Today there is also news that is related to the organized harassment that has been used to torture me in Boise Idaho to disrupt, discredit and destroy my life. I spent time researching that issue. I believe a lot is about to be exposed and know many are getting ready to file lawsuits against the government for the organized harassment.
NSA Phone Surveillance Program Faces an End as Parties Come Together
I dedicate this post to the Army of Weaponized Morons, it's been one crazy scenario after another in Boise. Crazy, drugged up people making noise and causing problems because they are sent to harass me.
What I have been through and observed here has traumatized me on many levels. As a retired RN of many specialties, but the majority was critical care, pretty much all specialties for adults, as a supervisor of an adult acute psych unit, having worked with the homeless decades ago, having worked ER and as a house supervisor of a whole acute hospital I tried to communicate the dire need to do something about the health harming conditions at the Interfaith Sanctuary and was not responded to by the health department. So you have triggered me with your bullshit. Hang on to your asses.
"We are all stained by what I call the influence of exile - deeply ingrained class and status distinctions that guide us, even subconsciously, to act and enforce laws that restrict the visibility of poverty, of poor people, in public space."
– Professor Sara Rankin
"Criminalization makes people more resistant to recovery, more likely to become sick, more likely to self-medicate, more likely to become incarcerated, and even more likely to die."
– Professor Sara Rankin
Thank you Professor Rankin.
For a very long time I have been under attack from the city of Boise, it began upon my arrival in low volume, but at the Interfaith Sanctuary began to go off the scales. They have had police, firemen and others harassing me, cops have even run cars at me, along with others. City departments have joined in often not returning phone calls when I call to complain about their employees harassing me. Police Oversight is not there to do oversight on the police, they are there to sabotage complaints. I guess the recent revelations about the Boise Police Department make it pretty clear they are corrupt as hell and with that comes massive workplace bullying. You can extrapolate that to the other departments of the city of Boise. I do know about the organized harassment from the federal level, but these people here are bullies, the city of Boise is vicious, using organized networks of sociopathics to harass good people. The haves want to stomp the have nots. There are self satisfied narcissistic nasty creatures everywhere making false judgements based on pure ignorance, then taking action to harm, sabotage, and smear those they consider enemies, those people, those 'others' that they fear. Last summer they acted like cornered prey animals scratching for their lives. I was injured when a car was run at me, that was not the first time I fell when they ran a car at me and there were other damages.
The most bizarre stalker out of a constant parade from the Army of Weaponized Morons they sent after me was a transvestite who disappeared after I took a picture of him and walked by yesterday looking all male. I am not homophobic so why send that guy who actually seems to be a man play acting he is trans. The first time I saw him he was doing street theater by WINCO which is one of the places where he stalked me, oh the drama, oh the anguish, no he isn't a good actor. I worked in the tenderloin in San Francisco in the 1970s, so please dude. Called BPD and told them some red neck was going to come along and kick his ass. He was one of the very large number of people who harassed me at the Boise Downtown Library, he then began waiting for me and following me into the bathroom. Often I he came in after I was in the stall, but I knew he was there because it makes a lot more noise when men stand to pee than women sitting. I have no problem with a real male to female trans in the bathroom, but do not believe he is. He was there to harass me and was trying to disguise himself. All of them are cowards.
I figured this forum was going to be bullying, lying and repeating the same crap Bieter always says, but it was so bad I was shocked. It was really ugly. Why have the decent people of Boise been putting up with this crap all these years?
Only Mayor Bieter would have a homeless forum at a place promoting business.
42% of panelists were first responders, 3 out of 7. The 8th spot was for McLean who made it clear she was done with debates, etc. Bieter knew she was not going to show up so he used the opportunity for some discrediting tactics against her. That's pretty desperate and obvious.
