I realized yesterday this is a psyop on the American people. It has to do with Trump waving his dick around related to the election for the right wing and Israel.
I know too much to fall for this BS. His little speech reminds me of a mobbing meeting like the kind Greg Russel a fixer for the state of Alaska and grand poohbah of the Masons in Soldotna Alaska arranges as part of a smear campaign against good people. Trump is trying to get other counties to join him in a mobbing against Iran.
Trump can't take care of business in his own country. He does nothing to help the homeless, just demonize us. What the homeless need is housing, lots of money is spent on war, but little on housing your own people. Your threats and demonizing do not make you look powerful as you had hoped but very small.
He directs the right wing to hate others using a massive psyop of propaganda streams. Trump hates many people of the United States, especially the poor and aims to harm us more. He's a bully directing a mob to go after the nerdy kid. The nerdy kid is who we need to lead this country. A nerdy dude like Bernie Sanders who not only cares about the people, especially the poor people of the United States but the people of the world, the environment and the young people who need education to make our country strong.
He's calling Soleimani a terrorist while acting like a terrorist himself. Yea, pretty much all military generals are going to be a terrorist to someone.
The right seems to have a hard time understanding that generals of any military kill people just like our military generals do. I don't like that on either side, but how are they surprised. Just like all narcissistics he twists the facts to use against his target.
Iran shot down 2 US drones he said, you mean the ones used to kill people? That's a surprise to Trump too. He accuses them of fomenting violence, war etc. just like he does.
Then he starts with the economy crap and statement that the US is the top producer of oil and natural gas. The damage to our water and the health of Americans were sacrificed so that claim could be made.
Look at this guy behind him, the expression on his face and the bags under his eyes.

At the end Trump again begins bloviating and waving his dick around about the military, it's embarrassing.
In this video they mention anti-war protests, including the one in Boise Idaho.
Juan Cole on the erratic behavior of President Trump, "This is not a normal piece of state craft."
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