Donald Trump Can't Possibly Be The President of the United States Because A Real President Would Not Say the Things He Does, He's Just the Puppet Put Into Place.
There will be swearing. So if you have issues with the way intelligent people use words you can fuck off. I was already pissed and while writing another post on homelessness abuse saw an article about what Donald Trump said in California about the homeless. I called Nancy Pellosi's staff, the Mayor's staff in L.A. and HUD to express my opinions and how disgusted I am to have a president of the United State gin up his Army of Weaponized Morons to attack the homeless after his administration has done nothing about homelessness but cut funding and demonize.
Is that what went on here in Boise last summer? Unlike what many think, that Trump is fighting the intelligence agencies and the Democrats have control of them the opposite is happening. The CIA is a bunch of radical right wingers imposing their distorted and twisted ideals upon this country, it has gone on for decades. Trump is their new puppet along with being the puppet of the world oligarchy. It also appears that he may have been compromised by certain countries as he supports them above his own people. America Last. The CIA and other agencies control every damn thing, target people with drugs, destroy other countries, overthrow elected leaders, have infiltrated everything including having CIA agents embedded into the FBI and run organized harassment programs against their own people to subvert the Constitution. They are imbedded in all agencies and compromise our politicians in order to control them. The Phoenix Program is being used on those who speak up to implement changes.
The brainwashed that follow Trump will never be able to understand that he uses vulnerable people who don't have power to fight back, can't hire PR firms, sue him for slander or to fight for their rights. The entities which do speak up for the homeless have had their funding cut and Trump puppets put in charge of them. Last time he ran for president he used immigrants as his scapegoats, lied his ass off about everything. Now he is using the homeless for scapegoats, like Thom Hartman said this trip to California is an experiment to see if that propaganda is going to fly. What should happen is the destruction of his candidacy, but the ill informed, phrase repeating idiots who follow him will probably start repeating the lies Trump tells constantly. They will also step up the harassment and hatred of the homeless, the whole country will become like Boise Idaho. It was really bad here all spring and summer. They create homelessness and then go after their own victims. That is beyond disturbing.
What most people do not know is the federal government controls everything that goes on with the homeless. The states are controlled through their regulations and funding requirements. States that don't do what Trump wants as we have seen with California don't get more funding. Without a doubt Trump has done nothing to help the lack of affordable housing issue due to this campaign propaganda stream using the homeless he planned. It isn't just the use of the homeless for his campaign, it is a plan to use the homelessness problem to demonize the Democrats for his campaign to gin up the idiots. He uses misinformation on every level to do that.
I studied the propaganda streams in 2018. They control people on YouTube by planting information strategically. Those chosen have sociopathic qualities. Different streams are engineered to suck in different categories of people for brainwashing.
Thom Hartman discusses the Mormons in Utah putting people into housing. They haven't really solved the homeless problem in Utah, but it got better. Utah also participates in giving homeless people bus tickets or having vans take them somewhere else to get rid of them. Where I am they will do just about anything to get rid of the homeless, I should know.
I have huge issues with Mormons because large numbers of them participate in organized stalking and harassment for the government. Among them are many FBI and CIA agents, so they suck their people up into working for contractors doing criminal activity against good people to suppress the Constitutional Rights of those who may affect a positive change and FFS they can't allow a positive change to happen. I actually have issues with any group of people that believe in nutty things to facilitate them trying to control everyone and everything around them.
Donald Trump you are a Son of a Bitch! Scapegoating the Homeless Due to the Bad Decisions of Your Fucked up constant chaos Administration it is likely you are compromised by other countries considering what has been going on.
Narcissists use others with issues as their "flying monkeys" to help them damage the target or targets. They then begin to do harm by repeating lies, sabotaging, blocking success etc. of their victim. In most places doing this as a group is not illegal but many of the tactics for individuals are. We can't even get legislation against this in the workplace because corporations use these tactics to get rid of or destroy good employees. If Big Pharma is shoving a massive narcotic epidemic down the throats of the citizens they wouldn't want a person who has empathy, ethics and morals who works for them to say something about it now would they, in fact they would probably destroy that person's life and get away with no legal charges at all, just more profit. It's the American way. Please understand this is a great deal of the reason we have psychopathic politics and corporations in this country.