First responders are used all over the country, well actually all over the FEVEY countries and NATO countries. In Boise they have been directed to go after political enemies of the power structure in this city. They are paid or promised something in exchange for using psychological warfare against them, but police departments etc get equipment in exchange also. The first responders are used by different levels of government to do organized harassment against people who whistleblow, are activists or journalists who actually tell the truth or are targets of corporations or powerful politicians. Mayors are known to hire contractors to gangstalk political enemies, you know the kind of mayors who would also do things like try to put in facial recognition in city hall with any input from the city council or the public. They might also have cops show up every time a target goes to the mayor's office, or when a homeless activist shows up at the Continuum of Care meetings (mandated federal mtgs about homelessness) hint, hint. They would also organize massive smear campaigns against targets.
I was set up to be locked in a storage facility after being gangstalked by an employee. Watch what he says to the cop I called trying to get out of there. The cop discusses my attitude, I was pissed when he accused me of breaking in to steal things and either lied or was lied to by the dispatcher. 911 call centers are infiltrated by the Fusion Centers, in this are that connection is the intelligence unit at the State Police. Big mistake if homeless calling the Boise Police for assistance and this guy was trying to provoke me.
The employee is working the smear campaign part of the program, he shouldn't know a thing about me. At this point in time I had never been in the presence of the mayor except a bus drove by him that I was on. The employee who claimed to be in the miliatry appears to be saying he was a cop at some point in time. He is from PA which is significant for the Shawn Christy organized harassment and decade of set ups starting with a Sarah Palin honey pot. This is what they do all over the city or town the target is in. Sickening sycophants surround this scumbag.
I don't know about the finance sources of this year's campaign fund for Bieter, but last time the firemen donated about 10% and it wasn't just firemen from Boise, money was sent in by firemen from several other states.
Guess who had the runoff soiree for Bieter, yep, at their union headquarters. Kind of reminds me of the movie I just watched about my friend from Alaska's uncle, Frank Sheeran.
This ad is pretty inappropriate, but represents the reality of the corruption in Boise, the firemen are used by city hall to harass political enemies. I am very proud to be a political enemy of Mayor Bieter considering the corruption here, it only says something good about me.
First responders for those who don't know are used by different levels of government to do organized harassment against people who whistleblow, are activists or journalists who actually tell the truth or are targets of corporations or powerful politicians. Mayors are known to hire contractors to gangstalk political enemies, they would also do things like try to put in facial recognition in city hall or have cops show up every time a target goes to the mayor's office, hint, hint. They would also organize massive smear campaigns against targets.
This video is from 2015, it's much worse now. There was a smear campaign against me from firefighters in Pennsylvania. TOPIX had to shut down their forums as I threatened to sue them and someone else did sue them. It's pretty disgusting. They then moved these posts to various websites. This is done by NSA contractors.
Apparently in Boise Idaho Mayor Bieter and his oligarchic cronies have run a coup on the First Amendment. Is this little totalitarian forum why they have worked so hard to harm me over the last few days before they had it? The stalking, harassment, sabotage and smear campaign has gone on for years, but was stepped up just before the forum like they do before other events they want me to not attend. Cowards, afraid of the truth, bullies who believe they have the right to dictate to others what their opinions are using lies while blocking other opinions.
Targeting gets less and more, like living on a roller coaster. They have harmed me for years actually. That commish on the panel who says she has a degree in psychology should know the effects of trauma and abuse on people. But, of course there were psychologists involved in the torture at Abu Ghraib and the MKULTRA program as we all know, so not surprised she thinks what goes on in Boise with the homeless is A-OK. It's torture too. Anyone in Boise ever heard of the Trauma-Aware approach? Way back I called around asking about that, everyone acted confused. Really though, do people need to be told that traumatizing vulnerable people is cruel, immoral behavior that causes permanent damage? They only seek to get their way to please the business class and home owners of Boise. After doing diddly squat to create affordable housing the wishes of those who are housed are being facilitated by an attempt to criminalize the homeless.
From the Snowden documents, the JTRIG strategies for gangstalking were released. Our NSA is the same as JTRIG in the UK. We have the training manual from another country as well. All FEVEY countries are doing the same things.It is psychological warefare, a type of human trafficking facilitated by the DOD and black budgets. The missing money from DOD? Most of it being used to torture good people for the powerful and wealthy, corporations, mayors and government agencies.
