
The 'School Students' Minivan Shawn Christy is Accused of Stealing Was Found in West Virginia, LEOs Need to Present More Evidence or is This a School Play, WV Hillbillies Issue Threats

Once again, law enforcement gives the public one photo with no other evidence

The minivan Shawn Christy is accused of stealing was found in West Virginia. There are no videos of Shawn from that area being produced for the news media by law enforcement. Didn't West Virginia get the weaponized street surveillance cameras that are everywhere else? Don't businesses there have security cameras? Surely somewhere there is a video of Shawn driving through an intersection or was it not him that drove the minivan to WV? They are using a screen shot or Lahovsied shot from what they claim is video in Pennsylvania, that doesn't make any sense unless they can provide more information, which they never do.

Maybe I missed it but where are the witnesses? All we have are, yea we hear he was in our town, or the people around the Christys when their home was raided by jackbooted LEOs. I probably have not seen all the news media videos but so far have not heard one witness who says they saw the minivan with the 'School Students' signs along with numbers and other words, nor one witness brought forward about the school he was accused of breaking into saying they saw him walking by or running away, nor a screen shot of a video.  I saw no video or pictures of the minivan in West Virginia. There was a claim of video surveillance at the deaf school they say he broke into, but no screen shot or Lahovskied photo. Why not? A guy in the video in this link of a report about the deaf school thinks this is about politics, no it is about corruption and misuse of power, false accusations from the past, set ups and more. Another article stated this was reported to them by law enforcement, "Video cameras caught someone Friday night who “strongly resembles” Christy, 27, breaking into the South Abington Township school and stealing food, Clark said. The subject in the video, who was carrying two sacks of food, has the same weight, stature and height as Christy and is wearing the same backpacking gear Christy had in previous surveillance stills. That person dashed to the tree line, giving authorities a place to search Tuesday."
The news media needs to do some research. There is quite a story behind what is happening with Shawn Christy.  

At least this photo looks like Shawn

The only screen shot from video we have been presented with is one they claim is from Wexford Pennsylvania. There is just one shot, this time it at least looks like Shawn. He is wearing a jacket that would be appropriate for just before 5 AM instead of the heavier one from the Hazelton screen shot, if that is actually the time, it has been in the 50s there at night.

My photo evaluation showed it appears legit, but it has of course been Lahovskied or screen shotted and there is no metadata at all. They keep releasing just one photo with no other evidence that proves anything. The photos could be from anywhere. This one appears to be inside a convenience store. They present a scenario which looks like he may possibly be buying gas and something else. That could just be done to manipulate people or it could be true. There are always cameras at gas stations aimed at the pumps because even if people have to pay before pumping there can be problems. Why no picture of the car presented? Is that because this picture is old, from a store Shawn stopped at while traveling last time he took off in a car he owned? Was Shawn at a store on foot? Is this really one of the Dollar General stores he shopped at? What is the date/time stamp, is there a store clerk to testify, why has the news media not interviewed that person? They present this material without any real proof. Shawn may have been doing what is claimed or not. Shawn could have been the one who drove the car with the 'School Students" signs on it to WV or someone else could have. We are not being given proof of anything and law enforcement has a history of lying about Shawn Christy and setting him up.

Some of the hillbillies in WV are going Deliverance on the Christys on FB and making threats. Isn't it interesting how some threats are allowed but others aren't? It is also interesting how some are hunted down for threats against Trump while others are just ignored.

Shawn's threat against Trump was just two days ago removed from his page. FB takes down all kinds of stuff, why would they wait so long for that and no way in hell they did not know about it. Were they asked to leave it up for maximum drama until Trump's rally in Pennsylvania was over? There has been a cyberbullying attack on Shawn's FB page, why hasn't FB done something about that? It should be noted that Shawn Christy stayed away from Trump and the rally wherever he is. He may have stolen that car to get out of the area because of law enforcement menacing him and the threats from locals there to avoid any problems during the rally. The threats from the WV hillbillies are still up. I actually love Hillbillies and know this is just the nasty subset. Here are a couple of the players.

