Hawaii announces its coronavirus tests from the CDC were faulty, and it points to a major gap in treating and stopping the spread of the virus
There are other reports of issues with the test here and in China. I was already familiar with the CDC staff who invent tests that do not work, patent them and then make millions based on the science their agency works on, but the tests often do not even work well, corruption at the CDC abounds. The Lyme test is one of those scams. My rheumatologist in Seattle was a professor at U of W and treated me for Lyme Disease based on symptoms stating the test was crap.
In the past I thought the cover up was due to a cover up of an illness I have, ME/cfs was about vaccines or bioweapons. We know the outbreak of Lyme Disease on the east coast is due to Lyme being used as a bioweapon. In fact the man the pathogen was named for, Willy Burgdorfer was working a a project to put several pathogens at one time into ticks so they could weaponize ticks. The multiple pathogens was to cause people to be ill with several infecting them and massive symptoms making figuring out what they had impossible to spread panic in the population and take out part of those needed to mobilize for war. The ticks were somehow unleashed upon us. Now I believe there are many causes of ME/cfs. There is also a theory that it is really AIDS and the AIDS epidemic was manipulated to demonize gay men while the rest who have it are being treated like shit by their country and the medical community as well. Considering the corruption involved in the HIV research who knows what the truth is.

massive malpractice. Then there were fake articles in the newspaper to divert us from thinking we could sue Eli Lily et al due to the massive damage they had done to us for profits. About three months before this I was gang raped at the home of one of the sons of the man who owned the Chinese Wax Museum. It has taken me decades to connect those dots because in the 70s or 80s or even 90s who could have imagined weaponized gang rape designed to traumatize someone. After being a nurse in Nome Alaska I can. But back then I could not have imagined what my government really is or that they would be perpetrating a holocaust upon their own people in the form of organized stalking/harassment, militarized police, directed energy weapons or forced homelessness. John Kalin were you paid off by Eli Lily or a big pharma group? I believe the DES is what caused the ME/cfs, the problems with my immune system and much more. And all the trauma has contributed to my health issues. Evil runs the United States.
The San Francisco Police Department laughed when I told them where the rape by 8 or 9 men happened. They refused to file a police report. Is this when the targeting began because I have had police refuse police reports for decades of intentionally caused accidents, harassment, rape and more? Is it a contractor working for Big Pharma? I was told in the 1990s St. Joseph's Hospital had put me on some list for being a trouble making nurse. Considering the psychopathic CEO they had hired to go after the excellent and strong nurses at that hospital nothing would surprise me. Is that when it started, this is when a series of intentionally caused car accidents happened. Oh yea, then there was the known pedophile priest they had on staff, thanks for covering that up and making us all work with the bastard that traumatized girls in Nome Alaska before coming to Tacoma. Strange things have happened for decades, but the organized part started in Nome Alaska, but right around then is when they were organizing the gangstalking out of the fusion centers. Before that the police in Deming NM gangstalked me like Texas did to the witnesses of the JFK assassinations when I reported to the chief cops were dealing drugs and I whistleblew about my employer committing medicaid fraud. I had no idea how bad either situation really was and two good cops warned me my life was in danger. It was years before I found out the whole stories.
This whistleblower was not me as I was not looking to make millions, just like in Nome Alaska I reported the problems to the appropriate agencies many years before it was in the news. I reported it to everyone, legislators, the DA, all appropriate agencies and not a one of them did their damn jobs. Then years later this info below happened. The bastards I was working for still are on my blog every now and then. Why? Wondering what I have figured out so far?
Community Health Systems to pay $75 million in Medicaid fraud whistleblower case
Suit claimed the hospital operator illegally donated money to New Mexico counties in return for higher Medicaid payments.
This is their latest appearance. It is odd that what they are looking at is about the Palins now isn't it? Is there a connection?

My country fucked me before I was even born with DES, then covered up the truth about it to this day and made sure we could not get compensated. They lie about us our whole lives. We are medically bullied due to medical ignorance by design. People with ME/cfs are medically bullied as lies have been told about the disease for decades and the lives of three scientists were ruined for doing real research and trying to help us. Then year after year I get fucked over again and again. The problem is the corporations are in charge, the oligarchy has taken over everything. It did not recently happen, I was born in 1955. What is going on now is the internet allows people to find the truth about many things.
Through my life experiences I know just how evil those in charge of the government are on every level. I know how incompetents are running everything because the agenda is not skill, education or experience, it's willingness to fuck the public and do evil for the overlords. I learned my first lesson in this from watching Sarah Palin.
Yesterday Cynthia McKinney posted this. Anthony Fauci at the NIH is very well known to those in the ME/cfs and AIDs communities. He propagandizes the public and manipulates the medical thinking about ME/cfs preventing us from getting appropriate research. He helped demonize us, tried despite thousands upon thousands of research articles to make ME/cfs into a psychiatric problem. Psych problems do not cause the massive physical issues we have, they don't cause immune system dysfunction of the immune system you tool of the oligarchy.
This is the problem, this virus is contagious before anyone even realizes they are ill. Fauci is an idiot. But he isn't in place to protect the public, no, his job is propaganda and subversion of the truth for the NIH.
As passengers were released from a ship in Japan, health officials scrambled to test travelers from another ship, in Cambodia, after one person who had left was found to be infected.
Then today.
No shit Sherlock. Cruise ships are the worst places on the planet for spread of disease. The windows in many of the lower cost cabins do not even open. They use air conditioning instead which spreads the virus. You know like those blowers do in public bathrooms or the air systems in airplanes. How would the NIH not know just exactly what was going to happen? How can they not quarantine people during an outbreak?
They based the decision to transport people on if they had symptoms or not. How the hell could they use that criteria when it is known COVID 19 is contagious when there are no symptoms? HHS was also involved in this.
Yes, something did go awry, dumbassery. But at least now you have been exposed.
Then today.
Why did US break Diamond Princess coronavirus quarantine? 'Something went awry'
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, said the original idea to keep people safely quarantined on the ship wasn't unreasonable. But even with the quarantine process on the ship, virus transmission still occurred.No shit Sherlock. Cruise ships are the worst places on the planet for spread of disease. The windows in many of the lower cost cabins do not even open. They use air conditioning instead which spreads the virus. You know like those blowers do in public bathrooms or the air systems in airplanes. How would the NIH not know just exactly what was going to happen? How can they not quarantine people during an outbreak?
They based the decision to transport people on if they had symptoms or not. How the hell could they use that criteria when it is known COVID 19 is contagious when there are no symptoms? HHS was also involved in this.
88 more coronavirus cases found on Diamond Princess cruise ship
I’d like to sugarcoat it and try to be diplomatic about it, but it failed,” Fauci told USA Today. “People were getting infected on that ship. Something went awry in the process of the quarantining on that ship. I don’t know what it was, but a lot of people got infected on that ship.”
Yes, something did go awry, dumbassery. But at least now you have been exposed.
Through all of this who is the best source of information? That would be Dr. John Campbell, a Phd nurse educator in the UK. His videos have been not just very educational but also designed to dispel conspiracy theories and misinformation. Below is one of the videos he made today.
We still do not know the cause of death of the man who flew from China to LA, then on to Boise and died in his home.
We still do not know the cause of death of the man who flew from China to LA, then on to Boise and died in his home.
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