Screen shot of the cast of characters from the BS Bieter Homeless Forum. This pissed me off no end.
This was a very interesting panel for me, like a homecoming of past gangstalking roll players. First of all we have Tim Flaherty one of the two serial bullies who worked together at the Interfaith Sanctuary who felt he had the right to try to belittle me and raged at me the night before Law Professor Sara Rankin was coming to Boise to speak at the entrance holding up check in and freaking two people out so much they left and I never saw them again. I stood toe to toe with his narcissistic rage. My goal was for the behavior of Tim and Dan Ault to be exposed, so was very happy for so many to see the bullying on display. He wasn't as clever as Dan Ault who followed me down the hallway where no one could hear to say insane things to me or to put on a school play every day about helping me get housing for the volunteers when no help ever happened. He would also do that about counseling for PTSD insinuating I was crazy, another narcissistic tactic. He finally did it so many times, the same skit over and over the volunteers were getting freaked out. Targets are only allowed into situations where they have sociopathics to do the gangstalking and that is what happens with me over and over. It wasn't until the next day when I went to listen to Professor Rankin speak that I realized she was the Seattle IP that kept reading my blog about being homeless in Boise.
Another panel member is a doctor who runs a clinic for poor people which is a physician residency program where I was medically bullied starting at the front desk, Dr, Ted Epperly. When I asked for a note from a physician it was idiotic. I'm a DES Daughter, of course they knew nothing about it by design of the drug companies who have financial control of medical schools. During the pelvic a male resident used the speculum like the gear shift of a sports car in me. Yes it was quite painful, but also very bizarre. I got the hell out of there and found a gyn. Perhaps some supervision of those residents is in order. You need some RNs to straighten their tail feathers. Then having a G.I. bleed I stupidly went back to that clinic only to have a woman with a vaginal infection taken into a room before me. She was in the room next to me and I could hear every word that was said in her room for 45 minutes. It was the longest visit for a yeast infection in the history of medicine. It may well have been a LARP because the low income type clinics do participate in the organized harassment for the government helping to suppress ethical, truthful people. They also make wrong diagnoses to discredit targets. Finally I just left, having been a critical care and ER nurse knowing my chances of surviving were high from a lower G.I. bleed. And here I am, still alive and writing the truth and pissing people off. I survive the crap medical care. Some of the so called health care here in Boise is so bad one might rather bleed out than have to go back to them. I have other stories and some have Bieter connections.
I finally saw a very good gynecologist at St. Alphonsus' clinic this year. I had asked for the oldest doctor they had hoping for someone who knew about DES Daughters. They asked me if it was OK the doctor was male. I replied that the skill and knowledge of the physician were where my interest lay not the type of genitals they have. He was fabulous and finally solved a mystery for me. The reason no doctor could ever find my cervix is because I don't have one. They had all been sent on a wild goose chase in my vagina all these decades. Doctors have thrown fits, screaming and throwing speculums across the exam room going psycho upon viewing my DES va-jay-jay. Then this fabulous doctor promptly retired and there are few left who know about DES.
Dr. Epperly is also affiliated with the health department. One of the pieces of propaganda about the tent city around the Interfaith Shelter is there were mice and how it was such a terrible health hazard for disease etc. After they moved the people into the shelter system allowing the sociopaths to have free run and practice their predation upon good people and those who were vulnerable there was a plague of mice and it continued into the next year. OH, BUT THAT WAS A-OK, NO PROBLEM.
I contacted the health department that Dr. Epperly is affiliated with and informed them of the massive mice in the property rooms and containers pooping and peeing on the personal property of the homeless and sometimes dying in the plastic bins. There was no concern about a health hazard at all, but OMG there has been so much drama from those who support criminalizing the homeless about the mice which were in the tent city, FFS. Such propaganda is nauseating. This is your "thoughtful compassion." Lack of empathy and compassion is actually the problem here, but bullshit prevails.
