
The Importance of Understanding How Trump Became President, Authoritarians, Evangelicals, The 1%, Here Are Some Excellent Books to Gain Understanding of the Nightmare

We were warned and as a whole did not take action. Our leadership in the House and Congress have done a huge disservice to the people of the United States. The Republicans are especially deplorable.  

Many have discussed the economic problems poured upon mostly the working class, poor and the large number of homeless in the USA as the main cause of the rising up of a large number of authoritarian followers. That is part of the problem, especially when people are suffering and they cut the assistance programs. People terrified about their futures and health during a pandemic have been given little assistance while other wealthy countries sent checks to help their people survive giving them hope for the future. 

I believe the elimination of most of the unions which gave workers a group to belong to and leaders to follow has left many without direction. Authoritarians tend to organize into groups which often cause problems. A union is a group that helps workers increase their standard of living and working conditions making them feel less down trodden, like their needs are getting addressed and are given information about which political candidates are actually supporting them. The lack of action on behalf of the people of this country by our leadership on every level, from the White House to the dysfunctional agencies that allow harm cause people to seek other authorities.  

A large movement of people who hate anyone not like them and have bad intentions towards others has grown while law enforcement agencies did nothing. In fact many in law enforcement are authoritarians themselves. Factions have organized to harm others.

Many years ago Professor Altemeyer wrote a book about authoritarians and tried to warn the people of the United States about them. When he saw the Tea Party demonstrations he knew we were in trouble. This book linked below he provides for free on this website below. It can also be found in book form and on Audible or from time to time posted on Youtube.   

'The Authoritarians" by Bob Altemeyer

Trump's followers are authoritarians who have been studied and have similar characteristics. They form groups and networks, believe conspiracy theories, have a hard time distinguishing truth from fiction, are mean spirited, have a hard time understanding hypocrisy (especially their own), are aggressive and immoral.

I have been stalked and harassed by them for years, most of what they do is STASI/US Military psychological warfare tactics, but they have also put me in danger, made me homeless and harmed my health. The psychological part can cause suicides, PTSD and destroy the target's life and health, all of which are their intentions. I will not be uniting with them. Why on earth would I unite with immoral, mean spirited, illogical people who intentionally have harmed me in large numbers over a long period of time?

Not long ago I noticed that almost all of the groups that support those who are victims of organized stalking and harassment aka gangstalking are Trump supporters and boy have they gotten quiet recently, except for one guy who is loosing it. Them being Trump supporters and believing he was going to help them despite him not saying one word about the subject, not responding to them and not doing anything to decrease it is very interesting. They may be a part of the propaganda streams created to control Trump authoritarians. 

From an article written by Maslow in 1943 about Authoritarians. 



Having read Dr. Altemeyer;s book years ago and then realizing the people who had been waging psychological terrorism on me for years in Boise Idaho were authoritarians I found Dr. Altemeyer's book in audio form and listened to it. Going to his website I found he and John Dean had teamed up to write a new book about authoritarians specifically about Donald Trump and his authoritarian followers, 'Authoritarian Nightmare.' The original book has much more detail about authoritarians this one below which is more about Trump authoritarianism.


Here is a Frank Schaeffer video on the delusional Evangelical thinking that helped get Trump elected. Frank Schaeffer grew up in the movement and has written several books about the Evangelical movement and I have read or listened to some. 

I realized there are lots of sociopathics in Boise Idaho as I have worked with sociopaths, then it dawned on me there is a huge population of authoritarians in Idaho driving this. The Republicans created them with poor education, using them to get elected. There are religions here, Evangelicals and Mormons which teach children things that contribute to belief of illogical conspiracies. There are conspiracies that are true and yes, the CIA invented 'conspiracy theory' to discredit people who did not believe the official JFK story. I am not opposed to conspiracy theories or personal investigations into incidents, quite the contrary. But when QANON tells people Democratic leaders have been incarcerated in GITMO or they are all pedophiles and people believe these things which are obviously untrue something is clearly not right.

Those in charge of this city, county and the state of Idaho are complete nincompoops who don't care about others. They did not even listen when I said the police were involved, in fact they don't even return phone calls. It is so bad here that my assumption is at least 50% of the police department is compromised and all departments and agencies are infiltrated. They are even at medical clinics, ERs, etc. and just like the ones who work for the government they sabotage certain people. It has happened to me over and over. Have I got stories and evidence. 

This is a comment I made in an argument mode on line to a militia leader who was arguing for unification. I have been tortured by these people I called the army of weaponized morons or idiots with flags for years. They made me homeless not just in Boise Idaho but also in Alaska. There was a retired cop involved in Soldotna Alaska named Greg Russell. There is a lot more to the story. It has been very harmful and dangerous in many ways.