I was already pissed off about what has gone on for over a decade in my life and the organized harassment which is set up in the United States and the Five Eyes countries to sabotage activists, whistleblowers, real journalists, those who have pissed off particular corporations, etc. Last summer in Boise the harassment and abuse was constant, they even went so far as to organize a situation where a car stopped at a cross walk, then started up when I started walking, causing me to fall when I pulled back so the car could not hit me. I spent lots of time being exhausted and sick last summer. Some asshole even called me a pedophile in a park, that is the kind of slander spread about targets. lots of cars have run at me in Boise. Right after comong here, having to leave where I was renting to become homeless a car at a high speed was coming right at me as I crossed the street, I had the light in my favor. Jumping backwards to avoid the car hitting me with a heavy backpack on caused falling backwards. The car continued to come at me as I lay on the ground and barely stopped before running over me. Cops have run cars at me several times and were sitting close by when others have, did nothing about it because they are involved. Last summer when I fell it caused several injuries. My ankle was really bad. This happened right after heavy gangstalking, lots of it from cops around the 4th of July.
There will be swearing. So if you have issues with the way intelligent people use words you can fuck off. I was already pissed and while writing another post on homelessness abuse saw an article about what Donald Trump said in California about the homeless. I called Nancy Pellosi's staff, the Mayor's staff in L.A. and HUD to express my opinions and how disgusted I am to have a president of the United State gin up his Army of Weaponized Morons to attack the homeless after his administration has done nothing about homelessness but cut funding and demonize.
Is that what went on here in Boise last summer? Unlike what many think, that Trump is fighting the intelligence agencies and the Democrats have control of them the opposite is happening. The CIA is a bunch of radical right wingers imposing their distorted and twisted ideals upon this country, it has gone on for decades. Trump is their new puppet along with being the puppet of the world oligarchy. It also appears that he may have been compromised by certain countries as he supports them above his own people. America Last. The CIA and other agencies control every damn thing, target people with drugs, destroy other countries, overthrow elected leaders, have infiltrated everything including having CIA agents embedded into the FBI and run organized harassment programs against their own people to subvert the Constitution. They are imbedded in all agencies and compromise our politicians in order to control them. The Phoenix Program is being used on those who speak up to implement changes.
The brainwashed that follow Trump will never be able to understand that he uses vulnerable people who don't have power to fight back, can't hire PR firms, sue him for slander or to fight for their rights. The entities which do speak up for the homeless have had their funding cut and Trump puppets put in charge of them. Last time he ran for president he used immigrants as his scapegoats, lied his ass off about everything. Now he is using the homeless for scapegoats, like Thom Hartman said this trip to California is an experiment to see if that propaganda is going to fly. What should happen is the destruction of his candidacy, but the ill informed, phrase repeating idiots who follow him will probably start repeating the lies Trump tells constantly. They will also step up the harassment and hatred of the homeless, the whole country will become like Boise Idaho. It was really bad here all spring and summer. They create homelessness and then go after their own victims. That is beyond disturbing.
The United States is no longer a government for and by the people, it's for and by the oligarchy and psychopaths.
What most people do not know is the federal government controls everything that goes on with the homeless. The states are controlled through their regulations and funding requirements. States that don't do what Trump wants as we have seen with California don't get more funding. Without a doubt Trump has done nothing to help the lack of affordable housing issue due to this campaign propaganda stream using the homeless he planned. It isn't just the use of the homeless for his campaign, it is a plan to use the homelessness problem to demonize the Democrats for his campaign to gin up the idiots. He uses misinformation on every level to do that.
I studied the propaganda streams in 2018. They control people on YouTube by planting information strategically. Those chosen have sociopathic qualities. Different streams are engineered to suck in different categories of people for brainwashing.
