
Hey Democrats, On That Illegal Immigrant Thing, Where in the Hell Have You Been?

Here is Bill Clinton saying things twenty years ago that did not have the Democrats outraged. I was outraged then.

Where the hell were you?

Here is Hillary Clinton saying things similar to Donald Trump about immigrants and a fence/wall. I was outraged when she said this.

Where the hell were you?

Under President Obama deportation of illegal immigrants went off the scales. I knew about it but Democrats were blind and silent on the subject.

 Where the hell were you?

President Obama was for fences and blocking illegal immigrants. He later said pretty things about immigrants, then did the opposite of what he promised them. He deported a huge number of immigrants.

Where the hell were you?

Obama, The Deporter-in Chief.

Where the hell were you?

This book was published in 2005 before President Obama during the George W. Bush presidency. Reading it about tore my heart out.

Where the hell were you?

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