
UPDATE: Community Health Systems On My Blog Whenever One Of The Myriad Of Articles About their Unethical, Corrupt Practices Are About To Be Published And Conicidental Organized Stalking/Harassment

Update at bottom.

Community Health Systems headquarters is in Franklin Tennessee. A bit before articles appear about their corrupt assholery they are on my blog like somehow I have ESP and know about it. How could anyone even imagine all the corrupt crap CHS has pulled. As I wrote this article yesterday a group of junior high boys probably working for a local contractor ran some fakey surveillance/harassment op all around me. A guy with a cell phone was doing a fake conversation about being exposed to COVID 19, apparently he did not even know enough to mention the Delta variant and he came back several times to do his phone LARPING. Yes, I have video of you Mr. LARPY. Was planning on leaving where I'm parked but changed my mind when that started. Little boys of Boise Idaho like to play games. I'm still parked in the same spot the next day, so bite me. 

This may have been the team. 


Yesterday July 26th this article was published. 

A Health Care Giant Sold Off Dozens Of Hospitals — But Continued Suing Many Patients


 Health care and the lives of nurses are all just a big chess game for CHS.

This blog view which most certainly is CHS happened on July 10th. They knew the above article was going to be published. Somewhere in my archive of assholery I have other screenshots of them on my blog before an article is published. I found the viewing July 13th and the article yesterday. As I wrote this some interesting things went on. First of all a couple days ago I had some severe slow down of my laptop, then a download. I always get a download when anything is going on. Now where my car, the suspicious blue minivan is parked there are loser types wandering all over the place. 

                                                               Have more of these.

CHS oddly appears on my blog often just before an article comes out about some of their corrupt shenanigans. I worked for them at a hospital they owned in Deming NM close to the border. They were committing fraud, but I had no idea the scale of it. They were running a Medicaid/Medicare scam with the corrupt politicians there to the tune of millions. 

But wait, there's more, here and then here

I whistleblew about the smaller part I knew of. Then began the workplace bullying, then a group of suits from Tennessee showed up and surrounded me stating I was working on the regular floor that day. Suits in the ICU giving nursing assignments is very strange. I said no due to having an agreement upon hire that I would only float from the ICU to the ER, they said I was fired, this was constructive discharge and was about me calling government agencies, the DA, the governor's office, two senators and probably others I can't remember, this was around 2001. This was done while the director of nursing was out of town, when she came back she asked me angrily why I was fired, then would not allow me to answer the question. Where the fuck were you director of nursing? I've noticed those in charge of supporting me are gone when crap gets pulled just like the wrongful arrest and imprisonment scheme in Alaska.

One of my coworkers had been saying to me over and over that our employer had accused her of things which they could not prove because they had never happened and her best friends were the two good cops in town. She repeated this statement to me over and over. At the time I had no idea what was going on or how to respond to that, was she trying to cover something up, or set me up, was she nuts, or what. The one thing that I never thought was she was trying to warn me because I could never have imagined the evil that goes on in the corporate healthcare world even after having worked at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tacoma WA under John Long in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I don't know for sure what was going on, but lean towards her trying not just to warn me but also hint where to go for help.

My first impression of my new workplace on my first day was upon my arrival, the only surgeon in town asked me if I had a vibrator in the bag I brought with me to work the night shift in an attempt to embarrass me. That did not work so well as I told him yes I did have one, it was a pink bunny type. He turned and took off abruptly not saying a word. This resulted in laughter and a nurse telling me he does that to embarrass the new nurses. Just one of the jerky boys. He talked overweight nurses into intentionally gaining weight so he could do gastric weight loss surgery on them.

Here is part of the story. Odd things had already happened. The day I went shopping for an apartment to rent in Deming with a real estate agent a guy across the street and a couple houses down popped into the one I rented. He exuberantly volunteered to help paint and acted very friendly, no painting was needed. The real estate agent rolled her eyes. Right as I moved in he came over and told me since his wife was having an affair with his best friend we should have one. I was like, thanks, but no thanks. Then the whole time I lived there had to keep the front curtains closed and peep out to get mail, put out sprinklers for the grass or mow it. He told me about a resp therapy director who had embezzled millions from the hospital and put a lot of money into a house close to me and to talk to the people living there now. Apparently when caught no charges were brought, that director of resp therapy just left the state. Odd.

I had random people going for walks stop by to tell me stories about my employer as well. I did not know what to think and at that point in time was quite naive about what my country and the oligarchy really were and what they do to whistleblowers and truth tellers. Not only that but I was also very naive about police corruption, still under the impression the unethical and corrupt things which go on all the time would not be allowed. Not only are they allowed they are sanctioned by the powers that be. Next lesson. I figured these people were all exaggerating because the government would not allow these things to go on. HAH, they sure as hell do allow them.

The police began to harass me. I would get pulled over for false traffic tickets. Going to court was of no help due to the corrupt court system. The judge I had eventually got demoted for some unethical stuff. I remembered how in Texas they did the same thing to witnesses of JFK's assassination in an attempt to shut them up. The police would park in front of my house all night. Like the police in Boise have done when I park living in a minivan. But in Boise they leave after my windows are covered, the Deming police stayed there all night. I know because on my nights off I was up all night due to working night shift. Cars would stop for a short time, arms would got out to windows of the other car all night long. Police in that area were known to be drug dealers, all over Luna County. Here is a story about a village 20 miles away from Deming, the whole, but very small police dept, the mayor, a trustee, etc. 