Thom Hartman discusses the Mormons in Utah putting people into housing. They haven't really solved the homeless problem in Utah, but it got better. Utah also participates in giving homeless people bus tickets or having vans take them somewhere else to get rid of them. Where I am they will do just about anything to get rid of the homeless, I should know.
I have huge issues with Mormons because large numbers of them participate in organized stalking and harassment for the government. Among them are many FBI and CIA agents, so they suck their people up into working for contractors doing criminal activity against good people to suppress the Constitutional Rights of those who may affect a positive change and FFS they can't allow a positive change to happen. I actually have issues with any group of people that believe in nutty things to facilitate them trying to control everyone and everything around them.
Donald Trump you are a Son of a Bitch! Scapegoating the Homeless Due to the Bad Decisions of Your Fucked up constant chaos Administration it is likely you are compromised by other countries considering what has been going on.
The Narcissistic Conspiracy: Scapegoating, Smear Campaigns And Black Sheep – How Narcissistic Groups Bully Their Chosen Victims
The target fulfills the following roles:
- As a convenient scapegoat. They take the blame for any errors or mistakes the narcissistic group or leaders don’t want to be held accountable for.
- They become the outlet for any projections, rage, dissatisfaction that the group wants to dump on them.
- A target for an ongoing smear campaign in which the narcissistic individuals involved spread rumors, gossip and misinformation to make you look like a “troublemaker.” This ensures that other group members also fear calling out the toxic dynamics of the group because they don’t wish to be associated with you or your “antics.”
- To obscure the truth and further the group’s selfish agenda, whatever that might be.
- They stroke the narcissist’s ego – they are made to feel diminished so that the narcissists in the group feel superior. It feels especially gratifying for them to take down a person who is more successful and well-liked (at least initially before scapegoating begins) than they are.
- They are used to strengthen closer alliances among the already existing cliques in the group. Membership in the group is emphasized and seen as exclusive and coveted because there are “outsiders” who can’t get in.
Narcissists use others with issues as their "flying monkeys" to help them damage the target or targets. They then begin to do harm by repeating lies, sabotaging, blocking success etc. of their victim. In most places doing this as a group is not illegal but many of the tactics for individuals are. We can't even get legislation against this in the workplace because corporations use these tactics to get rid of or destroy good employees. If Big Pharma is shoving a massive narcotic epidemic down the throats of the citizens they wouldn't want a person who has empathy, ethics and morals who works for them to say something about it now would they, in fact they would probably destroy that person's life and get away with no legal charges at all, just more profit. It's the American way. Please understand this is a great deal of the reason we have psychopathic politics and corporations in this country.
I was already pissed off about what has gone on for over a decade in my life and the organized harassment which is set up in the United States and the Five Eyes countries to sabotage activists, whistleblowers, real journalists, those who have pissed off particular corporations, etc. Last summer in Boise the harassment and abuse was constant, they even went so far as to organize a situation where a car stopped at a cross walk, then started up when I started walking, causing me to fall when I pulled back so the car could not hit me. I spent lots of time being exhausted and sick last summer. Some asshole even called me a pedophile in a park, that is the kind of slander spread about targets. lots of cars have run at me in Boise. Right after comong here, having to leave where I was renting to become homeless a car at a high speed was coming right at me as I crossed the street, I had the light in my favor. Jumping backwards to avoid the car hitting me with a heavy backpack on caused falling backwards. The car continued to come at me as I lay on the ground and barely stopped before running over me. Cops have run cars at me several times and were sitting close by when others have, did nothing about it because they are involved. Last summer when I fell it caused several injuries. My ankle was really bad. This happened right after heavy gangstalking, lots of it from cops around the 4th of July.
I'm going on the warpath against this hate and abuse of vulnerable people, locally and nationally. Your lies will not win.
