I Received a Mystery Pop Up Recording? The Top Said, "Conference Call" of Jenny 'Task Force' Moore Last Wednesday related to the Shawn Christy Investigation, Then She Died Last Monday
I have been receiving lots of harassment from flying monkeys, some of them of course are law enforcement/security contractors about the Shawn Christy case, others are players in the cabal that set Shawn Christy up in McAdoo PA, others are the nut job type Trump supporters (not all of them are like that) and then there is Boise Idaho's army of weaponized morons who stalk and harass me. I have posted before about the threats to Shawn, including deaths threats. At the same time lots of harassing not fact based statements are coming from US Marshal Clark during interviews with the news media. He presents exaggerations designed to hype threat claims about Shawn, this program is often described as 'discredit and disrupt.' I believe this is not just done to discredit Shawn but to also further harm Karen and Craig Christy, certainly it is known that Craig is in ill health having lots of seizures and G.I. bleeding. Having to listen to lies about Shawn is disturbing considering what has gone on with the US Marshals out of Alaska and Pennsylvania and causes massive stress affecting health. Those lies have gone on for a very long time. It's amazing how they are able to sustain such BS for so long despite the truth being available.I also have had a recent G.I. bleed and an eye bleed due to multiple stressors and they block me from real health care, just as they do to all targets. They intentionally use stress and PTSD triggering to cause people to have problems who speak out, know things they don't want disclosed, are activists, are whistleblowers, or just because a powerful person or corporate psychopath wants them dead. The Christys certainly know things a powerful person does not want to be told, but now there are others due to years of them being used as proxies by that narcissist bent on destruction of the Christys.
It is impossible to get to all of the threats and abuse, but I will provide a sample of a crazy group of contact comments from my blog, not regular comments, these go to my email, made by some twisted bastard(s) trying to mind-fu*k me. It seems to be mainly one crazy bastard.
This is what goes on in the background of targeted individuals, people contacting people about anything you are involved in and spread falsities, even horrible lies, but this sicko is attempting to discredit the Christys and also myself to myself demonstrating how crazy he is. He doesn't know much about me if he thinks his twisted BS would change what I think about the Christys. They spread lies to our neighbors and relatives, I have even had them go into stores and lie that I am shoplifting. This is done to cause problems for targets and facilitate isolation. They destroy careers and force us into homelessness. They get false mental health diagnoses made on targets who often do not even know it happened. The practitioners who do this for them are often incompetent, inexperienced or compromised. The target does not know what was told to people but gets treated rudely, gaslighted, snubbed, ignored, sabotaged and set up. These lies give people justification to take money or get favors or things like big screen TVs or Hawaiian vacations, help with car and home loans or decreases in legal charges in exchange for torturing other people.
I do not have any sympathy for these people anymore which includes law enforcement who should investigate rather than perspetrate. For a very long time I tried to explain to many people what is going on, even showed them videos at the apartments where I have been renting, they continue to lie to me and do nothing. Gangstalkers were selected based on sociopathic tendencies and that includes the gangstalking cops who are compartmentalized, but most of them know what they are doing is wrong or they are committing crimes. I worked in a mentally ill legal offender unit a long time ago called, 'Competency Evaluation and Treatment Program.' The point was to find out did the offender know the difference between right and wrong at the time of the crime. The mental illness may not play a role in that at all, one can be very mentally ill and still know they should not kill or assault people as well as being a high functioning and very nice person. If the offender was hallucinating a giant cockroach was coming at them, but it was actually a human and they grabbed a baseball bat beating it in the head that is what most of us would do in the same horrifying situation, so they are not generally held accountable like a person who did not know it was a person they were beating. These people gangstalking me know what they are doing is wrong, they do not care just wanting the benefits reaped for doing so and believe illogical lies to justify doing wrong. Day before yesterday I had some experiences that have changed how I will be dealing with this situation. It is impossible to protect myself while being reasonable and nice to people whose goal is to slowly kill me.
Most of these cyberbully flying monkey trolls have sociopathic tendencies, especially the paid trolls, just like gangstalkers. They are cowards hiding behind anonymity. It is shocking how many of them there are. They were more controlled in the past by societal expectations, but those expectations have changed.