So there were many issues with police harassment. This is the town in NM where the police began pulling people over for traffic tickets and they would end up with forced enemas and colonoscopies. Upon reading about that I said, they were not actually looking for drugs they were harassing the people. Glad they had not thought of that when I was there. 

When I was first fired the "two good cops" came to my house, were they sent by my coworker or was this some cointelpro crap, no idea. They told me of a smear campaign against me in the town and it was along the lines of what my coworker was discussing. The odd thing was there were two cops there with big smiles on their faces as they told me about this. I said it was not true and they burst out laughing and said they believed me as they had seen that before. Then periodically they would show up. One day I was pulled over for yet another false traffic ticket, had already gone to court for one and the judge believed the corrupt cops over me telling the truth or was just helping them harm me, not sure. I was very pissed as they were giving me yet another false traffic ticket and refused to sign it. They called what must have been every cop in Luna county to surround my car like I was a fugitive from a mass murder or something. All of a sudden the "two good cops' slid their vehicle in to an abrupt stop and got out. The bigger guy blocked the view and the other one leaned into my car and said if I did not sign the ticket those other cops had plans to hurt me. I signed it. 

Do not remember the time line, may have written it somewhere. The "two good cops" knocked on my door saying they were there to warn me the police department had plans for me. I was naive, still thinking there was justice, still thinking the United States was a democracy, instead of inverted totalitarianism/oligarchy, in shock because how could these things be allowed. I said, you mean like dead in the desert? They shook their heads yes, no smiles. Still have no idea if they were for real or cointelpro. Have been through so much crazy law enforcement and oligarchy organized stalking and harassment, it is not clear to me what the deal was. Back then I was not as outspoken as I am now, very polite, quiet. Now I would ask a lot more questions of a lot of people. I did not then, but was very traumatized and in shock not knowing what to do or who to trust. That is one of the ways they shut up whistleblowers BTW. 

I stayed up all night putting my things into a storage unit I had stopped unloading due to realizing Deming was not going to be a good place for me, but I did like the town a lot, it was the corruption on every level that was the problem. There were many very good people there and I love Hispanic culture, being able to pop over to Palomas, Mexico for the afternoon, the street art and a place called the Pink Store there. 

I had already located a travel assignment in another state, packed what I needed in my car along with my cat and left very early AM. As I drove down the freeway I was afraid they would follow me and something horrible would happen. Like I have said, do not know what was really going on there. 

My property, everything except what I had in my car has been in storage there since 2002 when I was advised by those two cops to get the hell out of there because I was in danger from the police. In 2022 it will have been 20 years. The cost has been at least $15,000 due corporate and police corruption. But there have been many costs for me since then. I have no idea if this is even when the targeting started as people tried to and did cause accidents in Washington state, then there were some things in the 1970s. It takes a huge amount of money to cointelpro someone, so it has to be government including military, someone very wealthy or corporations.

When the strange things including a corrupt cop and people intentionally causing accidents happened in Washington state, I thought it was just narcissists, people running an insurance scam, an EX, bad luck, a bad cop, etc. That may have been where this all started. The cop later got caught watching porn at the entrance to the fair grounds where kids went by which also meant he was not doing his job of watching traffic at that dangerous intersection there, helping lost kids, watching for gang members, etc. But when I reported he had an issue I was treated like I was nuts.

Had been told by a supervisor I knew at a hospital in Tacoma WA that I was on a list of trouble making nurses. I laughed and asked if it was St. Joseph's Hospital that put me on the list. She said, yes. I was then proud. St. Joe's under John Long, with his hench-people did some horrible things to nurses, well beyond the usual workplace bullying. It was an out and out war on the nursing staff. I stood up to them and spoke up especially since I had worked under him at a hospital in Yakima WA where he tried to destroy nursing but the nuns fired his ass. When the federal government was trying to get cities/states to agree to fusion centers they told them people they had on lists, that they did not like could be targets. In other words they could use the fusion center system to go after their enemies. I already knew about John Long before arriving back to St Joe's to work having no idea he was there. He was not happy to see me apparently. I gasped one day as he walked by the nurses station and said, is he the new CEO? Several doctors and nurses sitting in chairs with wheels writing in charts, scooted their chairs over to me after someone said, do you know him? Yes I did.

That could have been where the targeting started, I was on a list of nurses who did not cowtow to a psychopathic CEO/administrator or whatever his title was. I never considered myself an employee of the hospital, I worked for the patients, their families and the community. 

But like I say, not really sure when this all started but the smear campaigns, the attempts to cause accidents, the workplace bullying and all the weird crap are similar. It continues on a massive scale in Boise Idaho. As I was writing this people were obviously doing some kind of half assed surveillance activity. 


I forgot to add the part of the Deming story where a man stating he was a lawyer came knocking on my door. This was back when I still felt most people had good intentions towards others, I fully understand that is not true and FFS has Boise Idaho gelled that into my brain.

He said he worked for CHS. Like I say, was very naive then believing he was on the side of the truth and would listen to what I said. He did ask me several questions related to the hospital. The thing is the raid secondary to guns being sold in Mexico and drugs being sold by cops in Colombus NM was connected to Operation Fast and Furious, so who knows who the hell that guy claiming to be a lawyer really was. He claimed to be from Roswell.

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