The phone message was left by Paul Domalakes on Tuesday May 29th, on Wednesday June 6th a bench warrant was issued for failure to appear. That was a set up. If there had been a mistake this Paul Domalakes should have been speaking up saying someone told him the wrong information or something. He did not because he was part of the set up. The operation had been planned over along time and involved several agencies.
I don't even have to ask the Christys if they contacted the DA, the PDs etc. to say what the hell is going on after Shawn was told the hearing was canceled and a bench warrant was issued. This kind of thing happens all the time to set up targets the government wants to just lock up. They did it for decades in bush Alaska and they did it to me. A corrupt judge and ADA along with yes, the public defender set me up by just not telling me of a hearing when I had no reason to expect one. They worked with two sociopathic brothers, allowed them to commit several crimes against me. They were never charged for any of them, no answers as to why. This is why I know what the Christys say is true. They did this to the Native Alaskans for decades. The fake watch lists, the fake FISA warrants the corrupt government and law enforcement have a very small play book, they keep doing the same things over and over to people being targeted. Those who don't go along with these crimes are run out of the court system, that leaves a core of sociopaths running the justice system.
When the corruption is pointed out the target is ignored and nothing is done about it. Our justice system has been destroyed. Pennsylvania is the state where judges were sending kids to prison for profit. Who thinks this went on for so long while parents did not make many complaints? The people who are being harmed are ignored by the psychopaths who use the system for profit or to get something they want. Sometimes the players are compromised in some way to get them to go along or just shut them up.
Yesterday everyone was concerned when Shawn was not allowed to contact anyone for 3 days. There were fears of course he had been beaten and might be in a hospital because prisons often do not tell families even about hospital admissions of inmates.
They told the news media it took 6 guys to take Shawn back to the prison, that's probably a show they were putting on and may have been an excuse to assault him. It is still unknown if Shawn is actually OK. He has been assaulted by LEOs before and as everyone knows that is common practice in the United States now.
I called the warden who did not tell me much other than Shawn was OK. I am not family of course so no details to me and I wasn't trying to get any, just wanted to make sure Shawn was OK. There was a very important piece of info they did not want to talk about. I mentioned that Shawn's reaction to the corruption of the officers of the court was normal including the swearing, so why is he in solitary not being allowed to contact anyone. Judge John Domalakes was behind the whole thing continuing a discrediting campaign.
Later it was revealed to Jessica Hoon Eckert that Shawn was placed on a psych hold over the week end. This was ordered after Judge (but not a real one) John Domalakes denied Shawn the right to present evidence and call a witness to protect his malfeasant brother Paul Domalakes from being exposed as the corrupt bastard that he is. Telling a corrupt judge to go fuck himself is not a sign of mental illness, in this case after a decade of this bullshit it is a sign of frustration and anger. What they really want is for Shawn to try and physically assault someone. They do these things out in the open but news media never reports the stories, they are complicit. The fact that Shawn has not assaulted anyone is a miracle after all he has been put through. They charged him with assault after he was assaulted, then covered up the evidence. The corrupt that just had just happened was a bail hearing for it.
It wasn't Judge Baldwin that recused himself, ordered the 72 hour psych hold on Shawn, gave him $50,000 straight bail, it was Domalakes. That son of a bitch! It was done to stall Shawn from talking to people on the outside and giving any phone interviews and try to provoke him for an excuse to discredit, charge with a crime or have a psych eval. Isolating him from family is another tactic they use to psychologically harm inmates. It is all done intentionally.
Now Shawn is being kept in a unit where he is not allowed phone calls or visitors without a counselor. He should have a hearing in a couple days to determine if they will continue to keep him in that unit and psych hold.
Shawn had a normal reaction to the situation, it would have been abnormal if he was not angry.
Sending Shawn for psych evals in an attempt to discredit him is old news in this decade long attack on him. The results of the first one came back the day Sarah Palin announced her resignation as governor.Shawn Christy’s Psych Eval Was Done on July 3rd 2009, the Day Sarah Palin Resigned. HELLO ! Sexting With a 17 Year Old !
Shawn was just sent once again to NY for a psych eval after he refused to take a crazy plea deal and was found competent and very intelligent. After that he fired his federal public defenders and became pro se because it is the only way he could introduce the evidence in that case into the court. The very intelligent part is why the dots of corruption keep getting connected. It is also why they want to make him look mentally ill. Having normal emotions is not a mental illness. The psychopaths who are running this operation on him don't have normal emotions, but use them to discredit targets. The government seeks to make all targets appear mentally ill, using the courts and prison system for assistance. The psychopaths running everything are threatened by the intelligent people because with a high IQ comes a huge sense of justice.
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