This is Ginger Cartwright who appears to work as a nurses aide in some home health situation.

Shawn has been on the run for about two months now, she doesn't know a thing about what is going on, just gotta talk shit.

This one is Ericka Brooke Atkins. She also likes to issue threats, but doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what is going on. Her FB page looks like she may have tried to go to college to be a nurse, so she is probably a nurses aide too. Being a nurses aide is a great job and a hard one, I've done it, but all these NAs, PCTs or whatever they call them in any given state trying to fake they are nurses is disgusting deception. I have a BSN in nursing and I'm a retired

Update:This screen shot of the threat the shoot Shawn Christy was removed from this blog and other places

There were all kinds of problems in getting these screen shots posted which includes sudden loss of a signal. I know the answer to the question, why is the license missing, because she never had one. A message has been left with the West Virginia Department of Health regarding these two, if they are nurses aids.

There will be more posts of President Trump's subset of evil bullies, there are lots of them. Not all of his supporters are like this, but he propagandizes this subset of his people with his comments and tweets to feel like they are empowered to attack others and harm them. I know from the Palin blog wars, the Zionist bully attacks and the Democrat trolls many of these people are paid to go on attack by contractors.  

Disinformation campaign is waging against Shawn Christy

There are idiots posting all over the internet that Shawn is a liberal, is ANTIFA or that he is a survivalist. He is none of those things.

He voted for Trump, but unlike Trump's trailer park followers Shawn is intelligent and after watching what has gone on figured out what our president is.

Shawn is pissed off and not just about the injustice, he also wants his property back, he never got it back from when he was arrested in Austin Texas. Then there was the car he left with someone in Montana when he took a Greyhound bus and ended up in Texas. Greyhound I know from personal experience works in cooperation with law enforcement and let them take my suitcase with files off  one of their buses, then treated me despicably when I was upset it was gone. No way the feds did not know he was on that bus. He had a warrant for his arrest and his parents were making comments to the local corrupt cabal that the feds did not want to arrest Shawn because he was working on the books, at a homeless shelter, did an interview with a reporter and they did not arrest him. Why is that, did they have some plans?

Shawn is not a survivalist, he is a bushcrafter. One day he posted the book shown below on his FB page, which Craig Christy now has on his. It was my favorite book from childhood. It should still be in storage in the town I ran from where the cops were the drug dealers, misused HIDTA money, then years later there was an unbelievable drug and selling of guns to Mexican drug lords scandal and my employer with the help of local politicians was committing massive Medicaid fraud. I was a whistleblower, blown off when I reported it, gaslighted, then gangstalked by cops, but the good cops helped me. My stuff has been in storage there since 2002 when I had to run. That was when the whole process of starting to learn our agencies and especially the FBI have huge problems and are not necessarily primarily about their stated missions nor do they give a damn about how the money in the budget is spent or the people of this country, this includes the legislators I contacted back then. Years later events demonstrated the stories I had told for years were true. No law enforcement of any kind ever contacted me about it. The experiences some of us have gone through have been a huge education, but most of the population is utterly clueless. For one thing research has to be done, lots of reading and the two party system used to divide us is used to compartmentalize and block the ability to see the whole story.

The other thing about Shawn is he grew up with parents who respect nature and use plants for medicinal purposes. Shawn is also part Mohawk and they have Native spiritual practices, which are always about nature and the earth.

Is Shawn in the woods behind his parent's home or did he drive a minivan to West Virginia? Is he on a mission to somewhere else? I have no idea, but law enforcement has not provided any evidence I can believe at this point. Shawn wrote these words, it is why they can't find him. "I'm trying to be like Turkey, it's more elusive than Deer. It can be somewhere, then disappear in a moments notice right before your eyes." Karen Christy says there is evidence Shawn was in Canada and he was with his Native brothers. When I mentioned that either Shawn Christy is a shapeshifter, this is a intel school play or he has help Craig Christy said, "Shapeshifting is our gift from our Native heritage."

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