The Republicans are corporate, intelligence controlled bullies blaming the victims of their heinous policies and blocking as much help for the homeless as they can. Clear cut truth. The CIA is controlling everything in this country and has been for decades and it includes Donald Trump. Trump is not taking the CIA down like so many think, he's using them to benefit the oligarchy which has been SOP for decades. The CIA is the army of the oligarchy, first mainly in other countries but for decades harming their own people, their attack against the people of the United States is now about to go full scale, they have been attacking a subset in an experiment. Wake up from your reality shows people and do some reality research! I don't like the Democrats either, both parties are corrupt as hell and most certainly not working for the people of this country, both sides lie and use propaganda, but the Republicans will use propaganda and convince the public it is spread by the Democrats.
Maybe you could fire or run off some more of the sociopathics
you surround yourself with Donald Trump. California is being used as a punching bag by you
constantly. You use California like a school yard bully uses a kid who wears
glasses. You sound like an ignorant punk, the leader of a gang sending your underlings
out to harm the vulnerable so you can feel like you are something. You do not represent
my country, you do not represent who the people of the United States are, except for a subset of hating angry bullies.
As I wrote about homelessness and abuse in Boise Idaho last
night before last I checked the weather and an article popped up on my phone that made me
even more angry about the comments Donald Trump made about the homeless in California. Fro two days I was on the verge of tears or crying or ranting.
We have people living in our... best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings... where people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes, where they went to those locations because of the prestige.
Is the president appalled that people in the United States are forced to live like this due to the lack of caring about people for decades in this country? No.
Donald Trump was a developer, he is one of the bastards who helped gentrify, tear down buildings that the low income people lived in which contributed to a large amount of the homelessness. Does he understand that he is not acting as a damn developer, but as a president of a country where he is responsible for the welfare of everyone, especially the poor? No. He is speaking for wealthy property owners, investors from other countries and himself. He helped create the homelessness problem and now is trying to harm the homeless.
First he hates immigrants and wants to run them out of the country unless it's the one he is married to. Now he wants to demonize his own people to benefit other immigrants or property owners. What is the difference between the immigrants Donald Trump hates and the ones he loves? Money, Donald Trump works for the oligarchy all over the world and is clearly compromised and being controlled by other countries.
The CIA is composed of mostly radical right wingers having worked as the army of the oligarchy for decades, well even the precursor the OSS did that. First it was for U.S. corporate interests and now it's worldwide oligarchic interests.
We have people living in our... best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings... where people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes, where they went to those locations because of the prestige.
Is the president appalled that people in the United States are forced to live like this due to the lack of caring about people for decades in this country? No.
Donald Trump was a developer, he is one of the bastards who helped gentrify, tear down buildings that the low income people lived in which contributed to a large amount of the homelessness. Does he understand that he is not acting as a damn developer, but as a president of a country where he is responsible for the welfare of everyone, especially the poor? No. He is speaking for wealthy property owners, investors from other countries and himself. He helped create the homelessness problem and now is trying to harm the homeless.
First he hates immigrants and wants to run them out of the country unless it's the one he is married to. Now he wants to demonize his own people to benefit other immigrants or property owners. What is the difference between the immigrants Donald Trump hates and the ones he loves? Money, Donald Trump works for the oligarchy all over the world and is clearly compromised and being controlled by other countries.
The CIA is composed of mostly radical right wingers having worked as the army of the oligarchy for decades, well even the precursor the OSS did that. First it was for U.S. corporate interests and now it's worldwide oligarchic interests.
Our president as I have known for quite some time is
pathological as others have been, that is why they are chosen. He is a bully, but that is a symptom of a bigger issue and I do not
agree that he is a narcissist, oh he is one, but the narcissism along with the
bullying are part of the symptoms of a worse issue. Most of those who are labeled
narcissists actually have this issue secondary to something else. Ask yourself
this, why is president Trump surrounded by a group of people I call the
sociopathics (narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths). They recognize each other
and work together. They have among them con artists manipulating for money, sex
and power.
Jeffrey Epstein was not just a pedophile, he was connected to the intelligence community helping with gun/drug operations, the pedophilia was used for compromise. Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile, but he was many things. The pedophilia has been used as a diversion from the rest of the story.
