I did not want to mention Michele Kwan in the title, just Pramila Jayapal as I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter and a fan of Jayapal, but I did.
This is somewhat amusing and goes to the integrity of two of the former candidates for the Democrat Presidential primary race of 2020. BTW Frank Church is one of my personal heroes and I believe he was given cancer for trying to reign in the CIA and FBI in his service to the people of this country and the Constitution. He tried but the oligarchy has won, only we had some more people with Frank Church level of courage.
This is somewhat amusing and goes to the integrity of two of the former candidates for the Democrat Presidential primary race of 2020. BTW Frank Church is one of my personal heroes and I believe he was given cancer for trying to reign in the CIA and FBI in his service to the people of this country and the Constitution. He tried but the oligarchy has won, only we had some more people with Frank Church level of courage.
First the Idaho Democrats announced that they would sell their high priced tickets that only the well to do could afford because you wouldn't want a homeless person who has been forced to live in a vehicle because both the Democrats and Republicans did what their oligarchic overlords wanted and helped make sure there was almost no affordable housing and other problems that make life difficult for poor people.
First they had Pete Buttigieg scheduled to speak. He dropped out of the primary and then a speaking engagement at the Frank and Bethine Gala which is an overpriced Idaho Democrat event. Frank Church would have rolled over in his grave. At the time I thought there must be a requirement that the speaker be running in the primary and that was why he resigned. That is not the case, he canceled.

Then they announced Elizabeth Warren was going to speak in place of Buttigieg. I wrote on Facebook that she would not drop out of the race until next week due to speaking this weekend in Boise. I was wrong, she dropped out and then canceled speaking for the Dems like Buttigieg.QUITTER!
Update: Warren, after suspending campaign, cancels Boise trip
It is unfortunate for those who want a president elected by the people rather than chosen by the party elites that Buttigieg and Warren were running to attempt to sabotage Bernie Sanders. Frank Church would have rolled over in his grave. Very glad neither of them came to Boise today, quitters.
But then...but then...it was announced...
Pramila Jayapal is the one person out of their choices I would love to hear speak.
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