

We have put sanctions on selling any equipment to Iran which would allow them to refine their oil. Sanctions on Iran are being increased to include fuel and south America could be their suppliers of energy. Somehow this is supposed to stop them from having nuclear weapons. I guess it is the money factor they make their assumptions on. Of course those who oppose US imperialism are going to cooperate with Iran. Hillary Clinton has recently stated that Latin American countries should not be dealing with Iran and said Iran is the leading promoter of terrorism. I am sure she says that because everyone knows there have never been any terrorist in South America(dripping with sarcasm) and none of them have been funded by the United States, no, of course not. Iran has been establishing trade relationships with Latin America and Mahmoud Ahmadinajad has visited Brazil, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Clinton said the US has no problem with China having business deals with Iran(what about the military assistance from China?), but does not want Iranian influence in South America. She further stated that those who have dealings with Iran will suffer consequences and those who don't will be supported by the US. That sounds like a threat to me.

"We need to make it absolutely an article of faith that any leader elected must not just further his own position and his power base(because this never happens in the US), , but respect the right of the people who elected him and build up the democracy so that democratic development and economic development can go hand in hand," Hillary Clinton said. In light of what has gone on with the economy, bailouts, backtracking by President Obama, continuation of Bush policies that hamper civil rights, the reality that we are not getting real health care reform, Obama's interference in the judicial system to allow war crimes to go unpunished, and our involvement with coups to get rid of democratically elected presidents in Latin America I guess all I can say is the pot sure likes to call the kettle black.

From the Air Force's Military Construction Budget for 2010 page 219:
Read it yourself and see what you think their real purpose in Colombia is. This is the original document apparently a second document has been released with some of the original wording removed or changed. It is clear this particular base is not about the war on drugs, that is a smoke screen. It is well known the growing of Poppies and Marijuana are about the poor people trying to make a living. Changing their circumstances is the way to reduce the drug trade.

Location (CSL) at Palanquero best supports the COCOM's Theater Posture Strategy and demonstrates our commitment to this relationship. Development of this CSL provides a unique opportunity for full spectrum operations in a critical sub region of our hemisphere where security and stability is under constant threat from narcotics funded terrorist insurgencies, anti-US governments, endemic poverty and recurring natural disasters.

Access to Columbia will further its strategic partnership with the United States. The strong security cooperation relationship also offers an opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America to include mitigating the Counternarcotics capability. Palanquero is unquestionably the best site for investing in infrastructure development within Columbia. Its central location is within reach of Andean Ridge counter narco-terrorist operations areas; the superb runway and existing airfield facilities will reduce construction costs; its isolation maximizes Operational Security (OPSEC) and Force Protection and minimizes the U.S. military profile. The intent is to leverage existing infrastructure to the maximum extent possible, improve the U.S. ability to respond rapidly to crisis, and assure regional access and presence at minimum cost. Palanquero supports the mobility mission by providing access to the entire South American continent with the exception of the Cape Horn region if fuel is available, and over half of the continent unrefueled. Although the runway is fully capable of supporting strategic airlift and refueling airframes, the associated taxiway and ramp/apron areas are deficient and in their current configurations, severely limiting the extended operational capabilities of this location. Additionally, the operations and support facilities need to be expanded to service the U.S. aircraft anticipated in the area for future mission requirements. Limited operations could be accomplished with expeditionary resources utilizing the existing infrastructure, but sustained operations require minimal construction outlined in this document.

If these upgrades are not accomplished, it will severely limit the ability of USSOUTHCOM to support the U.S. Global Defense Posture (GDP) Strategy which directs development of a comprehensive and integrated presence and basing strategy aligned with the principles of developing relationships with partner nations, ensuring mutual benefits between US and partner nations, limited restrictions on U.S. freedom of action by partner nations and appropriate sharing of costs. Not funding this project will limit USSOUTHCOM to four other CSLs which are restricted to supporting aerial counter narcotics missions only and two other locations that, while not mission restricted, are too distant to accommodate mission requirements in the AOR.

Development of this CSL will further the strategic partnership forged between the U.S. and Columbia and is in the interest of both nations, and improves the U.S. ability to respond rapidly to crisis, and assuring regional access and presence at minimal cost. A presence will also increase our capability to conduct intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), improve global reach, support logistics requirements, improve partnerships, improve theater security cooperation, and expand expeditionary warfare capability.

This facility can be used by other components on an "as available" basis; however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirements. Palanquero will provide joint use capability to U.S. Army, Air Force, Marine, and U. S. Interagency aircraft and personnel in addition to building partner capacity of the Columbian forces.


Here is another fabulous report from Al Jazeera,  about the U.S. bases going into Colombia.

Why do we continue to allow the poor and powerless to suffer for the sins of our societies? They put their lives on the line in military, don't get rescued during disasters, go without health care, and can't find jobs. I am just referring to the United States so far, if we think so little of our poor those in other countries are as we know even worse off. Why are we allowing a select few to have our resources when our lives could be so different? Why are we allowing our population to be dumbed down when we each as individuals can do something about that ourselves?

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