There is a huge propaganda stream right now trying to paint the Democrats as the only party which has these kinds of people. The Republicans got a head start on allowing corruption to rule this country, so what is the reason for the recent massive propaganda. It’s all about getting President Trump elected by people who want to use his presidency to change things for themselves within this country and in other countries. We can't let him get elected again, but then what kind of creature would replace him. The powers that be will not allow a good person on the side of the people to be elected.
To sociopathics lies are tools, they use lies to target audiences. In 2017 when I studied the propaganda streams it was clear to me that the reason it had gotten worse is Trump is using our intelligence agencies to manipulate the population for the heinous corporate class and to help himself get elected again in 2020.
Jeffrey Epstein was not just a pedophile, he was connected to the intelligence community helping with gun/drug operations, the pedophilia was used for compromise. Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile, but he was many things. The pedophilia has been used as a diversion from the rest of the story.
There is a huge propaganda stream right now trying to paint the Democrats as the only party which has these kinds of people. The Republicans got a head start on allowing corruption to rule this country, so what is the reason for the recent massive propaganda. It’s all about getting President Trump elected by people who want to use his presidency to change things for themselves within this country and in other countries. We can't let him get elected again, but then what kind of creature would replace him. The powers that be will not allow a good person on the side of the people to be elected.
To sociopathics lies are tools, they use lies to target audiences. In 2017 when I studied the propaganda streams it was clear to me that the reason it had gotten worse is Trump is using our intelligence agencies to manipulate the population for the heinous corporate class and to help himself get elected again in 2020.
This country is in a huge crisis, our Constitution is nearly dead, our courts are corrupt, those who tell the truth and try to fix the problems are being targeted for destruction. Money has been accumulated in massive amounts in the bank accounts of psychopaths who want to rule over others. Those without conscience who only care about money and power are destroying the world. Donald Trump was put into place for their protection, he is one of them, he is their president. As a homeless person it has been made clear to me he is not my president, he is instead at war with me.
Donald Trump is also the president of those who don’t have a
lot of money, but would also like to harm “others’ they are being directed to
blame. They are the bullies in our communities. I am very familiar with those
bullies, here in Boise Idaho there is a very large subset of them in the
population and no police regulation of them because the Boise Police are with
them. This subset of the population in the United States has been given license
to go after those Donald Trump’s overlords want out of their way. They created
homelessness and now they are going to use the homeless as scapgoats.
They gentrified the cities destroying the lower cost housing
for the haves, the have nots were run off, many became homeless. There was
little housing created to replace what was removed from the pool for those
living on Social Security or working low paying jobs. Remember in NAZI Germany
they went after the disabled first, before the Jews. Bullies always go after
the vulnerable who have no power that they see as a burden or people who are
just in their way.
At this point in time we have had cuts to Section 8 housing no matter how many lies HUD staff spiel that has not happened. Worker's pay is not enough to pay the rents. Predatory landlords are unregulated so the
cost of rent keeps soaring. That leads to homelessness. I was told by a senate
staffer that Ben Carson who recently came to this area supposedly to help with
the housing crisis told them he was trying to find more money for Section 8
housing. I immediately said, what the hell, they have cut Section 8 voucher
funding and plan to do more of that.
I guess Ben Carson’s tour of bullshit was the precursor to
Donald Trump’s trip to California where he would use the homeless problem to
demonize them like he does all the time. What an asshole. California has a huge
population so of course they are going to have more homeless people to begin
with. They have good weather so people who have to live outside go there. A homeless
woman who was looking for a job in Alaska, having just come from California was
of course traumatized at the shelter, then realized she was the victim of the
political lies that Alaska had lots of jobs and said she was going back to
California or to Hawaii for the winter due to having to live outside. Lots of
homeless people have said to me they were going to a warmer place for the winter.
Big cities such as Los Angeles are built up with no new places to build housing, they are stuck with what they have. Certainly if housing was built in areas with more open spaces outside the big cities many homeless people would be glad to relocate to have housing. This of course could create communities of outcasts who are not mainstreamed into society and make getting jobs harder. The homeless who are elderly or disabled may actually be very happy to get out of a big city and go somewhere they can enjoy life after being traumatized for years.