I believe it was commissioner Lachiando who wrote a post supporting Dave Bieter for mayor in which she discussed the horrors and health hazards of the mice in the tent city, it seems to have been removed by both her and Bieter. Funny how those mice are dangerous in a tent city, but perfectly safe in a homeless shelter pooping and peeing all over the property of of the discarded people of Boise. Also interesting how there is little reaction from the shelter staff or health department. Why? They don't actually care what happens to the homeless.
They finally put lockers in conex boxes, you can see part of one in this picture. These plastic bins were what was used for personal property. They put holes in them at some point in time for bed bug treatment so the heat would go into the bins. Bed bugs are constant at homeless shelters and one reason people won't go into them.
The mice went into the bins through the holes peeing, pooping and shredding. I got a roll of duct tape and covered the holes on mine and taped where the lid met the bin to keep them out. It worked. I was accused by one of the shelter minions of stealing the duct tape, nope but the shelter stole property from me, a large amount and files that were very important. These bins were put into the storage shed during the day and then put outside. They got rained and snowed on in the evenings and people had to sort through them in all kinds of weather trying to find clean clothes and toiletry items. This system had apparently been used for a long time there. The property of the homeless was often thrown away because their system of keeping track of days if someone left was dicey. People would lose their important papers, ID, what little they owned and the shelter and police were like, oh well, whatever.
From a letter I emailed to Dan Ault June of 2016:
There was a dead mouse in someone’s plastic bin in the women’s storage area, the smell of death was in there for days and recently there was a dead mouse found in the electronics cupboard. The epidemiologist for Ada County says the only way the Plague in the area would be on city mice is if someone took a dog into the desert and it rolled on a dead ground hog or made contact some other way as the fleas are species specific and would change to another species only if their usual one was not available. So it is unlikely we would have that problem. It does however seem strange that fleas would not have adapted to take opportunities when they often carry diseases that kill their host.
Isn't it also strange how dangerous mice are considered by officials in Boise and Ada County when they are in tents, but A-OK when the property of the homeless in the shelter is inundated with them? According to the health department when I contacted them they are benign. But then at this forum Dr. Epperly who is affiliated with the health department mentions the "rodent infestations" in homeless camps. OMG, we can't have a rodent infestation unless it's in the shelter. LMAO! They use whatever they can to cause fear and loathing while ignoring the actual issues which are harming the homeless.
Note I did not document any mention of Typhus from the health department as Dr. Epperly suggested was lurking in the homeless camps.
Treating people like animals who are homeless is immoral and should be illegal. You cover these crimes against humanity with a blanket of lies. I began writing about what went on at that shelter and filed a complaint with the US Attorney.
When they finally had us move our property to lockers in conex boxes the electronics cupboard had mouse corpses stuck to backpacks and other property. That is what we were forced to put our electronics into every night. I put mine inside of a plastic bag every day. There was also of course the very high possibility of electronic devices being stolen. Sometimes very drunk people were assigned to manage the locking and unlocking of the electronics cupboard and there was no system of identifying what belonged to who. No amount of my trying to have a meeting with the board of directors or talking to staff caused changes so I had to step things up.
Imagine having your clothing and toiletry items in a plastic bin and finding a dead mouse in it. The mouse turds were bad enough. People lost lots of clothing and even jackets due to mice shredding them.
For a while I put my whole bins in large leaf size garbage bags. I also cleaned the bins down daily with disinfecting wipes. I was bullied for all of that. Sociopathics put garbage on my bins and poured cups of coffee onto them. Staff did nothing as per usual.
During the forum Mayor Bieter directed someone from the Mission shelters to make a statement about the claims they have forced religion. He said those claims are not true. Unless they have recently made changes it is true at the women's mission shelter called City Light. We were locked in a building for two hours every night, a combo dining hall and religious propaganda building. If one complained about the the forced religion they responded by first saying they are a religious organization and that people who don't want to hear the religious stuff could sit on the other end of the building. It was impossible not to hear it even though I brought ear plugs and ear phones, often wearing them both at the same time. I saw a Muslim woman and her children sitting on the far side of the room nearly every day I was there. There would be announcements in that room with the staff saying things like we're women, we stink. I stated that as a retired nurse who was involved in a huge amount of personal hygiene of patients that men also can smell.