This guy below, if he was the one who posted this was not anonymous, but is trying to stir up shit and wants me to be paranoid. I saw the threads long before he mentioned it, they were a bunch of losers.
I thought this next one was odd at the time. I do not know the intentions but wonder due to some other issues if he was fishing for whether the contact form had any IP tracer on it. It is possible this person was sincere, but considering the rest of them may be related.
More cray, cray.
This one was very difficult to post here, a screen shot did not work, then it disappeared out of my files. I found an old screen shot on my cell phone of it, then I had to try a couple times to transfer it to blogger. No problems with any of the others or posting it on FB. Does someone want it hidden? It was posted as if it was Shawn Christy and it was hard to tell one way or the other because this seems like him. After receiving several of these I am sure it was not Shawn. You will see why further down.
Of course the email is fake, all whitehouse.gov belong to the White House.
There are these kinds of comments and people get them about me. There is no point to this other than harassment from some sociopath. What this person writes furthers my belief he is s sociopath and seems to be delusional. They make snide little comments about targets to try and make another person change their thinking about them. It never works on me, instead I psychoanalyze the bullies. Craig has days he doesn't eat for long periods right now for obvious reasons.
This creep is an obvious Trump supporter from the pool of bad actor where much of the threats and harassment have come from. This went on with the Christys and myself for a long time. I was not a fan of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president, but it was my hope Tump's indirect message he would do something about the terrorist watch lists meant he would do something about the gangstalking. The terrorizing of American Citizens who are innocent for whistleblowing, activism, truth telling, journalism and pissing off the powerful and corporate entities has gotten much worse under Trump, he lied. More tax payer dollars are being funneled to security contractors paying people to torture others and the continued made up crimes and hyped up threats by the FBI, in this case also the US Marshals and local law enforcement in Pennsylvania will insure that more people like Shawn Christy will become angry enough to issue a threat to President Trump and others. Shawn is right, in Trump the citizens did get a lemon, but it is way more complicated than that, the lemon was planned, inserted by Capitalist con artists and the deep state by operatives and the Democrats inserted spies into his cabinet. I don't know which side is more disgusting.
Enjoy the 24/7 surveillance? What an ass. No one tells me what to do and I will obstruct whatever needs obstructing.
These harassing posts about the Christys have gone on for nearly a decade along with a massive smear and lying campaign. That is part of the operation. The trolls would tell them lies to send them down rabbit holes about Shawn's case as disruption. I do have PTSD, layer upon layer and so do the Christys of course. That is a trauma illness and in this case intentionally inflicted, one layer of trauma upon another. Yesterday I had yet another experience with this from some public employees. The below theme that targets are mentally ill is constant and also comes from law enforcement who participate in the stalking and harassment.
Below is another death threat against Shawn Christy, but law enforcement will not take this seriously, we know that by their history, the Christys have reported them for years. They allow this to go on for long periods of time from these MAGA bullying maggots and others, then when the target of these threats says, keep it up I'll put a bullet in your head as soon as I put one in the head of the president (MAGA) it is used to justify a manhunt and press releases claiming the person is armed and dangerous. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my two sisters would start punching my arms, I told them to knock it off, they kept on, I called out "Mom", she kept doing her crossword puzzle. Finally when all I could do was hit them back my mother responded. Adults are needed to respond when the first threats are issued, but with our law enforcement we do not have adults in charge, we have adolescent agent provocateurs who believe any illogical lies they are told.
I redacted the email he used because it could be someone else's and I don't want that person harassed.
Here he is pretending to be Shawn Christy again using a fake email, the first one was not Shawn either.
This next one shows what this person is, he belongs to the subset of Trump supporters who dwell in early adolescence as a continuous junior high school bully. These authoritarian followers who like all bullies are cowards and only act with others in a group have been empowered by President Trump to feel free to let their sadistic moronic inner selves go wild. These are the same group of people who were making threatening comments about Shawn Christy on Facebook. Interesting how FB was OK with that and is removing large numbers of pages at the request of the government, very interesting.
He makes America Suck Again, no greatness in anything this sick bastard does.
Now he issues a threat to me. I would never take Ambien. When he says he is a drunk I believe him.
Where's PART TWO? Dafqu is it at?
I want part two. Did you sell out already like Bernie Sanders?
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