A song written in 1928 by Bertold Brecht which speaks to so much that is going in not just in this country, but all over the world. It is especially relevant now when secondary to a pandemic the world is going to face food shortages while predatory Christianists show up to propagandize and nation-build for our government.
The reason the welfare programs were started in the United States was after the black population in part moved North they were living in horrible conditions and going hungry, had trouble finding jobs and continued to face discrimination. The welfare programs were put in place to stop an uprising. When people get hungry and enough have no homes we will rise up. The Democrats and Republicans do not seem to understand this. Your propaganda will only go so far. And Trumps authoritarian followers will figure out they are just his sheep following the propaganda streams he has the intelligence agencies and contractors set up to help him get elected for the oligarchy's benefit. The Democrats will eventually figure out the DNC is only wearing the mask of helping the people while their propaganda streams of BS such as Russiagate are proven to be fabricated. Both parties are controlled by the oligarchs.
Now people are out of work due to a pandemic, but the government is very slow at getting them unemployment benefits, is stingy with with their stimulus money to the people, but not so stingy to the corporations just like the bailouts under Obama. Those on SSI which are very small checks are just now getting their stimulus checks. This is not regular Social Security or Disability, it's for those who have not paid into the system, many have health issues, never having been able to work. Their checks are generally very low amounts. Those who have the least are last. People who haven't been able to pay their rent will never get caught up as every month there is no extra money and many have already been evicted. The Republicans are trying to stop the second round of stimulus payments which are lower than needed of course while the so called progressive Democrats say little and those who put up an act that they were radical left wing remain pretty much silent. Not so left, but so Democrat which is not left.
People were barely making it as it was before the pandemic and having a hard time keeping a roof over their heads if any kind of emergency happened which would make them homeless. Little actions have been taken for decades to help people with wages or benefits to prevent homelessness by the leadership of this country.
The homeless in the United States rather than helped to get housing have been forced into crowded unhealthy and abusive homeless shelters. Apparently FEMA designed these shelters for maximum transmission of viruses and constant trauma. Then people wonder why many live in vehicles and tents. Low income housing was destroyed and none built to replace it over decades while politicians said nothing, did nothing. This has cut many lives short, caused people to be tortured for years resulting in massive trauma, then the symptoms are used to declare the homeless mentally ill. No, they were fine when they arrived into homelessness for the most part, just poor. The problem with homelessness is no home, not all these other false reasons they redirect the public to. Tortured traumatized people will behave like they have PTSD, they know that, they use that intentionally while they keep piling trauma after trauma on the homeless. They have their little bullshit meetings to plan this.
The conditions in the housing I finally got after being homeless were so bad I live in a car. It includes organized harassment, a drug ring and several agencies who were complicit in creating the problems there. It seems there will be no solution for homelessness, just more homelessness. I was already traumatized and they did what they could to try and destroy me. That is a very sick city, county, state and federal government.
They are creating massive unrest. Ask who that benefits. There will of course be massive violence and crimes, I already experience them in Boise Idaho where harassment is legal and even stalking which is illegal is condoned.
What Keeps Mankind Alive?
Music by Kurt Weill and lyrics by Bertold Brecht
You gentlemen who think you have a mission
To purge us of the seven deadly sins
Should first sort out the basic food position
Then start your preaching, that’s where it begins
You lot who preach restraint and watch your waist as well
Should learn, for once, the way the world is run
However much you twist or whatever lies that you tell
Food is the first thing, morals follow on
So first make sure that those who are now starving
Get proper helpings when we all start carving
What keeps mankind alive?
What keeps mankind alive?
The fact that millions are daily tortured
Stifled, punished, silenced and oppressed
Mankind can keep alive thanks to its brilliance
In keeping its humanity repressed
And for once you must try not to shriek the facts
Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts
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