At the mission's City Light women's shelter I asked to speak to someone about help finding housing immediately upon arriving, stating housing was all I needed. During a meeting with a social worker she said, "We don't do that." I explained to her that was not acceptable as it is mandated for shelters to help people find housing. She explained that lack of assistance was mandated from the top of their organization. There was no help with housing but I was threatened with being thrown out if I did not attend a class on finding a job. I'm on SSDI and have been since 2006. The class was insane, they wanted us to fill out some paper to find out what kind of dogs we are. When confronted with questions about why such an idiotic class was required I was told they just wanted to keep us busy. Does it look like I need help keeping busy?
I was threatened to be thrown out about many things, none of them were behavioral issues on my part, it was their craziness and bullying. They have lot of random chores. If I volunteered in the kitchen the woman in charge would tell me to do something and then when I did what she said which often made no sense at all she yelled at me for doing it. This is the behavior of a disturbed person and I will not tolerate such abuse. I was threatened about a TB test which I had actually done. Then Al-ADA came to do testing and teach about STDs etc. They asked why women were getting more STDs. There were several answers, my favorite being, because we're all whores, LMAO. Then I said, the schools were not teaching young people about prevention of pregnancy and STDs and it was mostly due to religious organizations. In two hours I received a letter to exit the facility.
At one point I asked why a night shift person who could barely walk and function was in charge of the shelter by herself, if there was an emergency she would not be able to respond. They told me she was there because they don't throw anyone away. That is not true they throw lots of women away at that shelter, they issue those exit letters left and right. I guess in the winter they are not allowed to throw women out. I was there in the spring.
But why put out a lot of energy helping people find housing in a place where there is little affordable housing to begin with. People get section 8 vouchers and then run all over trying to find housing until the voucher expires, then go through that again...no housing. Why not make the shelters more tenable, take the religion out of one of them, set them up for healthy not health harming? Why not have shelters where people are protected from the predators rather than handed over to them, staff or so called "guests?" Because the purpose of the shelters is to compartmentalize the homeless, control of the unsheltered so that while no effort is put into affordable housing the public doesn't see the unsightly homeless.
In my case there has been a concerted effort to run me out of Boise since the day I arrived and lots of people have profited from taking actions to harm me. This is very sick. But then I have been told by someone with intel connections that lots of former FBI and CIA retire in Boise. I already knew they often became contractors for the security state. It's a form of human trafficking where they run scams on the government, get to practice their psychopathic tendencies legally and make lots of money from the DOD by padding the fake terrorist lists, which includes journalists and media influencers. From leaked documents we know investigative journalists are rated as worse than hackers and just below terrorists. The truth is the enemy of the darkness in the government on every level.
I don't like the behavior of people on drugs. Having to live in a minivan parked on the street at night where they harass me, park behind me with their engines revving, jump on my car at midnight and shake it, park right next to me to stage fake arguments, have people stopping by their vehicle all night to buy or sell drugs has caused me to no longer tolerate their BS. I have videos of me yelling to them if they are doing drugs get the hell out. The Boise Police are useless as the tits on a boar unless it comes to stalking and harassing good people.
Why did it take so long before significant action was taken to help those with addiction issues who are homeless? What caused the deaths of those 4 people in one week last summer? There was a shake-n-bake meth operation on city owned property and the BPD would not allow contact with me so I could talk to them about it, they most likely knew. Why was that never in the news? The news media in Boise is a huge part of the corruption, they have helped facilitate it with their crap reporting. A coffee shop I went to often in the past had two local reporters who would show up, both male. They would not sit by me, whispered and would go into the single used bathroom to talk. When they came out of the bathroom I would say things like, did you girls get your makeup and hair straightened out or was there something else going on in there? They worked for FOX, LMAO.