Big cities such as Los Angeles are built up with no new places to build housing, they are stuck with what they have. Certainly if housing was built in areas with more open spaces outside the big cities many homeless people would be glad to relocate to have housing. This of course could create communities of outcasts who are not mainstreamed into society and make getting jobs harder. The homeless who are elderly or disabled may actually be very happy to get out of a big city and go somewhere they can enjoy life after being traumatized for years.
The federal government never factors into their homelessness propaganda the fact that they
cut funding for affordable housing or never gave the cities enough money to put
in the shelters they needed. The general population does not know the federal
government controls everything that has to do with the homeless. The shelters
are designed by FEMA, there is surveillance of the homeless required, etc. They
use non-profits for homeless shelters to decrease control with regulations to cover up
problems. HUD uses non-profits to supposedly regulate fair housing, in Boise
they don’t actually do that, they block those complaining about unfair housing
practices, my phone calls were diverted and many corrupt things have happpened. It is difficult to communicate with HUD and if one does, nothing happens. Promises of finding out info and calling back are lies.
Trump likes to say the cities with lots of homelessness are
run by Democrats, but the federal government is in control of homelessness and
has intentionally helped create it. They allowed for decades people to be displaced
from housing so people like Donald Trump could make a profit as a developer. He screwed people
in many ways like so many others. Now that there is a crisis because so many
don’t have housing the victims of neoliberal capitalism are of course being
made into scapegoats.
TRUMP: Although some of them have mental
problems where they don’t even know they’re living that way. In fact, perhaps
they like living that way. They can’t do that.
Homeless advocates generally regard
the idea that people choose to be homeless as a dangerous myth,
though there is some evidence that people choose to be on the streets rather than turn to shelters.
TRUMP: We cannot ruin our cities.
And you have people that work in those cities. They work in office buildings
and to get into the building, they have to walk through a scene that nobody
would have believed possible three years ago.
And this is the liberal
establishment. This is what I’m fighting. They — I don’t know if they’re afraid
of votes. I don’t know if they really believe that this should be taking place.
But it’s a terrible thing that’s taking place. And we may be —
“TRUMP: It’s a phenomena that started two years ago.
He’s an uninformed idiot.
TRUMP: Although some of them have mental problems where they don’t even know they’re living that way. In fact, perhaps they like living that way. They can’t do that.
Mayor Berkowitz in Anchorage Alaska went to Beans Cafe and asked the homeless if they preferred to be homeless or have housing. All but one guy said they wanted housing. I was there. Many prefer not to be in the shelters because they are horrible and not safe on many levels and most certainly were designed to be that way by evil intent.
These are very old disproved myths about the homeless being used by Trump to get his followers who are as ignorant as him to go after the homeless. The main reasons for homelessness are lack of housing, more specific is lack of affordable housing, poor pay, predatory landlords, dysfunction of our government, destruction of affordable housing and immoral people in charge of the country, like Trump.
TRUMP: We cannot ruin our cities. And you have people that work in those cities. They work in office buildings and to get into the building, they have to walk through a scene that nobody would have believed possible three years ago.
Now Trump who doesn't give one shit about the environment and has been cutting EPA regulations is having the EPA target San Francisco for political reasons. He uses the agencies of the United States government as weapons.
Trump says San Francisco is in 'total violation' of environmental codes over homeless population
"They have to clean it up. We can’t have our cities going to hell," Trump said.
As it turns out San Francisco has a system that filters out all solids before water goes into the bay, including needles. Once again Donald Trump fails, is a bully and doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. I for one am sick of him. We need to turn this country around and do something about homelessness and the massive bullying encouraged by putrid role models like him.
As it turns out San Francisco has a system that filters out all solids before water goes into the bay, including needles. Once again Donald Trump fails, is a bully and doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. I for one am sick of him. We need to turn this country around and do something about homelessness and the massive bullying encouraged by putrid role models like him.
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