At this point in time the Democrats are no longer the party that represents the poor, working class, minorities or the will of the people. They either need to move themselves back to the left, I am sick of them.
Through all of this Bernie Sanders remained true to the values of liberalism which are oriented towards equality, helping those who are struggling, economic equality, fairness for the working class, unity, peace, judicial equality, civil rights, education that is easy to obtain, gender equality, racial equality, free speech, liberty, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and the consent of the people. Bernie is the real Democrat and there are some others, but those in power are not. It took me a while to figure out what Bernie is up to and why he stayed with the Democrats. Certainly it is hard to get elected without the support of one of the two major parties. I don't know for sure but it appears to me that Bernie Sanders is trying to reverse the damage done in the 1980s that got the Democrats moving to the right.
There has to be a balance for the people to have rights of any kind and we are very out of balance.
The Making of the New Democrats (from 1995)
When I was young, in the 1960-70s era people, especially intellectual types who were young in the 1960s would often talk about "when the revolution comes." The reason they said that is they were highly educated about human history. When the people are oppressed they will always rise up. We see that right now in France, but one has to actually search for information about the people of France who are sick of oppression going out into the streets to demonstrate due to our Mockingbird news media.
We have a change for a peaceful revolution which is simply change by electing Bernie Sanders. No one who is on the lower economic levels or working class in either political party is happy with what is going on in this country now and are struggling. They have taken our rights on every level. People can't pay their bills due to low wages and high rents, well high everything. It is imperative that people vote for their own interests, but not just their own, also the interests of those who are suffering, the homeless, the children, the young adults and the elderly of this country. We also have to stop waging war on other people, our money needs to be spent on our own best interests and to help people in other countries rather than harm them. We need a good defense, but false wars for corporate profits are against the interests of humanity and the health of the planet. We have to end monopolies and get corporations under control, they can't continue making massive amounts of money while selling products that cause direct harm to people and pollute the planet.
Healthy and equal economics are not so complicated. Rather than a huge grocery store chain in a city there could be several people or families which each own a store. Those people make a good living, but are not super wealthy. Because of the competition they have to provide good service to keep customers, some will specialize causing a more choices in products. They will have to treat their employees well or they will go to another store to work. The way it is now there are little choices for employees to move to as only a few corporations own all the grocery stores. Those people who each make a good living spend a great deal of their income to live, but those who earn massive amounts of money on grocery store chains put most of the money in the bank. Spending stimulates the economy while stockpiling it does not and allows the use of that huge amount of money to control cities, states and the federal government in many different ways. The more the economy is equal the more democracy we have.
Now The Corporate Democrats Are Waging a Smear Campaign Against Bernie Sanders
This country has become divided in many ways. The 1% which has a massive amount of money and then there are extremely poor people living in horrible conditions and those struggling to survive on low wages. All of this was created intentionally including the massive homelessness problem and the horrendous conditions those who are economic refugees in their own country are forced to live in, including inside the homeless shelters. They want to force people into unhealthy, abusive shelters while telling the public there has to be something wrong with people who do not want to go into shelters. Crowded conditions promoting assaults and constant exchange of every virus going around, abuse from staff, harassment from staff and the sociopaths who circulate in and out of prisons, people actively using drugs and alcohol permitted to keep everyone awake, unsanitary conditions. people putting their hands all over you, forced breathing of second hand cigarette smoke, lack of actual assistance to find housing (no housing exists anyway)...I could go on for days.
There is little housing and what there is has people living there that are on drugs and are sociopathic who are allowed to make life a living hell for low income people. No agency ever does their job and the management companies seem to love the sociopaths and druggies in subsidized housing.
All the while under Donald Trump with the assistance of a black man who is working to decrease fair housing, Ben Carson, director of HUD, funding for subsidized housing is being decreased. I believe manipulations were done to intentionally make affordable housing with subsidization unattractive and untenable. HUD also does not respond to complaints.
Hillary Clinton Slams Bernie Sanders for Not Working to Unite Democrats in 2016
Then HRC claims Bernie is not doing enough to unite the party. You mean the party that you and Bill Clinton have worked to skew to the right for decades, the party run by people who do underhanded things like what went on in Alaska in 2011?
She bizarrely claims that Bernie being ahead in the polls is undemocratic. WTH? After what went on with the 2016 election you should be hiding on Jeffry Epstein's island. The DNC pulled all kinds of crooked and illegal crap to sabotage Bernie Sanders and lied their asses off.
This next post I wrote in 2016 while I was in horrible conditions in a homeless shelter very sick from the flu.
Hillary Clinton Began Attacks Against Obama When Her Polls Tanked In 2008 Too, It's Hillaryous!