The people who are sent to do the boots on the ground harassment come from a general pool of people who have a hard time telling the difference between right and wrong, who will believe anything they are told by authoritarian figures. The intel agencies call them, "opportunists,' but I call them Sociopathics and believe about 1/3 of the population is made up of them. They are who the government and their contractors chose, those willing to do something to hurt others to get what they want.
Not all who are addicted are like this, they chose the "opportunists" in the drug community, just like they chose 'Opportunists' in other subsets of the population in their harassment programs. Unlike popular belief there is more than one reason for use of drugs. Psychopaths for instance use drugs just for the thrill, not to kill pain like most people and may or may not be addicted. A drug network over a long period of time was allowed to develop in Boise unhindered. I have seen drug dealers at the gate where homeless people go into the Interfaith Sanctuary and at the coffee pot in the morning inside the shelter. They would drive their cars into the alley and park by the gate honking their horns to alert their customers. When I asked staff WTH, they said they were not responsible for that area, the alley, BPD is. When asked why they did not call BPD then with a subset of the homeless actively addicted and some struggling in early recovery there was silence. I threw a rant at the BPD on the phone which was of course considered a good reason for cops to then show up everywhere I went for days, do strange things in an attempt to terrorize me, park where I walked standing by cars, run two cars by me when I walked to the shelter in the evening. Whose orders were they operating on? Where is the courage of the people in this city?
Addicts were intentionally created by the CIA, they worked to get a segment of the population addicted to opiates. They have used many non-pharmaceutical drugs, consumerism, TV, the internet, gaming as well. My parent's generation were prescribed opiates that were not as potent as the current ones, but very addicting. The addiction process on the brain changes the focus of thinking and slows people down. Their drugs were Darvon, Darvocet and then Valium, very addicting. There was also a lot of alcohol after WWII due to PTSD. That generation could buy amphetamines at the drug store. Behaviors were not as bad back then, but it seems drugs like Meth and Spice create worse behaviors than opiates. My generation had Meth, but it was called Crank then. It destroyed someone in my family. I didn't like her behaviors either. I was told lies about a drug by a doctor who was propagandized by a drug company and ended up addicted to it. That prompted me to begin researching Big Pharma and to ask why are doctors so damn dumb about narcotics. I had told the doctor who wanted me to take that drug he claimed was not addicting or a narcotic that I believed it was a narcotic and probably very addicting. I was in severe pain at the time so kept taking it. I did not know what I needed to know back then, I do now. No doctor ever decides what goes in my body, I do. He may know something I don't but also may have been propagandized into assisting Big Pharma in their collection of addicted slaves for profit. Research saves my ass.
The key to addiction is to understand on a local level that the drugs are not just a local issue, the problem was intentionally created for profit by some and for others to control the population. This is called drug targeting. Why do you think there are so many propaganda streams right now, they are desperate to keep people at odds with even the truth. Here is a piece of the truth for your side to cover the lies and here is a piece of truth for the other side covering lies, that way people believe opposite things and are at odds with each other. They can't have us all organizing to cause changes. They can't have us voicing our opinions. They can't have us stopping the corporations from making massive profits while destroying lives and killing people. Organizing will facilitate change and stop them from controlling everything.
I wrote the article below in 2009 and was completely ignored by the government. Google has suppressed it even though there were thousands of views. On my blog dashboard if I search for this post even with the exact name it is listed as not existing. But in searching through the year it was published it is there.
Below is video evidence of Boise Police harassment just before this so called forum. The reason they were there obviously was to harass me. As usual the BPD was involved and I know how they love their druggie perps for gangstalking, but they need to watch their Ps and Qs because what they have done are crimes. Yes I WILL SWEAR! You are committing crimes against me and there is no justice. You seek to take my First Amendment rights. I will swear. Before coming to Boise I did not swear like this. Swearing is something people with high IQs do more because they generally use lots of words. The reason people swear when angry is swear words are stored in the emotion center of the brain, not where the other words are. This is why people who have strokes and can't access most words stored in their brains but can still swear.
Here are some of the activities that I was subjected to on November 17th 2019. Where is the DOJ? Busy acting as the head of the octopus in the cabal working to take our rights.
Later in the day.
