
Gollum J Trump is What I Saw During SOTU, Pathological Lying Makes Me Angry and Nauseaous Especially When Lies Are Told About Trump's Actions to Harm Suffering People

Below is a very accurate depiction of the SOTU address. I watched the orange man tell one lie after another,  while frequently stating, "That is not true" or "That's a lie."

Everything is just fabulous in the US don't ya' know, the numbers are all the best any president ever had and also in the history of the county, isn't it stunning? All those people were "lifted" off welfare, the Republicans stand and cheer. They cheer people suffering because they are cutting assistance programs not putting people into good jobs but instead creating more homeless people to slowly kill in America's homelessness hollocaust. Let's all ignore the homeless, those who were targeted with drugs, a weapon of war and those who have been targeted by their own country to be terrorized by components of it's infrastructure. Everything is just peachy, nothing to look at. Hell, there is hardly any affordable housing. I live in a fucking minivan in a red state being harassed by domestic terrorists, the local brownshirts, Infragard member corporations, Boise city departments and the Boise Police Department. That is the real state of the union.

People are suffering but this buffoon lies and idiots believe what he says. After living in Idaho I understand the process the government uses to create the kind of people who will believe anything they are told by a psychopath. Had to turn the insanity off as I became nauseous, psyhchopaths affect me that way and had to shut that bullshit down.

From Gollum J Trump on twitter.

Apparently I was not the only one who was disgusted with Trump's lies. It appears Pellosi may have torn up her copy of Trump's speech.

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