A Significant Reason Most Superdelegates Are Pledged to Hillary Clinton, Wealthy Donors, Bundled Money, Sent To State Democrat Offices And Laundered Back To Her. Update
Alaska is one of the 33 states that participated in Hillary Clinton's and the DNC's joint money laundering scheme. Remember during the last election for Governor when Alaska Democrats decided to disregard the votes of the members of their party after the primary and take a Republican turned Independent, Bill Walker and put their candidate for governor Byron Mallott in the lieutenant governor slot? They threw Hollis French their candidate for lieutenant governor under the bus when they replaced him with Byron Mallott.
The Democratic State Central Committee voted to over ride the primary votes of the members of their party. When I called other state offices of the Democratic party they said things to me like, "That sounds like something the Republicans would do." What I want to know is whose idea this was to begin with, did it come from some DNC committee or from the Clintons? My goal was to get rid of evil Governor Parnell too, but this felt like the Democrats sold their souls to do it. They then put a positive spin on a steaming pile of manipulated poop.
It's official: Walker-Mallott will take on Parnell-Sullivan in bid for Alaska governor
That is what the DNC does, in Alaska they took a candidate who won the 2016 primary for governor, replaced him with an Independent candidate who had been Republican until a couple hours before the press conference where they announced the Democrats were switching the elected candidate from the primary with a Republican who changed to Independent to run for the Democrats. They made the winner of the primary the Lt governor candidate and threw the man who won the lt gov candidacy under the bus. You can't make this crap up, it's the Democrats.
From the 2016 race Hillary Clinton tried to say Bernie Sanders was a one issue candidate. It was clearly misinformation. The truth is the oligarchy is the main problem, they have enough money to own our politicians and control everything that goes on in this country. They have enough money to go after people who say things they do not like and destroy them. Bernie is not a one issue candidate.He's and everything to help the struggling people of this country and get the United States on the road to equality, rights and judicial fairness and a hell of a lot more.
The DNC will try anything they can in an attempt to prevent Bernie Sanders from becoming the Democrat candidate. Anything.
Cadre of DNC Insiders Plot Return of Super Delegates to Stop Sanders at Convention
The internet is flooded with lies aka fake news aka misinfo about everything that has to do with Bernie and his policies. Read about history, look at what other countries have as far as health care, retirement, disability, laws protecting them from corporate greed to understand things can be better for the average person. I'm living in a minivan being harassed by local domestic terrorists, the Boise Police Department and the community policing Army of Weaponized Morons, along with Infragard's Army of Weaponized Morons. That's fascism. These are America's brown shirts. They harm people and then deny them health care, a place to live and intentionally cause PTSD with constant trauma. It is a program of genocide against some subsets of society, the poor and the independently outspoken truth tellers. Some people live in luxury and have the money to buy our politicians, judges, police departments etc. They also have the money to hire contractors to gangstalk the whistleblowers and activists who tell the public the truth and try to change things. Others of us, a growing number of us are living in a third world country.The state I am in, Idaho does not even have a law against harassment, unless the target is a minority.
Lots of people who voted for Trump hoping their lives would get better are figuring out he lied to them and is not on their side, but instead has helped the oligarchy get richer and has taken assistance from those who are suffering.
I am a retired nurse and have a hell of a story about IHS, workplace bullying, gangstalking and raped Alaska Native women who got no justice because the police would not arrest the men and the courts and prosecutor in Nome Alaska were corrupt. The prosecutor is still corrupt, the police department is a charley foxtrot and the cases have still not been investigated as Nome hired the department of public safety's fixer to audit the police department after the police chief and several officers had resigned. I know the fixer and there is nothing I would be surprised to find out he did, including covering up something.
These are the kind of people I was around before working as a nurse in a corrupt situation and all that happened in Alaska. Real nurses speak up for their patients even if they know there will be trouble for them.
Bernie loves nurses. All the things he said are true, but nurses along with educators are the most abused employees in the country. Workplace bullying on a huge scale destroys careers for nurses who have the courage to advocate for and defend patients from the corporations they work for, a corrupt government and bad doctors. Most doctors are fabulous but one bad one can harm many. Nurses have a higher rate of PTSD than most other jobs due to the abuse and then no support afterward. In my case the abuse of being targeted has continued for 15 years. I had my career ruined by Indian Health Services, the board of nursing in Alaska, the board of medicine in Alaska, politicians not doing their jobs and massive workplace bullying from three levels, laterally (my coworkers), management and two doctors. I also think it is highly likely that Greg Russell was contracted to help them run gangstalking in that village, most certainly I saw the same kind of mobbing meeting done against me at Norton Sound Regional Hospital in Nome Alaska done to a good man in Soldotna by Greg Russell and was told about another one he did. Nome contracts Greg Russell as a fixer, so does the Department of Public Safety.
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