The blog began in 2013, after they spent years fighting in the legal system and realized the United States system of justice was failing them. The government covered up the sexting, but the transcript does still exist, they saw it once but never got a copy. The claim was later made that it was really Wllow who was sexting with Shawn, but considering the effort put into covering it up, the Christys not being given a copy of the transcript and setting Shawn up, that has to be BS. They tried to figure out a way to charge Shawn with a sex crime for sexting with Willow but that didn't work out as it was not a crime for two kids close in age. It is however a crime for an adult to sext with a teenager.
It was very likely Sarah Palin, herself, who sexted seventeen year old Shawn Christy. There would be no logical reason to put so much effort into destroying the lives of the Christys, setting them up to have them charged with crimes, harassed in their community and slandered for so long because two teenagers were sexting. We have seen the vicious way the Palin's behave in the past which includes going to a party drunk, assaulting people and then playing the victim while trying to get innocent people arrested based on their family group lies.
TPM published the audio from the police from the drunken brawl interviews.
In Alaska we laughed and laughed and laughed, but for the people at that party this was not funny, the Palins assaulted some of them, then lied. Bristol said the man she punched in the face hit her and the man who picked her up to remove her from the man she was assaulting dragged her. Large numbers of witnesses told a very different story than the Palins. Sarah tried to throw her weight around, "Don't you know who we are?" I'm guessing they had all figured out who you are by then. They perpetrate, then they act as if they are the victims and lie as a group, it has been a life long pattern. The recordings in the article below demonstrate this.
Here is one of Karen Christy's blog posts from, "Shawn Christy Political Prisoner." She posted it in 2013, over five years ago. I chose this one to post with permission and 14 screen shots due to the listing of the sequence of events being very helpful for those who don't know much about Shawn's story, Shawn's mom did a great job on this. Thank goodness for the Wayback Machine.
"Justice don't play favorites and Justice don't take sides."
This is how it is supposed to be but it is the opposite, the justice system is controlled by the powerful, the wealthy, the deep state. Those who don't have the money to buy it don't get justice. Our law enforcement agencies have become weaponized cointelpro stalking/harassment monstrosities. They forecast what our country is becoming. Our FBI has been fully captured by the CIA which is embedded in every agency. Local police in many places gangstalk innocent citizens, I have had them harass and terrorize me all over Boise Idaho and even run cars at me. The same is true for the Christys who have had airplanes and stalkers in cars around their house. I have had an army of weaponized morons (Neighborhood Watch brownshirts and security contractors hire loser types) harassing me in Boise for years keeping me from being able to live, sleep, function and destroying my health, the same went on in Alaska, but Boise is a very controlled and vicious city.
Both the Christys and myself were being gangstalked for years
People might want to ask themselves why probably over 10,000 security contractors are gangstalking at least hundreds of thousands targets and there is a huge army of brownshirts harming citizens, what are they planning and why it is happening all over the world? Then there is the Alaska US Marshals, what in the hell, they have harassed the Christys and from information Shawn Christy posted I realized they were the people who terrorized me in Anchorage Alaska during the Arctic Conference in 2015 and caused me to run from the state for safety. What kind of country sends thugs after citizens who are asking for due process, justice and their Constitutional rights? The bullies are allowed to crush anyone who may tell truth they want covered up. What is the United States becoming, totalitarian? Will we soon have a military coup? The Senate and Congress no longer function, we live in a psychopathocracy.