but have other writing to do. 


Laurawood Arms, December 2011 Mobbing incident/First Amendment Violations, USDA Rural Housing Nightmare (part 4)


There is a hell of a lot more to this story, but the USDA RD can only have their operations people look at my blog, not fulfill FOIA requests and not take care of business when there are problems on properties so no wonder they love them some psychopathic onsite managers. 
There were lots of views from this office for years, no one did a damn thing, not even any contact or response to FOIA requests. 



When I left Laurawood to become homeless to get away from the constant chemical and noise harassment from the sociopathic maintenance man I brought lots of evidence for civil action. After I had been homeless in Anchorage a while I was followed around and harassed by people who tried to provoke me and they look very much like, especially two of them, Alaska US Marshals who had no business stalking me and even if they had a reason for an investigation this is not that, it is harassment. There was never a reason to investigate me. 
I left Alaska about a week later, that was in 2015. At a very abusive, dysfunctional homeless shelter in Boise Idaho my files of evidence and personal papers were stolen, facilitated by the staff and their minions. There had been interest in those files in Anchorage while I was being stalked and then my suitcase that held them disappeared from a Greyhound bus for two days. 
No one listens in Alaska to the truth. I tell the truth then they declare I am crazy which is SOP for government harassment programs. Then after years the story comes out not because local law enforcement or whoever had the responsibility of taking care of the issue did their job, no because another agency or task force found out about the issue while investigating something else. Then it is made public. Has even one person told me, hey you were right and we should have listened to you rather than rewrite the police report to make you look crazy, refuse to file a police report, tell lies about you, call you a liar and hang up on you, make you homeless, do a large number of other cruel things to you such as devise a conspiracy of officers of the court to have you wrongfully arrested and imprisoned three days after you filed an appeal that resulted in your cat being starved and tortured, your property being either stolen or put out in the rain, you being tortured by the sick bastards working in the prison. 
What is most amazing to me is they do these cruel things to upset the target and then act as if there is something wrong with your reaction of being upset. Of course I would be upset and angry. They do these things to provoke targets into violent actions to use for criminal charges and imprisonment. Sometimes the best they can get is calling angry repeated phone calls harassment like they do with Shawn and Craig Christy. 

I just can't believe the crap that goes on.


While I lived at those apartments the Russells managed and then manipulated Jennie's son into the job of manager I was an activist around workplace bullying and attended borough council meetings to speak about it right across the street from the apartments. There had been a workplace bullying shooting at the hospital in Soldotna before I got there and Ray Southwell had been speaking up about it as he was an RN there. He was fired for that and then won his case with the NLRB, he took the settlement and retired. All I ever get is screwed more for the activism and putting myself at risk. 
Below is a list of some of my posts about workplace bullying. 



Workplace Bullying and Violence Against Myself


Hostile Work Environment










Two Freedom From Workplace Bullying Proclamations Were Issued In Alaska…I Am Still Stunned.


Another Proclamation Against Bullying in Alaska. Thank You Sitka. Update.


It's Freedom From Workplace Bullying Week


Workplace Bullying Legislation In Australia Would Impose Jail Up To Ten Years


The Only Way to Stop A Serial Bully is Exposure


The post below describes one of the problems I reported in Alaska to law enforcement, this was Homer but they all did the same thing and it continues in Boise Idaho. I reported this years before and local law enforcement kept telling local news they had no idea where the meth was coming from that caused all the break ins of local businesses. I would make comments in the papers that I had already told them where it was coming from. What I did not know then is all targets of government harassment are treated this way and they will harm many people in a community to do something horrible to an innocent person. In this case they most certainly contributed to addiction, death and children growing up in horrible environments, they also harmed me which was their goal. 

Very Disturbing! Very Sad! Police Corruption. Remember My Meth Story? 













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