
Shawn Christy Is Not Getting Proper Health Care a Violation of the 8th Amendment, Dentist Was Blocked From entering the Prison With Proper Equipment

I would like to thank Dan Stokes at the Times Leader for writing articles that provide information with Shawn Christy's concerns, his legal actions in the courts, facts, truth and for presenting him as a human being. You are a real journalist. In every story there are at least two sides but in this country often only one side is presented and the truth is covered up. Thank you. 



Christy claims medical mistreatment, threats by Palin’s former in-law


He claims he’s suffering from severe dental issues, chronic knee and head pain, a toenail fungal infection along with heart issues. Christy says he also suffers from short-term memory loss and a head/neck trauma injury from law enforcement agents.

Christy, who recently had his motion for a new detention hearing struck down by U.S. District Judge Robert D. Mariani, states in his two-page pro se that he has not been provided with the proper medical care or the same standard care as an out-of-custody patient.

Many of these concerns are serious. Toe nail fungus is a common issue, especially with shared showers and a guy who was on the run wearing the same socks and shoes for long periods. If a private prison health care corp can't even deal with foot fungus what use are they?

Documentation of past emails sent to Warden Betti are in this blog post below.  


Shawn is Getting the Standard Treatment Used to Force Pleas, Trauma, Isolation, Lies in Court, Not Allowing Grooming or Health Care, Dog Chapman Sucks, Hey MSM When You Gona Show Video of Mayor Holly Assaulting Shawn

Warden Timothy Betti at Lakawana County Prison continues to run an unsafe prison. It was brought to his attention in October that Shawn needed health care including dental issues. The warden simply said he would notify their private corp that provides health care for the Lakawanna County Prison, Correctional Care Inc. (CCI). Then not much has happened. A dentist tried to bring in equipment to work on Shawn's dental issues and the prison stopped him.

Shawn Christy has head injuries resulting from the assault from former Mayor Holly and having his head stomped on by a Deputy US Marshal in Texas. He also sustained injuries in Maryland. 

Here is the third email sent today to Warden Timothy Betti on the subject of Shawn Christy's health care. The other two resulted in little action so I have no expectation he or the DOC in Pennsylvania will start to do the right thing now.

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