Not long after arriving here in Boise Idaho I realized why the Palin's behaved the way they did was Sarah's family came from Idaho, imagine a whole state of Palins. I have never seen such bullying, mean spirited, hateful people in my life and there are hordes of them.
These authoritarians in Idaho showed up at peaceful BLM Rallies several times and then walked into the BLM people using racial epitaphs and trying to provoke them, they brought AR 15s and other weapons and one of them shot one off. They pushed their way into a meeting room at the state capitol after being told there were less than normal allowed due to social distancing causing a glass door to break, removed the social distancing signs, sat in the section reserved for reporters insisting they themselves were journalists, refused to move. They also had weapons inside the state capitol. Refused to leave after the meeting was finally shut down. They lie. are totally illogical, can't understand their own hypocrisy, have waged a very damaging psychological warfare campaign against me in many ways including running cars at me and FBI boxes as I drive. They are in every dept and agency here sabotaging people they hate, such as me while spewing they are the moral actors, they are immoral. They hate, call all of the left communists without even knowing what the word means. They hate and harass people from California. They are aggressive bullies. After years of being harassed by them including police officers at Boise Police Department yes I am afraid of what they might do.
Last summer I would drive by the BLM rallies due to my immune system issues after discovering the thuggish behavior of the counterprotesters and their lack of mask wearing. We found out some were doing the same, but for a different reason, they were plotting to shoot some BLM members.
They spent the summer going to the mayor's home and making crazy noise, went to a hospital where people were dying of COVID and made massive noise because the governor was thanking the National Guard for their help. Then they went to the health dept and tried to push their way in without masks on, the problem got to the point of the city putting snippers on top of a bldg by the health dept. They would shut down the meetings during a pandemic due to their illogical thinking and aggressive behavior. They believed whatever their authoritarian leader or his proxies told them, still do. During one zoom meeting they were at the home of a woman from the health dept banging something outside their door while her children were hiding afraid in a room. She left the meeting in tears and then for multiple safety reasons the mayor and police chief shut the meeting down.
Going to the grocery store has been like running the gauntlet. For 8 months there were no consequences for businesses or individuals for not wearing masks. Finally there are consequences making things a little better but still it is horrible. They see me wearing two masks and gloves, come over to intentionally cough on me or walk right at me. They go into the stores with a mask on, then take them off. I walk through Walmart yelling, "No f*cking mask" over and over while passing them. The employees in many stores are just as bad as the customers and intentionally cause problems. There is also a 3%er with a car that has crazy crap all over it who stalks me at Walmart. Last summer I asked an employee at a store why no masks or even plexiglass, she told me masks don't protect people and the plexiglass only worked on the side of the cashier and besides they would have to clean it all the time. Haven't gone back there.
I could go on writing about what has gone on for hours, this is a small sample. I make the police write up reports about the harassment which BTW is not illegal in Idaho so that it is documented.

One of the videos of the consequences of them harassing the health department.
@4.35 Right upper corner
@11.15 mayor and police chief shut down meeting due to safety concerns, next meeting there were police snipers on a bldg.
They post videos showing how proud they are to shut down health department meetings during a pandemic. The rest of us wanted sanctions for not wearing masks.



Dr. Altemeyer describes the reason authoritarians are racist as a general dislike of anyone who is not like them including in how the other person thinks. So, due to many of the authoritarians being racist I then found the award winning book "Caste" written by Isabel Wilkerson, describing that the United States has a caste system similar to India's from an elite caste level to an untouchable caste level and one of the problems is some white people trying to stay as high up as they can in that system while the lower levels just keep on growing by design of the 1%. To change racism we all have to work together, white people have to stand next to blacks and other minorities and speak up, take action. We have to expose ourselves as allies when they are being wronged. The racism and caste system harms us all and certainly that has been made clear by the massive wealth at the top of the system and the rapidly expanding poverty, lack of health care, lack of good education and police abuse in the lower castes. BTW I consider myself to be in a lower caste and certainly the authoritarians have made sure I am.



This next book 'Shadow Network'  by Anne Nelson describes how the Evangelical Right and Committee for National Policy, funded by the Koch brothers got control of the Republican Party and controls who runs for president on the right along with the Evangelicals. Ben Carson is a member of CNP and was the main person pushing for them to pick Trump as their presidential candidate. This organization contains a large number of sociopaths. They are the ones who picked Sarah Palin to run with John McCain which is why he did not vet her. Some members are known due to leaks, others have been kept secret. Clearly they have very bad judgment and should never be listened to by anyone. Very interesting book. 


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