Below is the forum on homelessness presented to present only Bieter's oligarchic side. We wrote questions on pieces of paper, he then picked through them and answered one or two of them. Then directed the panelists to start speaking. My question about how much money the city spent on Martin vs Boise, locally, for the 9th circuit and to send the case to the SCOTUS was not answered. I had already asked that question of the mayor's office, the city council and the city attorney's office directed me to some other office that also did not answer my questions. How much was spent on lobbying other cities to write amicus briefs and support the criminalization of the homeless?
That is me sitting in the second row taking my jacket off in the beginning of the video and yelling, "Shame on all of you" at the very end. Apparently I got the last word in. I also spoke up when Bieter directed someone from the Mission to say they don't have forced religion. They do at the facility for women and I said so.
Dr. Epperly says homelessness is complicated, it is not, it was made complicated by the intentional actions of our government. The solution to homelessness is housing. There are other issues that make people dysfunctional, but those dysfunctional people with homes are not homeless. People who are safe and able to meet their needs can begin to heal. The sociopathics will continue causing problems wherever they are, I certainly do not want those people who gangstalked me at the shelter and in the community next door to me or parked by me on the street at night as I sleep in my minivan.
Dr. Epperly says the camp "lacked good sanitation," "there were problems with food storage," "Murine Typhus is a problem everywhere. Especially in Texas where there are lots of oppossums.
Between the entitled bullies in Boise and Meridian and the drug network bullies I would say about 1/3 of the population here are what I call sociopathics (PD-sociopath-psychopath, those DX'd with a narcissism component). Epperly discusses not putting people in harms way by having encampments. That is one of the reasons I have decided to publish the majority of my writings from when I was at the Interfaith Sanctuary and Jesus's Concentration Camp for Unsheltered Women. A former professor and then a lawyer who worked for Ralph Nader tried over a long time to get me to find an editor telling me to go to BSU to ask about that and have my writings about being homeless in Boise published. I would not trust anyone in this area at all for anything after what has gone on here.
What I have been through and observed here has traumatized me on many levels. As a retired RN of many specialties, but the majority was critical care, pretty much all specialties for adults, as a supervisor of an adult acute psych unit, having worked with the homeless decades ago, having worked ER and as a house supervisor of a whole acute hospital I tried to communicate the dire need to do something about the health harming conditions at the Interfaith Sanctuary and was not responded to by the health department. So you have triggered me with your bullshit. Hang on to your asses.
I didn't want to go to this forum, but figured I had to.
Well now that forum was not exactly as advertised now was it. Nope. He made it sound like homeless people would be on the panel, not just his sycophants. Why is it people in Boise act as if they will be murdered if they go against Mayor Bieter? Have they had cops run cars at them like I have, or other people running cars at them. I have been injured twice, both times intentionally. Have they had people trying to cause them to be in an accident? Are they doing strange things to them if they don't comply with the dictator's wishes? I was run out of housing with organized harassment, including by the BPD, but it was quite extensive using empty apartments to stage the harassers, noise campaigns, chemical campaigns, construction campaigns, massive cigarette and marijuana smoke. It isn't just that but harassment from other depts such as the library system and Ada County Highway dept even using street sweepers for harassment. What kind of people allow their city to do these things? A large number of people have participated at stores, on the streets while driving. Sick, sick, sick. I wore a body camera to document what went on.
I don't think Socrates actually said this.
Many other unethical tactics were used by the Bieter campaign, not surprised after all the crimes committed against me in this city, by the city.
At this forum the new director of the Interfaith Sanctuary asked me if I needed anything, if I was OK. I was not asked that at city hall when I went to complain about conditions, I have not been asked that by the Boise Police who have been propagandizing they are there to help the homeless while they did every thing they could to harm me, traumatize me. That was the first time anyone has said even one kind thing. I hope that means there is some change at the shelter, but I have been told by people staying there things are "100 times worse." Recently someone told me there is no room at the shelters. I have no secondary verification but that would make sense. I would imagine even with the shelters full city hall and the BPD will continue to tell the public there is room.
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