
Pissy Brissy Continues To Tell Lies Disproven Years Ago For Profit. MTV Are You Able To Do Any Research, Do You Enjoy Civil Litigation?

Well golly, gee whiz someone in Kentucky seems interested in a blog post I made before Bristol Palin's massive slanderous and defamatory lies about Shawn Christy were broadcast for millions to see. In between birthing babies and punching hosts of parties in the face Bristol Palin likes to tell huge lies. Shawn Christy was not a "longtime stalker" of Brissy because he was never her stalker. He did not stalk Sarah Palin either, this is another Palin fabrication to use others for publicity and profit.

 From USA Online News:

Bristol explained on air that the man, Shawn Christy, had been “in and out of jail,” but was now “on the run from the law.” This concerned Palin, of course, who figured the only reason the man broke into Dakota’s place was due to her.

Please, this has absolutely nothing to do with Bristol Palin, I could just vomit. Considering law enforcement had been informed that Shawn might be in the area of Dakota Meyer's home and Meyer had been taunting Shawn on his FB page and more trying to encourage him to show up it seems something is clearly wrong here. It is clear that this was an encouraged and orchestrated break in with a vehicle placed at the home for Shawn to take off in. After Meyer taunting and LEOs informed he was in the area by Craig Christy and I posted screen shots of IPs with a map on the FB group 'Shawn Christy Political Prisoner' which law enforcement monitors they were not at the house when Shawn arrived. With all his taunting and threats Dakota Meyer was not even in Kentucky. That is an indication the whole scenario was engineered for this idiotic Teen Mom show on MTV.

Why are they glorifying teenage mothers, it happens that girls get pregnanct and I would not demonize them, but instead say it is an unfortunate situation which should have been prevented through appropriate education in the schools. That appropriate education is something Sarah Palin would like to prevent. I guess that is so her daughter can first become an abstinence profiteer while still fooling around and then profit off getting pregnant as a teenager while telling lies about someone.

The falseness of her lies is old news:

Cops, FBI: No arrest in Palin stalker case


UPDATE: An Alaska State Troopers spokeswoman also says they have no record of arresting Christy. A spokeswoman for the Anchorage Police Department, Anita Shell, also said her office had no record of contact with Christy.
UPDATE: The origin of the story appears to be a February trip Christy took to Alaska, which appears not to have run afoul of the law.

But Eric Gonzalez, a spokesman for the FBI's Anchorage field office, said the stories were utterly false.
The Anchorage office "has not arrested or had any contact with Mr. Christy," he said.

Yes, very old news, but there is no lie like a Palin lie, it never dies because they just keep telling it despite reality. The origins of the lie were Sarah Palin's father, Chuck Heath, it is likely he was told the lie by Sarah Palin.

My post before MTV decided to broadcast the lies far and wide is below. 

Bristol Palin Lies, Shawn Christy Has Never Stalked Her, or the Quitter That Birthed Her. MTV, WTH?

I posted that before the airing of the whole show, secondary to a promo of the lies.  Apparently producers at MTV don't know there are no lies like Palin lies, always massive and backed up by wielding power and using government coffers to pay for organized harassment programs, oh and apparently husbands of Bristol who have government contracting LLCs are used. Just click on the above link to get links to the Palin brawl police recordings where you can hear the Palins lie about lots of people and as a group. That is one reason I call them the Palin Crime Family. You can hear Sarah Palin ask a pile of people rumbling if they, "...know who we are."

There were several witnesses who reported that the Palins lied as a group about what happened, they were the instigators of the problems at the party. Mr. Thompson lost his job for telling the truth, the opposite of what should have happened.Like he says people are afraid to speak up about the Palins because they go after people and destroy their lives.


The lies are a family affair with them, a tradition. All Palin lies are bless-ed and so are their violent acts. Many people have been harmed by them.  

It wasn't just defamation of character that was involved here, she also has interfered with Shawn's ability to get fair trials, the jury pools have now been tainted.  

I have not seen the show as I do not watch TV and certainly not these idiotic reality shows unless I know the people and just can't believe they have sold their souls to pretend BS for money. If there is an extraordinary show on TV I will watch it on the internet.

This is not good Ms. Pissy, you have known for years the crap you are spewing is lies.

Well now, who could this be?

It appears someone in Kentucky is interested in the above post. I wonder who that could be, if he is having a panic attack over this and if he has a right sided USPS vehicle in his drive way.

I am now pretty sure I know where the organized harassment program against me is coming from due to some coincidences. I have lots of the morons used in the operation documented.

The operation on Shawn Christy was planned over years and the lies were built upon lies to fashion a fortress of bullshit for the news media and the idiots who
write for reality TV to believe.

We have a nation of sheep, idiots who believe the lies of bullies and morons. Our country is not going to survive as those who tell the truth are attacked and destroyed on many levels.


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